The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 86 Returning Home

Lind walked over and looked intently at the Mirror of Erised.

I saw myself sitting at the dining table, and next to me was the silky silver-haired Mrs. Evelyn, who was cutting apple pie and sharing it with Felix and Lind. Felix was also in the mirror, pouring milk for Mrs. Evelyn.

Moreover, my parents in my previous life came out of the kitchen, carrying home-cooked food that I loved to eat in my previous life.

Linde, who looked to be in his twenties, put down the Daily Prophet, and then several people started a happy family dinner.

Linde was a little trance watching this scene and stood there blankly.

Dumbledore's voice interrupted him, "What did you see?"

Linde quickly turned his head and stopped looking at the magic mirror. Even though he was mentally prepared, he was still deeply attracted by the scene depicted in the magic mirror.

But the past cannot be undone, and it was at this moment that he suddenly understood why Harry was obsessed with the Mirror of Erised.

Dumbledore looked at Lind curiously, but did not ask directly. Instead, he respected his thoughts and saw if he would tell him what he saw in the magic mirror.

Linde looked at the magic mirror again. This time he was mentally prepared and did not lose his composure again. "I saw my family and I together. We gathered together to have dinner happily."

Then Linde noticed some details.

The copy of the Daily Prophet that he picked up rated him as the best master of Charms and Transfiguration in centuries.

There was also a brand new "King of the Century" that he had never seen before in the corner of the table. The cover of the book has portraits of several wizards, including him in one of them.

But Lind had no intention of telling Dumbledore this. The theme of the picture in the mirror is still family.

Dumbledore saw that Lind just made a casual summary and did not want to say more, and then led Lind to the desk.

Then, Dumbledore took out a bunch of candies. He peeled one and put it in his mouth before starting the conversation.

He stopped talking about the Mirror of Erised and turned to the previous matter.

"As for why you said in school that you have gone home, the reason is that Voldemort and Quirrell are not really dead yet. In a sense, the danger has not been eliminated.

And both of their plans were ruined by you, or should I say, the guy inside you. "

Dumbledore's voice gradually became serious, "Both of them are full of anger and extremely powerful...interest in you."

"Qi Luo is not dead?" Linde was a little shocked. Wasn't Qui Luo's heart broken by Him at that time?

When Dumbledore saw Lind's reaction, some inexplicable thoughts came to his mind.

When it comes to killing and death, he doesn't seem to care that much. Instead, he normally grasps the key points of what he said.

It would be okay if the person in front of him was Snape, but the person in front of him was only a twelve-year-old child. But the next second, Dumbledore was relieved again. This kind of performance was in line with the Lind in his memory.

"Yes! Like Voldemort, he abandoned his body and escaped with his soul."

" did he do it?" Although Linde didn't know what level of soul separation was required, it was certainly not something that cats and dogs could do.

Dumbledore opened another box of chocolate frogs, "We don't know this, I just made this judgment when I examined his body later."

"Ha, Merlin." Dumbledore picked up the small card and showed it to Lind.

"The most powerful Animagus can turn into any animal. I really want to know if he can turn into a magical animal. The Metamorphosis Magus, the voice of all things, can talk to animals. Voldemort can do this too. arrive."

Lind can also talk to animals to a certain extent, but he is not in the mood to care about this card right now.

Dumbledore put the card away, and then continued, "Both Quirrell and Voldemort have expressed strong interest in you. From the beginning, I thought it would be best for you to stay in school, because even if it is a holiday, everyone Some professors still live at Hogwarts.

But I think just like the scene in the Mirror of Erised, you will definitely not agree. I think reunion with family is a very important thing.

So after thinking about it all, I had a little idea. Hope you don't mind. "

Lind nodded, indicating that he was willing to accept Professor Dumbledore's arrangement.

"I think you'd better not take the train back. After all, Quirrell is very likely still in this castle. It's entirely possible that he's hiding somewhere or possessing someone or something."

"How is this possible! Professor, you are not..."

Dumbledore waved his hand, "There are too many secrets in this castle, and I don't know them all. Quirrell is probably hiding anywhere.

Letting them catch you can be troublesome and may put you and your family in danger. "

Linde nodded. So far, no one in the school except a few teachers knew his home address. The reason why Dumbledore chose this may be because he does not have a protective spell like Harry.

Of course, there are also security issues such as owl delivery and I don’t know how Dumbledore will deal with them.

"So Professor Snape will take you straight home. Instead of boarding the Hogwarts Express with your classmates."

At this moment, Snape made a grand appearance from the door of the office again, as if he appeared deliberately stuck every time.

As for the rest, Dumbledore stopped talking, "Sorry, maybe it's a bit urgent to say this, but due to our personal reasons, we can only send you home tonight, or tomorrow morning."

These words basically gave Linde no room to refuse, and Dumbledore continued,

"As for your little friend, I will send it to you after it recovers. Don't worry! It will receive the best care from me."

It seems that this is why Dumbledore said in school that he had to leave first.

Lind turned his head to look at Snape's impatient eyes and said bravely, "Then can I leave tomorrow?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Linde's two large suitcases suddenly appeared and landed on the carpet.

Snape stared at him and said, "Do you have anything else to do?"

Linde immediately saw the small bag hanging outside one of the suitcases.

Linde opened the box and pretended to count his clothes and books, but he was actually looking down at the bag.

One, two,, eight. The top of the tied up bag had eight pleats deliberately drawn up.

Moreover, there is a short piece of hair of his own stuck on the tied bag.

Then the left and right wire harnesses are longer on the left and shorter on the right. There is a frayed spot on the right wire harness about two centimeters away from the bag mouth.

Yes, they are all correct. Absolutely no one has ever opened this bag.

All these details were deliberately set by Linde to prevent others from noticing when they opened the bag.

Linde had no intention of going to the autopsy room on the night of Quirrell's incident, so he placed the small bag containing "Operation Unicorn" under his pillow.

Now Lind was relieved. Before, he had said that he wanted to leave tomorrow despite Snape's murderous eyes because of this little bag.

Afterwards, Linde closed the box again and said, "Actually, there is nothing to do, I'm just afraid... that it will delay the professor's time so late.

Because I didn’t expect my luggage to be packed at first. "

"Is your mind too barren? Is it that when everyone says you have gone home, your bed, quilt, and luggage are still scattered in the bedroom?

The luggage was packed that evening. "

Linde was speechless after these words, and he had no choice but to ask, "Professor, how do we get to my house?"

They were obviously prepared. Snape nodded to Dumbledore, not wanting to say another word at all.

Dumbledore also turned his head and said, "Fox, we're in trouble. Send them back!"

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