The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 92 Harry's Life

Linde shook the parchment as if to shake off the bad luck on the paper, and then folded it up again and put it in his pocket.

"I'll lend you some good words!"

Linde could only mutter silently in his heart.

Afterwards, Lind jumped into the water. The body turns into a fish-man state or rests. About half an hour later, he popped out again.

Go ahead and start learning.

Just resting and studying for a long time. Linde usually has no expression on his face because he practices Occlumency, but he knows very well what he should do now.


Go back in time a little bit

No. 4 Privet Drive

Just after dinner, Harry was pushed to the second floor by a middle-aged man with a red face and an angry look.

Pushing Harry into the small room, Uncle Vernon pointed at Harry's nose. He was also holding a piece of parchment. Harry knew what was written on the parchment:


Mr. Porter:

We received reports that you used a hovering spell at your residence at 9:12 tonight.

You know that underage wizards are not allowed to use magic outside the school. If you continue to engage in such behavior, you may be expelled from the school (Reasonable Restraint of Minor Wizards Act, 1875, paragraph 3).

Please also remember that according to Article 13 of the International Confederation of Wizards' Statute of Secrecy, any magical activity that may attract the attention of non-magical members (Muggles) is a serious offense.

Have a nice summer!

Mafalda Hopkirk

Ministry of Magic

No Abuse of Magic Office


But Harry swore that he had never used magic outside of school. When Harry first arrived home, Uncle Vernon had locked in his spell book, wand, robes, cauldron and the most advanced broomstick Nimbus 2000. In the small, dark storage room under the stairs. There was no way he could cast a spell.

The person who cast the spell was an elf named Dobby who had inexplicably broke into his house. He appeared in his room almost twenty minutes ago, and then started talking nonsense about how there was a great terror in Hogwarts... and he was not allowed to go to school.

Uncle Vernon pointed at Harry and spit on his face: "You..." Uncle Vernon was so angry that his voice trembled a little "You ruined my biggest business so far...I raised You have been here for so many years..."

The biggest list Uncle Vernon was talking about was a couple who would come to this house tonight. Uncle Vernon had been preparing for their arrival for two weeks. Until this morning, he was still talking and assigning things. Task.

Harry's task was to stay in the room, not making any noise, and pretending that there was no such person in the family.

Harry is self-aware. He knows that he has no status in this family. It has been like this for more than ten years anyway, hasn't it? So he had nothing to say, so he thought about that damn elf in his room tonight.

He uses magic to scare away Uncle Vernon's guests, and everyone blames himself. The Ministry of Magic even sent a warning letter.

Harry had never felt so uncomfortable. He had already wronged himself enough, staying in the house and curling up into an invisible person in the dark room.

When he was wronged in this family, he could only tell himself in his heart: "It would be nice to go back to Hogwarts! It would be nice to go back to Hogwarts!"

However, the appearance of the elf ruined him.

Harry felt extremely wronged and quickly wanted to defend himself, "I swear I..."

"Shut your mouth, when I think of what you did...boy...I'm going to lock you'll never go back to that school...ever...if you use magic to escape-" They will fire you!"

After saying that, without waiting for Harry to defend, he pushed him to the ground and slammed the door.


The door was locked from the outside.

Harry stood up angrily and touched his sore elbow.

"I'm done!"

Harry had never been so desperate. In his view, this was an unreasonable disaster.

The elf who suddenly appeared, ruined Uncle Vernon's dinner, and then made Uncle Vernon ban him from going to Hogwarts.

“Awesome birthday!”

Harry sat beside the bed in despair, sobbing softly, and saw the letters out of the corner of his eye.

Those letters were sent to him by his friends, but they were all intercepted by the elf.

A large number of letters were piled there, and Harry felt that they were emitting an inexplicable brilliance.

They were the only light Harry could see at this moment.

Harry picked up a letter, which was written in Ron's handwriting. Harry wiped his nose and opened the letter tremblingly.


Harry, how are you doing? Why haven't you replied to my letter? Is Hedwig sick?

My mother has been talking about you. She said she feels sorry that she hasn't had a proper talk with you yet. After all, you are her son's friend.

My mother doesn't allow me to go far. Although my house has a big yard, I still feel a little bored. If only your Nimbus 2000 were here, my lawn is really huge...

How are you doing lately? Do you want to come to my house and play?


Harry opened the letter again. It was from Jane, and the first sentence made Harry feel a strong personal touch.


harry potter

You are dead, right? If you are dead, don't reply. It's unlucky. I have sent you three letters since the holiday, but you didn't reply to any of them.


Looking forward to your reply!


This letter was full of complaints about why Harry didn't reply, but it dispelled some of Harry's sadness. He opened another letter, still from Hermione:


Dear Harry:

How are you doing recently? Don't play at home all the time! You should know that we didn't learn anything in some classes last semester because of Quirrell ■■ (the word "professor" was crossed out). Remember to read more books, otherwise you won't be able to keep up with the new second-year Defense Against the Dark Arts course...

Your friend

Hermione Granger

Looking forward to your reply!


Looking at these letters, Harry felt even more uncomfortable, and tears fell to the floor.


A thunder suddenly sounded outside the window. Then, heavy rain covered the sky and fell to the ground.

Harry looked at the figure reflected in the window. The rain on the window overlapped with the tears on the face of the person in the reflection.

Harry stood up and opened the window. The rain and mist were blown into the house by the cold wind and hit Harry's face, which was a little stinging.

Harry suddenly remembered something. He stretched his hand out of the window with some trembling. This was the first time he took the initiative to realize this.

The rain hit his hand, pattering, and soon, his hand was covered with rain.

There were waves of stinging pain in his hand. During this period, every time a part of Harry's body touched water, that part would inexplicably hurt. As a result, Harry only dared to wipe his body with a towel every time he took a bath.

It was called a towel, but it was actually Dudley's old clothes.

Harry didn't understand why his body had changed like this. He vaguely felt that he knew what would happen, but he couldn't remember it no matter how hard he tried, as if this memory had been deleted.

For the first time, Harry endured the pain and kept his hand outside, touching the water.

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