The Demon’s Menu

Chapter 62 Kebabs and Ideas

In the trolley, a monster with a huge body like a lizard but with a crocodile head was crawling there. Even if there was no breath of life, it still gave people a fierce feeling.

But what surprised Jason was that there was a pair of wings on the back of this monster!

Although it is only the size of an ordinary person's palm, Jason can be sure that it is indeed a wing.

This is the Karza Land Dragon!

Despite its stout size, it is swift in action, and a full-grown Karsa can breathe extremely hot flames.

Although they are omnivores, they like meat.

Eric introduces Jason to the monster on the cart.

Then, a strange look appeared on the face of the old sergeant's servant.

That is the appearance of wanting to laugh but having to maintain etiquette and not be able to laugh.

It's very difficult to capture the Kan'lsa Land Dragon, especially the adult Kan'lsa Land Dragon, which is extremely fierce. It was an accident to capture this young Kan'lsa Land Dragon...

He seems to be eating too much and has indigestion.

When it was discovered by the hunters, it didn't take much effort at all, and the capture was successful.

It was originally the finale of this gathering, but Sir thinks you should get a decent compensation - the Karza Land Dragon is more suitable than those ordinary monsters, or even specimens.

With that said, Eric pushed the cart into the room.

After another salute to Jason, the servant continued to ask, Do you need anything else?

Are there any iron drills?

I also need a grill.

Jason said bluntly.

It will be arranged for you immediately.

Eric didn't know what Jason was going to do, but with the old sir's orders, he naturally tried his best to satisfy him.

After a while, the servant with a barbecue grill and a lot of iron drills returned. After asking again and getting a positive answer, the servant walked out of the room and gently closed the door.

And just as the door closed, Jason took action.

Clean and peel.

Change the knife, thread the string.



Although Jason doesn't know about the Karza Land Dragon, this young Karza Land Dragon is undoubtedly too fat.

The meat is too fatty, and it is not suitable for steaming or boiling.

Baking is the best choice.

In fact, so too.

There is no need to apply grease, and the kanrsa that Jason wears on the drill according to three thin and two fat, sizzling after touching the charcoal fire.

The fat came out of the two fatty meats on its own, not only soaking the whole skewer, but also making it crispy.

Salt, cumin, chilli.

Sprinkle them one by one, and as the flames rise, the whole bunch starts to turn upside down.

When the fragrance permeated the whole room, Jason didn't care about burning his mouth at all, so he started to make skewers.

The meat is softer than expected, and the crispness of the outer layer is fleeting, but it enhances the taste invisibly.

Unfortunately lack of sauce.

No 'drinks' either.

Jason felt a little pity in his heart.

But then he got excited.

[Devouring Kanersa Land Dragon (infant stage)]

[Physical strength and energy are greatly restored! 】

【Satisfaction +10】

【The excitement of food +1】

[Satisfaction: 26]

【The excitement of eating: 1】


Monster-level food!

Although when Eric described that the Karzai Dragon could breathe high-temperature flames when it was an adult, Jason was guessing that the Karzaar should be a monster of the monster level.

However, Jason was still excited when the prompt to get the 'Eating Excitement' appeared.

This is the second time he has obtained the 'Eat Excitement'!

And with this excitement of eating, his strength will be improved again.

Maybe [Protection from Evil] is not enough to improve.

But [Picture Reply] is enough.

If you raise [Picture Repetition] to the proficient level, then the secret technique [Mist Hidden] can also be learned.

As for [Gunpowder Weapons. Light Weapons] and [Unarmed Fighting]?

On the premise of being able to learn and improve secret techniques, Jason will not choose the two for the time being.

Not that both are good enough.


He has better options.

[Yes/No consumes 10 points of satiety, 1 point of excitement to eat, and enhances the graph complex language (skilled → proficient)]


After Jason answered, unprecedented complex knowledge began to instill in his mind.

Unable to bear, Jason let out a groan, and even his body shook slightly.

This time, the synchronization of knowledge and body far exceeded Jason's expectations.

No matter the time or the level of pain.

Five seconds later, Jason's eyes returned to clarity.

He looked at the text in front of him.

[Tufuyu (passive) (proficient): Tufuyu is a special language that only circulates in secret organizations and mysterious forces. Ordinary people don’t know it at all, but you are proficient in this ancient language; even you have Being able to read some simple 'combinations' of it, you can't know the rituals, but you know how to read and construct these 'mysteries', even if that's just the basics. 】

[Pictured language is raised to the proficiency level, and the inherent proficiency option is obtained: fast reading (pictured language)]

[Quick Reading (Picture Rephrasing): A large number of readings of Diagram Repetition will allow you to master this skill, and you can read the materials and documents that record Diagram Repetition faster than ordinary people. 】


Inherent mastery option?

Each skill reaches the mastery level, will there be additional options?

Is this why the 'excitement of food' is needed?

A flash of clarity flashed in Jason's eyes, and then he looked expectantly at [Protection from Evil], then at [Gunpowder Weapons. Light Weapons] and [Unarmed Fighting].

What options are there when they reach the 'Proficient' level.

After making some guesses in his heart, Jason quickly converged his thinking and took out the scroll of the secret technique [Mist Hidden].

[Discover the secret technique 'Mist Hidden'! 】

[Judging that the graph complex language has reached the proficiency level, yes/no to consume 5 points of satiety to learn the secret art? 】


After Jason confirmed, a thick fog instantly enveloped him.

The fog is thick, and you can't see your fingers.

However, the text composed of graphic and complex language is shining brightly.

Pl Po!

After the new picture-repeat sequence appeared in front of Jason, it began to absorb the surrounding thick fog, like a whale sucking water, and in an instant, the thick fog disappeared without a trace.

Only this set of pictures is left imprinted on Jason's heart.

Instead of being juxtaposed with the picture of [Protection from Evil], it appeared on the other side.

With the beating of Jason's heart, the two sets of pictures flashed at the same time.

They do not interfere with each other, but they echo each other from a distance.

There is a sense of complementarity.

Moreover, Jason can clearly perceive that with the beating of his heart, every time the blood that flows out is mixed with mysterious mysterious power as before, scouring his body, but compared with the previous only [protection from evil] 】When a group of pictures is repeated, the mysterious power is more than doubled.

Suddenly, Jason narrowed his eyes.

An idea came to his mind.

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