The Devil President is a Baddy!

Chapter 249: 252 Yihan, I am your mother!

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Hearing these three words, Leng Xichen opened his eyes suddenly.

Su Yihan closed his eyes and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

Did she just confess to him ... just now?

Staring at her sleeping face, he was a little uncertain.

He wanted to wake her up and ask, but he didn't want to delay her rest.

After weighing it over and over again, she decided to let her sleep first. The doctor said that what she needs most now is to take a good rest, otherwise she will be more neurasthenic.

Su Yihan felt very at ease because he was lying in his arms, and soon fell asleep.

He stared at her sleeping face for a while, and although he wanted to continue to hold her like this, thinking that the murderer hadn't found it, he got up and walked out of the room quietly.

As long as the murderer was not found in a day, Su Yihan had an invisible risk one day, and let her suffer from such torture in the past few days, which already made him very blameful.

"Master, we checked Song Zhai. The man named Xiaoliang didn't go back today, but we searched her room and found this thing." The bodyguard said, handing a packet of powder to him.

"Is this a hallucinogenic drug?" Leng Xichen glanced down at what was received in his hand.

"Yes, we sent the sample here for testing, and it was determined to be consistent with the composition of the hallucinogenic drug extracted from Miss Su's gastric juice." The bodyguard passed the test report again.

Was Xiaoliang the murderer who framed Su Yihan? What is her motivation for doing this?

Leng Xichen couldn't understand for a moment.

"Are there any other suspicious things found in her room?" He asked again.

"In addition, we also found a diary, and we all speculate that this should be the motive for her to frame the young lady." The bodyguard said, handing in another diary.

Leng Xichen reached over and took it, opened the diary, and it was full of dark things. He turned to Su Yihan on the first day of the Song family:

"The woman with the surname Su came to the house today because of her. Our lady is still alive and dead. I swear, I must avenge the lady! Let that woman taste the torture!"

He then turned back and saw Su Yihan's diary on the first day:

"Today I took the medicine in that woman ’s milk for the first time, and I was very happy when I saw her tortured! Who told her to treat us like that, she deserves it! I want to see it with my own eyes She was driven crazy! "

Why is this woman filled with a dark side that makes people feel depressed?

Leng Xichen looked at her diary without frowning. "We asked Song Zhai's people, they all said that the servant named Xiaoliang used to be very close to Song Ziye. We speculated that she should think that it was Miss Su's arrival before Song Ziye fell to this field, so At one time, I was grieving and wanted to avenge Song Ziye, so I came up with such a loss.

Yin's insult attracted. "The bodyguard speculated.

Now all the evidence points to her, so she has the motive to frame Su Yihan.

"Send all the manpower at once, and I must find out this woman named Xiaoliang!" Leng Xichen threw the diary aside, and said with eyes fierce.

Thinking of the pain Su Yihan has suffered in the past few days, he vowed that he would never make people who have prescribed drugs better!

At this moment, his phone rang again, looked at it from Wang Ming, and answered the phone: "What's the matter?"

"President, I just received a call saying that the man with the mental illness suddenly committed suicide!" Wang Ming said over there.

"Suicide?" Hearing these two words, Leng Xichen felt very surprised.

If it is just to transport the mental patient, how can he be suicidal?

"Yes, our people found him hanged in the detention center this morning." Wang Ming replied.

"Then asked if the result came? Did he say why he had to transport the mental patient in a truck?" Leng Xichen asked again.

"No, no matter what method we use, he still refuses to confess to us." Wang Ming shook his head.

It seems that there is still a lot of hidden emotion.

However, the most urgent task now is to find out who gave Su Yihan the medicine, and put everything else aside first.

Leng Xichen just hung up the phone, and the bodyguard came over to him after receiving a call: "Master, someone from the psychiatric hospital just called and said that the woman had been hit on the head and had a lot of blood, and asked what should happen now. do?"

"Of course I was sent to the hospital when I was injured. I still need to ask me for such a simple matter?" Leng Xichen glared in his direction.

"I see, I will call the person in the hospital." The bodyguard lowered his head to him, and then turned around and walked away.

Why did things come together today?

Thinking of what happened today, Leng Xichen had a bad hunch.


Seeing that Leng Xichen took Su Yihan to rest, Zhu Wenli wanted to go to Song Shirong's ward immediately, but thinking about the passage of such a big morning, it will surely cause suspicion to the bodyguards guarding his door, and tossed all night, she is I was so sleepy, I just slept first and then said.

Su Yihan, because of several days of tossing, she wouldn't wake up if she didn't sleep for three or five hours, and Leng Xichen was definitely too busy to investigate who killed her, and she was completely overwhelmed, so she could not worry. Fortunately, she left her hand at the beginning. She was worried that something would happen today on a certain day in the future, so she directed all the evidence to Xiao Liang at the beginning. Milk also said that Xiao Liang helped her to warm her well. She took over with Xiao Liang. Milk, and they all thought she

It was Su Yihan's biological mother, and she certainly wouldn't doubt her, so she naturally thought that Xiao Liang had a problem.

At this time, she only had to secretly hide the diary book she had already prepared in her bedroom, and wait until they searched.

Everything seemed so seamless that she had to admire her wisdom.


Su Yihan was sleeping and was suddenly awakened by a ring of cell phone ringtones.

Who is calling me this time?

She rubbed her sleepy eyes, and then looked at the telegraph, which was actually called by Tuan'er, who had not been in contact for a long time.

Because something has happened to her family recently, she has gone abroad again. She is using her domestic mobile phone number, and she must have returned home.

"Tuaner, are you back home?" She asked with her eyes closed.

"Yihan, I'm sick! Cough!" Jin Tuantuan weakly coughed across the earpiece.

"Are you sick? What's going on?" Su Yihan quickly opened her eyes and asked nervously when she heard her voice with a strong nose.

"Yeah, I only came back to China last night. I felt a little uncomfortable before going to bed. I didn't expect to get up early in the morning. Not only is it not good, but it's worse. Jin Tuantuan said, coughing again.

I can still joke, it seems not very serious.

Hearing what people said, Su Yihan couldn't help but chuckled: "Where are you now?"

"I'm in Ren Ai Hospital, would you like to visit me?" The person over there pretended to sob again.

"It's so coincident? I'm also in Renai Hospital!" Su Yihan thought they were too coincidental.

"Are you there? Are you sick too?" Hearing her say, the Golden Tuan immediately became curious.

"It's a long story about this matter, and we'll talk after we meet, where are you now?" Su Yihan asked again.

"I'm hanging water in the emergency room. Come here!" Jin Tuantuan replied.

"Okay, you are waiting for me there, and I will come over immediately." Su Yihan finished and hung up the phone.

Thinking that she hadn't seen the group for a long time, she quickly turned over and got out of bed, put on her shoes and ran to the emergency room on the first floor.

"Move her to the stretcher!" The doctor stood at the door and said to the man in the car.

Several people joined forces and lifted a woman with gauze on her head from a psychiatric hospital car. Because it was just an emergency, the gauze on her forehead had been soaked with blood, and she was still bleeding out.

"Push her to the emergency room. The wound on the patient's forehead is visually larger. You must stop the bleeding first and then sew the wound!" A doctor roughly checked the woman's wound and then said to the accompanying nurse.

"Okay!" The nurse nodded.

Several people pushed the person on the mobile bed towards the emergency room.

On the movable bed, the woman's face was very pale because of the bleeding. I wonder if it was because of excessive bleeding, she kept her eyes closed.

"Yihan, I'm here! Here!" In the emergency room, Jin Tuantuan saw Su Yihan who had just entered the door and shouted at her.


When the woman on the movable bed heard these two words, she opened her eyes sharply and looked in the direction where she had just heard the sound.

"Su Yihan, I'm here!" Seeing that she was still looking around, Jin Tuan Tuan increased her voice and shouted at her with a loud voice.

It turns out she was there!

Hearing her familiar big voice, Su Yihan smiled and walked towards her.

It seems that this guy is not too serious. He still has such a loud voice when he is ill, but will her personality as a female man scare men away in the future? She couldn't help worrying about her.

Was that woman just called Su Yihan?

The woman on the activity bed heard Jin Tuantuan call Su Yihan's full name this time, and did not know where she came from. When no one had time to react, she immediately turned over and went out of bed, toward Su Yihan. Ran over.

"Stop, where are you going!" Several medical staff hurried to catch up with her when she saw her unauthorized landing.

"Yihan! Yihan!" The woman hurried to Su Yihan's side and called her excitedly by holding her sleeve.

"Who are you? Do I know you?" Su Yihan asked politely when she heard her name. "Yihan, I am your mother!" The woman burst into tears when she saw her.

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