The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 90 Useless Efforts

On the edge of the cliff, the sound of waves rolled——

A dirty little bald man appeared, with thick eye bags and lifeless eyes.

His hands and feet were covered with thick calluses again. In the town of Nott, England in 1992, he was a rare homeless child after Mrs. Evelyn passed away.

The people in the town also knew the child's life experience. His father was a gang member in London and died in a gang fight a long time ago. His mother also died of illness. He wandered here a month ago and rejected many kindnesses of Augustus' family. He wandered around the streets from time to time.

The homeless boy walked to the edge of the cliff, looked around and saw that there was no one around, so he jumped.


The boy's movements were very skillful, and the splashes and sounds were minimal. In the blink of an eye, the whole person disappeared in the water.

In the sea, the dirt on the boy's cheeks was washed away, and his cheeks began to become full. Two unknown things came out of his mouth and cheeks, and his originally square face became round. The boy pressed his left and right noses and sprayed two paper balls out of his nostrils, and his originally slightly fat nose became just right.

After washing away the mud under his eye bags, his eyes became more alert again.

It was a complete transformation in an instant.

In addition, fine scales appeared on the boy's body, two gills appeared, fins appeared on many joints and ears, and his pupils turned into squares.

It was Lind.

At this time, he no longer had the golden long hair he once had. In order to change his image, he made himself bald, and used the techniques he learned on the Internet in his previous life to change his appearance every day.

From the handsome boy with golden long hair in the past, he became the image of a bald white homeless boy with tanned skin.

After changing his image, Lind shot out of the sea with an arrow, enjoying the pleasure of breathing through his nose.

Because the part of his nose that he had modified completely blocked his nostrils, he could only breathe through his mouth every time he went out, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

However, his image change was obviously successful, because he also forcibly added a bunch of "habits" to his external performance.

For example, the homeless boy showed fear, vigilance and aggressive eyes towards the adults who suddenly appeared, and his accent would have some London accent, as well as some deliberate little thoughts in his language.

Basically, when he became the image of the young man wandering on the street, he would try his best to completely abandon all his original habits.

And all of this was to enter the town of Nott with a new image and keep abreast of some basic trends in the town.

However, he rarely enters the town now. Some time ago, in order to investigate Felix's affairs, he often entered the town.

The day after he came back, the people in the town found something wrong.

The old friend in the town, Felix, the eldest brother of Augustus's family, disappeared. At the same time, his house was destroyed overnight, and no one around knew what happened.

According to the information collected by Lind: After it rained at 9 o'clock that night, people within two blocks around felt "sleepy". At the same time, after the rain, people outside the two blocks inexplicably did not return or could not return to their homes within two blocks.

For example, a man who has always been homesick suddenly wanted to get drunk inexplicably when he was two blocks away from home after get off work.

Or a student suddenly forgot what seemed to have happened in school, and the feeling of uneasiness urged him to go back and take a look.

There are obvious traces of Muggle-repelling spells in such situations, and there is obviously something in the block that has achieved group hypnosis.

When Lind and Snape returned to the block, it was about eleven o'clock. In other words, Felix had suffered an accident during this period, and thinking about the thing that Snape suddenly saw at that time and asked him to chase out, that is to say, Lind was really just one step late.

When he analyzed this, he regretted why he didn't come back earlier all night. It was not until the morning that he calmed down and continued to investigate.

At the same time, he also talked with several people from Felix's family. Several of them had been wanderers before being helped by Mrs. Evelyn, so they were very fond of this wandering boy and tried to help him.

Of course, Linde declined, but then Linde began to maintain a good relationship with them and began to ask questions.

On the day of the incident, one of them called Felix to ask him why the bar was not open tonight. It was about eight o'clock at that time.

Linde can still remember clearly what Felix said on the phone, which the guy imitated vividly.

"Mr. Little Fishman will be back soon. I have to prepare well and pick him up tomorrow morning. After all, it has been almost half a year since Christmas. The bar is closed for the next two days!"

Thinking of this, Linde sank into the sea and sat on a coral chair.

The whole timeline was sorted out. Because he was going back, Felix did not go to the bar that night, but planned to prepare well-a surprise for himself.

At nine o'clock that night, he began to feel "sleepy". That’s why Lind saw the coffee grounds that had not been cleaned up in the ruins of the house.

From 9 to 11 o’clock, two groups of people came to fight. Felix and the two dogs, Big Bear and Second Bear, were nowhere to be found. But it can be seen that Felix did not suffer any misfortune.

These are the information he could get. He searched all over the town of Nott. During this period, the most common creatures that communicated with him, besides people, were dogs, pigeons, and other relatively intelligent creatures.

However, after spending a lot of time, he only learned a little bit of information from them, which was better than nothing.

Because the "sleepy feeling" that appeared in the block at that time was not only for humans, but also had a strong effect on many animals and insects.

At the same time, these animals wandering in the streets and alleys did not see Felix and Big Bear and Little Bear.

Similarly, he did not find anyone from the Ministry of Magic or Hogwarts to deal with this matter. This matter was finally classified as a natural disaster by the town police department.

But the disappearance of Felix and Lind was real.

In other words, the information he collected during this period did not help him in any other way except making him more uncomfortable.

In this regard, he forcibly suppressed his restless heart half a month ago and began to turn to another direction.

Leaving the coral seat, Lind shuttled through the reefs at high speed, and then flew out of the water.

Linde stepped on the beach and came to a small bay surrounded by cliffs.

The lantern used in the forbidden forest is now hung in this small camp as a bulb to provide light. Under it, there is a simple outdoor stove and some pots and pans.

After lighting the fire in the lantern, Linde changed his clothes and came to the side.

There was a large square glass box with a huge horse-shaped skull in it.

It was the unicorn head that Linde dug out the eyes, sawed the horns and peeled the skin to start processing. Now the first process is being carried out.

"Kill a magical animal with your own hands, and soak its skull with your own blood and sea water for a month."

As for the unicorn jerky, Linde didn't dare to eat it. Although he was tempted by the idea of ​​the Celestial Empire that everything can be eaten, he still remembered that drinking unicorn blood would be cursed.

Then eating its meat would definitely not be good.

The skin of the whole silver-white head of the unicorn was left aside by Linde, with bones and skin sitting on the resonance box, which was perfect.

Lind took out the book and notes from his bag and started to study.

Making a lyre is to become a sea singer.

Learning magic is to make oneself stronger.

Lind suddenly remembered a question Jane had asked him before: What do you want to do in the future!

Lind didn't know, but he knew what he wanted to do now.

He wanted to become stronger.

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