Jason is facing away from the carriage.

Finch was facing the carriage.

Almost as soon as the blood-stained palm came out, Finch saw

Several weird encounters have already made Finch different from what he used to be.

More importantly, the young man believed that Jason could handle this special event.

As always.

Amidst the uneasy neighing of the horse beside him, the young policeman did not panic, took out his revolver, aimed at the position of the carriage, and waited for Jason's order, who had come over.

Is there a fire?

Jason stood in front of Finch and asked simply.


Without hesitation, Finch took out the match he was carrying with him.

The young man watched Jason, who took the match, strike a match, put the match into the matchbox, and then...

One toss!

The whole box of burning matches fell exactly into the overturned carriage.



The carriage immediately flew into the sky.

In the tumbling flames, the unknown 'weird' disappeared in ashes before it showed up in the true sense.

All the while, Jason didn't look back.

Finch stared blankly at this scene.

In the hearts of young people, some thoughts arise unconsciously:

There's nothing a box of explosives can't solve!

If there is!

That's two boxes!


The hurried scream made the young man regain his senses, and the muzzle in his hand turned to point to the place where the sound came from.

That's on the side of the street.

A thin, extremely pale middle-aged man was breathing heavily.

Was the weird just made by the other party?

The young man thought to himself and clenched the handle of the gun tightly.

Not only because the other party created the 'weird', but also because the other party held hostage...


The young Deer Academy teacher was in a coma and was strangled by someone unconsciously. Finch could only judge from his face that Tanier was not serious.

Then, Finch saw Jason standing beside him striding towards him.

Finch opened his mouth, trying to remind Jason that Tanier was in the other's hands.

But then Finch shut up.

How could Lord Jason be invisible to someone as big as Tanir?

If you do this, you must have your own ideas!

Suddenly, the young man stared at Jason's every move.

Just like he studied Bundy before.

The young people at the moment are learning Jason.

Step, step.

Jason stepped forward, and his tall body put great pressure on the captor.

Especially after the 'secret technique' just now was broken, the captor who suffered the backlash had no fighting spirit at all.

Just took Daniel as the last straw.

Don't come here!

Your friend is in my hands!

The man holding Tanir shouted at Jason.

Then, Jason slowly pulled out the wide-bladed short-handled machete.

The tip of the knife rushed down, and the cold light shone in all directions.

The kidnapper shuddered.

As long as you let go...


The other party wanted to say something, and the knife that Jason raised slashed down heavily.

The captor was stunned.

I have a hostage?

Didn't he see it?


There were countless questions in my heart, but in the face of the slashed blade, the kidnapper had no time to think about it.

The opponent pushed Tanier towards Jason.

Then, turn around and run.

Jason avoided Tanir sideways, letting Tanir fall face down at his feet,

The right hand raised the 'Winchester Brothers'.


Click, click!


With the rhythmic crack of the load, the kidnapper was directly knocked into the air.

Jason didn't give the other party any chance to speak again, he directly filled the gun and got to know the other party.

At this time, Tanir woke up.


My nose hurts.

Holding his bloody nose, Tanier stood up staggeringly.

Then, he saw Jason searching for the loot.

Tanier was stunned.

Memories began to emerge in my mind.

After telling the case with Hall, he met... Duke!

That's right, Duke!


Duke invited him to afternoon tea.


He didn't know anything.

It's just a slow reaction, not really stupid Tanir's face changed.

Duke is...

Tanier asked Jason with an ugly face.


Just as you think.

Jason didn't explain further, just nodded.

He believed that Tanier should be able to guess what.

Meanwhile, Jason, who had no spoils, stood up.

Compared to Duke, this kidnapper has nothing of value at all, except for a revolver.

After thinking about it for a while, he put the revolver in the pocket of his jacket, and Jason walked quickly to Finch.

Looking at Jason approaching, the young Finch showed incomparable respect in his eyes.

He had just witnessed a perfect 'hostage rescue' teaching.

A textbook example.

He will keep it in his heart.

Go to Bundy and let him bring enough people here.

There's enough...


Jason lowered his voice and pointed to Pea Street without a trace.

Immediately, Finch nodded comprehensively, turned on his horse and headed for Kensing Street.

Da da da.

With the sound of the horse's hooves touching the ground, Finch's figure quickly disappeared.

Until this time, Jason turned his head to look at Tanir who was applying the potion to himself.

Tanir was very skillful in pouring the potion down the bridge of his nose.

Let the liquid go down the bridge of the nose and cheeks, and when it reaches the top of the mouth, quickly bow your head and start rubbing with your palms.

Your nose hurts often?

Jason asked.


Just twice.

You saved me once, and you saved me the other time.

Tanier shook his head.

As for proficiency?

This is the dignity of a pharmacist!

Tanier said, with a little more pride in his tone.

But what does a pharmacist have to do with being skilled at dressing his wounds?

Jason was puzzled.

But the young teacher of the Deer Academy had already stood up straight and looked at Jason seriously, his eyes full of emotion.

He just lost a friend.

But in exchange for a real friend.

Despite the pain, he gained a true and sincere friendship.

Compared to that, what is that bit of suffering?

An excited Tanir was about to speak.

It's by the way to save you.

You are also implicated by me.

If I can save you, I will naturally save you.

Jason interrupted Tanir.

Tanier was stunned, blinked, and thought about it.



This is really the case!

He was the one who was affected by Chiyu!

Thinking of this, all the excitement and emotion in my heart disappeared.

The nose that didn't hurt before started hurting again.

Subconsciously, Tanier wanted to ask Jason for some compensation.

But he looked at the wide-bladed short-handled machete in Jason's hand.

Tanier thought about it seriously.

Forget it.

Who made us friends!

Tanier, who had figured it out, was about to say something to liven up the atmosphere, but he suddenly found that his friend Jason's attention was no longer here.

Instead, he looked at Pea Street.

Tanier immediately understood what his friend was thinking.

He immediately emphasized:

Sir Beta would not be involved in such a thing!

His justice is well known!

Also, he's happy to help... ah!!!


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