"Good afternoon, Harry," said Dumbledore.

Harry stared at him blankly at first, and then suddenly remembered: "Sir! The Philosopher's Stone! It's Quirrell! He got the Philosopher's Stone! Sir, hurry up -"

"Don't get excited, dear boy, what you said is a bit outdated," said Dumbledore, "Quirrell did not get the Philosopher's Stone."

"Then who got it? Sir, I—"

"Harry, please calm down or Madam Pomfrey will kick me out."

Harry swallowed and looked around. He realized he was in a hospital. He was lying on a hospital bed covered with crisp white linen sheets. The table next to him was piled like a hill, as if half a candy store had been moved here.

"They are all gifts given to you by your friends and admirers." Dumbledore said with a smile, "Everything that happened between you and Professor Quirrell in that classroom was a complete secret, and secrets are always unknown. Spread like wildfire...

Therefore, all the teachers and students in the school naturally knew about it. I understand that your friends Fred and George Weasley also wanted to give you a toilet seat. No doubt they were trying to tease you, but Madam Pomfrey thought it was unhygienic and confiscated it. "

"How long have I lived here?"

"Three days. Mr. Ron Weasley and Miss Granger will be relieved to know that you are awake. They have been extremely worried."

"But sir, the Philosopher's Stone—"

"It seems there is no way to distract you. Well, let's talk about the Philosopher's Stone. Professor Quirrell was not able to take it away from you, and I arrived in time to stop him. But I must say, you In fact, one person can handle it very well.”

"You got there? Did you get the letter Hermione sent you with the owl?"

"The Owl and I apparently missed each other in the air. As soon as I arrived in London, I realized that I should return to where I had just left. I arrived just in time to stop their movement."

"So it's you. What about Quirrell, Voldemort and the others?!"

"Ah! They, they had a falling out, and no one had a good ending. Just like the saying in Gringotts, do you remember?"

"A wealth that has never been yours...beware that it will not be treasure, but evil retribution."

Dumbledore laughed, "Yes, Harry, they have been punished. I am extremely glad that I arrived in time."

"It's almost too late. I can't hold on much longer. He will take away the magic stone soon——"

"It's not the Philosopher's Stone, kid, I'm referring to you - you almost lost your life trying to protect the Philosopher's Stone. In that terrible moment, I was so frightened that I thought you were really dead. As for the Philosopher's Stone, It has been destroyed."

"Destroyed?" Harry asked puzzledly, "But your friend - Nico Flamel -"

"Oh, you actually know about Nico?" Dumbledore asked, his tone seemed very happy, "You made this matter very clear, didn't you? That's right, Nico and I talked about it, and we agreed that This is the best way."

"But then he and his wife will die, right?"

"They've got some elixirs saved up, just enough to get things sorted out. And then, yeah, they're going to die."

Dumbledore smiled at the look of shock on Harry's face. "Death is normal, Harry. We all face death one day."

Harry nodded, but quickly stopped because it gave him a headache. Then he said: "Sir, there are some things that I don't quite understand. I wonder if you can tell me... I want to know the truth about these things..."

"The truth," sighed Dumbledore, "is a beautiful and terrible thing, and must be treated with the utmost caution...

After that, Harry and Dumbledore chatted for a long time. They talked about the origin of the Invisibility Cloak, the grievances between Snape and James, etc...

Dumbledore stood up and patted his knees. "Okay, okay, today's chat is almost over." Then he looked out the door, as if he had penetrated the wall.

"Your friends are here. They have been worried about you! You should meet them." After saying that, he looked at Madam Pomfrey who was mixing the medicine.

"Poppy, let them come in and meet Harry!"

"Headmaster, no, Harry is not the only patient here." Madam Pomfrey frowned and hesitated.

Harry looked around and saw no one else.

Dumbledore said firmly. "Don't worry! Don't worry! I believe they will be measured and won't disturb other people. And you see, I have told Harry that I will let his friends come in to visit him." He revealed his face again A pleading look.

"Okay, but it's only five minutes." As she said that, she reluctantly put down the work in her hands. She really didn't like irrelevant people to disturb the patient's rest, but it was human nature to visit the patient.

Thinking about it, she opened the door and saw three people waiting eagerly outside.

"Come in kids, it's only five minutes. And if you dare to yell, this time can be reduced at any time."

The three of them did not dare to speak loudly. Jane walked in immediately and looked at Harry eagerly.

"Harry, are you okay!"

Harry also laughed happily when he saw Ron, Hermione, and Jane coming in, but Madam Pomfrey did not dare to speak loudly.

The four of them chatted enthusiastically. As they chatted, Harry saw Dumbledore walk into a small compartment separated by white cloth.

Who was it?

"Professor McGonagall said that Lind has left. That's great. I want to go home quickly, too." Ron said

"Left? Why did he leave first?" Harry just woke up and didn't know what happened.

"Yes, Professor McGonagall said that he had something to do at home, and then he asked for leave first." Ron said with a look of regret.


Dumbledore walked into the compartment, flicked his fingertips, and an invisible barrier immediately enveloped the small compartment.


Dumbledore looked at the person in front of him. He was pale, and his cheeks and wrists exposed from his cuffs showed that he was in an unhealthy state of thinness.

He sat on the bed in a hospital gown, with a pillow under his waist.

Dumbledore's entry did not seem to affect his gaze at the bird outside the window.

"Linde, how do you feel!"

Linde turned his head, still without any expression on his face, but his eyebrows trembled, indicating that his mood was not as calm as he appeared.

"Did you erase his memory?!" He tilted his head and looked in Harry's direction.

"Yes, if you still remember what happened at that time, you can understand why I did this."

As he said, he looked at Linde with an inquiring look.

"Do you remember?"

Linde nodded, "Of course.

But I don't quite understand why you don't erase my memory. I saw it, didn't I? And why did you tell them that I had left school!"

Dumbledore did not answer his question, but looked at the bird outside the window and slowly said:

"Linde, you are a mature child. If possible, I would like to know your understanding of your current situation first. This will also be beneficial to our subsequent conversation."

Linde thought about it and sorted out his words. There was an inexplicable color in his eyes.

"When He possessed me, I also got a glimpse of some of His information.

His name has a strange pronunciation. If read in English, it can be roughly pronounced as

--Cthulhu Futan"

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