Perhaps Lind was lucky today. Until 11 o'clock, when the train was about to depart, no little wizard sat in this compartment.

Of course, it also had something to do with his own efforts: the scarf, books and a copy of the Daily Prophet on the table were placed separately.

Whenever someone asked, Lind could only helplessly tell the other party, "Sorry, they went to the toilet. They went in a group."

The wheels of Hogwarts rolled slowly, and a faint sense of pushing back acted on him.


the sound of the whistle of "wuwuwu~" and the farewell voices of wizard parents mixed together.

The door of Lind's compartment was creaked open, and a little head got in first.

"Hello, is there any vacancy here? Goodbye!"

Before Lind could see the person clearly, the door was closed with a click.

? ? ?

Lind walked over, opened the door and looked at the person outside. It was Jane Devo, whom he met in the magical animal store last time.

"Uh, why are you here so late? There's still room inside. Do you want to go in?"

"Forget it, I might as well just sit in the corridor." Jane looked disdainful, not even looking at Linde.

"Oh, all right!" After saying that, Linde closed the door.

"Is this the gentlemanly manners of the British?" Jane thought angrily, and then she heard the sound of the door being opened again.

Haha, do you want to invite me in again now?

"By the way, if someone comes looking for you later, just tell them that the place is full, and you have nothing to do here anyway.

Also, if someone says that something is lost, just tell them that the door is always closed here, and tell them not to bother me."


The door closed again.

I became a doorman?

Jane cursed Linde silently in her heart, and then stubbornly pushed the luggage and continued to walk deeper into the carriage.

After returning to the carriage, Linde took out "Magic Theory" and started reading it. In terms of magic, Linde was most interested in spells and transfiguration.

Both of these are extremely powerful and the most direct means to increase strength.

Among the first-year course books, there are three books for these two subjects, namely "Standard Spells: Elementary", "Magic Theory" and "Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration".

Obviously, a person who does not know much about the magic system is not suitable for private practice, such as himself. So Linde has been repeatedly reading "Magic Theory" and "Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration" during this period.

He only roughly flipped through other books such as books on potions and herbology, and regarded them purely as an expansion of knowledge in the magic world.

Of course, this is because he bought the books too late, so he could only pick and choose.

Who doesn't want to keep learning about the magical world. A few days ago, Linde was thinking at home, "It would be great if people could stay awake."

Linde reads very slowly, and often turns to a previous page to compare and sort out when he reads halfway. But he was interrupted by a knock on the door after reading for a while.

Linde was about to open the door, and the other party obviously knew some etiquette and did not push the door in directly.

As a result, he just stood up and the door was pulled open.

Then he saw Jane and a girl with thick brown hair and big front teeth standing outside the door. Behind them stood a round-faced boy with red eyes and a timid look.

Jane raised her little head, giving Lind a feeling that she was coming with a group of sisters to deal with him.

Lind sat in the box leisurely.

"Did you see a toad? Neville lost a toad." The little girl with brown hair looked at Lind and spoke first.

Hearing this, he had confirmed the identity of the visitor, the arrogant and arrogant Miss Hermione Granger described in the original text.

"I think I have told a lady that there is nothing in this room except a boy and his crow."

"Nothing!" Andersen imitated Lind hoarsely.

"What if your friends see it?" Jane looked at Lind with a teasing look. She knew very well that these little boys would definitely not admit that they had done the "bad" thing of occupying a box alone.

"Yes, I think we should ask your friends if they have seen it, because Neville is really anxious." Hermione's tone is still very impolite. Although she is a warm-hearted girl, she is not really likable.

"I don't have many friends. These things are all mine. I am the only one in this box."

"I am the only one!"

"How can you do this! Do you know how long Diwo has been looking for a seat by himself?" Hearing what Linde said, Hermione was obviously unhappy.

Jane's mind was also a little confused. Isn't it said that these little boys like to show their good side in front of girls? Just like the stubborn Ron Weasley I saw just now.

It's not that Linde really only cares about himself and ignores others, but the entire Hogwarts Express is completely enough to sit, and there are even many vacancies.

The standard seat in a box is four people. If some friends want to be together, then five or six people can also sit.

In his previous life, Harry and Ron occupied the entire box and no one came to disturb them. Moreover, he had seen when he boarded the train that the entire train was more than enough to accommodate these students.

If conditions allowed, Lind would rather have a quieter journey.

"Think about it, some people opened the door for a small matter but still disturbed me for a long time. If they were in the same compartment with me, it would be too noisy." Lind meant something.

"It's not a small matter. Neville's beloved toad is lost." Hearing this, Neville was about to cry again.

Linde had an expression of disbelief on his face and said, "Why don't you go find it quickly?"

"Go find it quickly! Go find it quickly!"

"You, you, don't have friends!" Hermione was very angry. She took Jane's hand and closed the door and walked out.

"He really looks like a Slytherin." Neville, who was following them, whispered.

"Slytherin? What's wrong with Slytherin?" Jane asked in confusion. She was not as angry as Hermione. Although what Linde said did not surprise her, it seemed normal to combine what he said in the magical animal store and on the train before.

So she cared more about the Slytherin that Neville said.

"Don't you know?" Neville asked in confusion, because from some previous conversations, she knew that Jane was also from a wizard family.

"I'm from Germany. I came here to study because of my grandmother. I only know that Slytherin is one of the colleges of Hogwarts, named after Salazar Slytherin, one of the founders.

But what does this have to do with what you said about that guy being like Slytherin?"

After hearing Jane's answer, Neville finally understood, and then he continued

"Many evil dark wizards come from Slytherin. Many pure-blood wizards are sorted into Slytherin.

And many of them are arrogant. If I were sorted there, I would rather drop out."

"Well, I hope I'm not Slytherin. By the way, do you know how they sort the houses?" Jane asked again.

If what Neville said is true, then that guy must be a Slytherin...

"Hermione, what do you think?"

"That stinky bird." She didn't hear Neville and Jane's conversation at all. She was still thinking about the crow that kept interrupting her when she was talking just now.

After they left, Lind sat in the box with a book in his hand, but his mind was not on the book at all.

He gathered his shoulder-length hair and thought about what happened just now.

Although he had no problem just now, he just had a playful attitude to confront the two young wizards.

But honestly, when did he do this? Could it be because he was infected by Felix's complaining spirit?

And he felt that he had a mentality that he had not had before: he did not like or even allow others to communicate with him in a condescending manner.

Just like in Gringotts.

He asked Andersen, "Have I always been like this?"

Andersen did not dare to reply, and could only pretend not to understand...

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