On the way to the research department. With a grim expression, Yuses indicated not to mess with my delisting, so that Aisha, Meiya, and Yuto did not intend to disturb Yusys for the time being.

Last night, Jusyth let Meiya enter the demon world to learn about the general situation of the Gremorly family, and it was easy for the famous family to understand. But the results were quite surprising. The follow-up triggered by the continuation of the pure-bloodline after the God and Demon War…

With a creak, Eusys pushed open the door, his expression even colder. He hates the so-called family the most, and Dina died because of the family. Therefore, Yusyth now does not have the slightest affection for Lias’s family, and forces his descendants to do what he does not like to do for the sake of the so-called family, which is no different from the gods of the god world.

Grefia was now standing next to Lias. Eyes staring at Jusses, last night’s strength aroused her vigilance, because of the strength of the level mismatch, Lias’s side also hid deeply. But that one…

“It’s all here,” Lias said with a decided.

“Miss, let me explain,” said Gurefia.

Lias stopped Gurefia, “actually”

Before Lias finished speaking, a red light interrupted Lias. A phoenix roar sounded, and the accompanying huge burning flame made everyone’s skin faintly painful. Both Lias and Eusys became serious. The Lord – Phoenix is coming.

A blond man appeared in the room, his eyes were extremely proud, as if he was the number one in the world. “I haven’t been to the human realm for a long time, I’ve come to see you, dear Lias,” the man said. This person is the superior demon of the pure blood of the demon world, the third son of the Reisel Phoenix family, and the bloodline of the immortal bird. And it’s Lias’s fiancé. This is the basic information that Yusyth asked Meiya to collect. The god-demon war that had broken out had led to the near extinction of the seventy-two pillars demon family. Gremorry, Sidi, and Phoenix are all surviving races. So there is the so-called marriage.

“Well, boy, what are your eyes?” Phoenix felt a coldness and looked at Yusyth looking at him.

Jusys didn’t answer him in the slightest.

“You little subordinate demon” Phoenix was furious, no one had ever dared to do this to his face.

“Give me enough time, Phoenix, I won’t marry you,” Lias interrupted the secret battle between the two.

“But, Lias, your family shouldn’t allow you to be so willful, right?” Phoenix deliberately used the family to contain Lias.

“I didn’t intend to ruin the family, and I planned to get married, but I only married what I thought was suitable,” Lias said.

“In order not to let the pure-blood demons that have drastically decreased after the previous war, this is a problem for all demons,” Phoenix continued. “Your father and Lord Sazex also decided on this affair in the future.”

“I won’t marry you,” Lias was adamant.

Phoenix was also annoyed, hooking Lias’s chin, “Lias, I can also carry the signboard of the Phoenix family, I can’t smear the Phoenix family” Phoenix’s eyes became fierce. Not to be outdone, Lias was not to be outdone.

Just as Gurefia was ready to stop it, a man was faster.

“Let go of your hand” Jusyth took Phoenix’s hand and slowly moved away. I don’t know why Eusys hated him for touching the minister. It’s like something dirty dyed on something pure.

“Waste dares to touch me too?” Felix was covered in flames, the blazing temperature had even melted the floor again, and Phoenix was ready to burn Euthys to death, anyway, just a servant. But to Phoenix’s surprise, there was nothing wrong with Euthys grabbing his hand, and a black light separated the flames. Eusys is also not a vegetarian, the majesty of the demon king is still there, how can a district superior demon shout at himself? Even if he is the least like the Demon King in the original world, the identity of the Demon King is 100%. Eusys directly conjured the Dragon’s Hand, and the huge magic condensed into a small magic ball aimed at Phoenix’s head. Don’t doubt its power. What is concentrated is the essence.

Phoenix was covered in hair, and Phoenix had already felt that this magic ball would definitely cause serious damage to himself, even if he was an immortal body.

Just as Eusys was preparing to launch. Snap, Eusys’ hand was caught, it was Gurefia. “Please stop!”

“Jusses, don’t do it,” Lias said. If you go on like this, you will definitely have a bad relationship with the Phoenix family, which is too dangerous for Yuses.

When Eusys heard this, he lowered his hand, after all, he still had to do a good job as a subordinate in front of outsiders.

“Hmph..” Phoenix snorted coldly and glared angrily at Yusyth. This servant must not be let go.

“Miss, Lord Reisel. I am here on the orders of Lord Sazex. I won’t be polite with you. Miss, please take care of your dependents. Gurefia said, explaining that she was not coming to the theater.

“You who are known as the strongest [Queen] say this, even if I am so afraid,” Felix said, not looking afraid at all.

The old man and the rest of the family had expected such an outcome. Therefore, I was also instructed to take the last resort in the event of a rupture. ”

“Last resort? How do you say this, Gurefia,” asked Lias.

“If the eldest lady is going to carry out your own suppression like this, then fight with Lord Reisel on [Ratinggame],” Gurefia said the final resort.

“Ratinggame?” Eusys read. It’s not the first time I’ve heard this word. Last time Canna also said this word.

“A competition between demons with knighthoods, similar to chess, to let the battle between servants” Yuto explained the meaning of Ratinggame.

“The ability of the demon pawn that we have also exists for this,” Zhu Nai echoed.

“So it is,” Jusyth understood what Ratinggame was.

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