The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 79: Captivating the Soul

In several corners of the room, several eyeballs grew out, and they were watching everything that happened in the house like surveillance.

Harry's hands trembled slightly, not only because of Quirrell's Cruciatus Curse, which was weakened to the point of being just like an electric shock, but also because of the side effects of the magic power that the Clear Water Curse had just poured out.

Quirrell was even more furious when he saw Harry didn't answer.

And it just so happened that there was such a spell in the memory of Voldemort that he absorbed - Legilimency.

And it was said that it would be more effective when used in conjunction with the soul leaving the body.

Thinking of this, Quirrell did not show mercy, and his robe surged like a long snake, flying over and entangled Harry.

Another powerful spell that did not require chanting.

Harry wanted to retreat, but he slipped and fell. At this moment, he wished he was naked. His intuition told him that human clothes were very restrictive to his body.

However, before he could regret too much, the black robe entangled him, and even a piece of it split out and strangled his neck.

Then, his body was pulled in front of Quirrell. The two of them faced each other, and Quirrell looked at him with a triumphant smile.

Harry wanted to tear his face with his claws!

However, he couldn't do it. He didn't know what he was going to face, but he began to feel pity in his heart.

At this moment, he thought of his friends Ron, Hermione, and Jane, and poor Neville, who might still be petrified in the corner of the lounge!

Then he thought of Lind, if he was the normal him now. He had realized that the one just now should not be Lind.

If he was the normal him, what would he do...

Harry couldn't think of it.

And Quirrell didn't give him time to think slowly. He raised his wand and waved it slowly and awkwardly, chanting a spell.

"Soul - out of body"

Harry suddenly felt his vision distorted and blurred, and he began to break away from the black cloth that bound him like a balloon, and began to float upwards gently...

His body also slumped down, relying entirely on the robes that bound him.

Quirrell digested Voldemort's memory and thought about the key points of Legilimency.

Legislatives is not just a kind of spell magic. It is the same as solidified spells such as Animagus and Occlumency. If you learn it, you will know it for the rest of your life. And you don't need to chant after you become proficient.

Chanting is simply notifying the other party: I'm going to cast Legilimency, so you'd better focus.

Of course, you can still chant when teaching, just like when Snape taught Harry to learn Occlumency. But usually you don't need to chant, just a look is enough.

And people who know this spell are also called Legilimency.

This is the benefit of directly absorbing the soul. Even this kind of spell, Quirrell mastered it in an instant.

But the shortcomings are also obvious. His thinking and personality have been affected by Voldemort, but Quirrell himself is not aware of this change.

This is also the reason why Lind insisted on separating and integrating the two memories of "Little Fishman Green" and "White Ship Journey". He wants to ensure the purity of his personality.


Quirrell's eyes exude a strange light, which is a sign that he is performing Legilimency. When he becomes proficient, he can hide this light like Snape, and others will only think that his eyes are very bright and sharp.

Legilimency was immediately issued, and Quirrell's thoughts entered Harry's brain, exams, Diagon Alley, admission notice...


A violent sound came from the door. Quirrell's spell was also interrupted.

The door that he would have let go of no matter what just now has been violently broken from the outside.

And behind the door, stood a tall old man with white hair.

"Dumbledore" Quirrell murmured with some trembling. The next moment, he and Harry were forcibly separated, and the old man who was at the gate just now appeared between him and Harry.

Dumbledore held a long elder wand with multiple nodes in his hand. He waved it at Harry, and he woke up. The effect of the Imperius Curse on him was no longer effective.

Dumbledore had a gloomy face. Lily's protective spell on Harry had basically no strong effect on Legilimency, a spell that did not harm but only affected the consciousness of the soul.

Avada Kedavra could not take Harry's life, and Cruciatus would also be weakened when it hit him.

But he had basically no resistance to Legilimency and Soul Removal, spells that basically did not harm the soul and spirit.

And this spell would last until he came of age. This was also the reason why Harry was not taken away by Quirrell's Killing Curse and was not polluted by the mind of Him who possessed Lind.

Quirrell looked desperate and broke the jar. No matter how powerful the spell was, it would be difficult to hit the strongest wizard in the world in front of him, so I wouldn't hit him!

This was Quirrell's simple thought.

"The Fiery Blaze--"

The uncontrolled crimson flames burst out from Quirrell's staff.

Above his head, the inverted sea surface, which was not far from their heads, suddenly churned violently, and the inexplicable tentacles seemed to be unable to restrain themselves.

The flames rolled up, but they did not devour everything around them like the Fiery Blaze that Quirrell had expected.

This Fiendfyre was like a good kid, floating in the air cautiously, absorbing the trace amount of magic in the water vapor to maintain its existence. As for the condensed water droplets, it didn't dare to touch them at all.

Quirrell saw this scene and blew out a lot of smoke from his mouth. The moment the smoke blocked Dumbledore, his figure turned into black mist and flew towards the door that Dumbledore opened when he came.

The appearance of the Fiendfyre Curse and the time when Dumbledore removed the Imperius Curse on Harry were almost the same, so Quirrell's small combo was also quite fast.

Seeing that Dumbledore didn't catch up, Quirrell was secretly happy, and coupled with the soul fragments of Voldemort absorbed in his mind, he was afraid of and disdainful of Dumbledore.

And this was when he felt disdain.

Quirrell sneered in his heart.

Seeing that the door was right in front of him, Quirrell's pride in his heart became even greater.

"You are really old, Dumbledore..."

The next moment, the door closed. Quirrell turned his head and looked at Dumbledore behind him in horror.

However, before he could turn his head, a huge green tentacle appeared in front of him and wrapped around him. There was green mucus and fine hook teeth on the tentacles.

At the same time, a small figure fell from above. It was the terrifying guy who was possessed by Lind and had brought him to this state.

The tentacles tightly wrapped around him. The more Quirrell struggled, the tighter the tentacles wrapped around him. After only two struggles, his bones creaked under the weight.

Quirrell saw that guy looking at him indifferently, as if looking at a toy that he had been tired of playing with.

He stretched out his hand to cover Quirrell's eyes. Quirrell looked at him in horror. Under the ups and downs, he felt that his spirit was on the verge of collapse.

The magic power in his body began to riot uncontrollably, causing the surrounding water to roll.

However, the water flow in the area between him and Him was so calm.

At this time, Quirrell inexplicably hoped that Dumbledore would rescue him. Although he did not understand what he was facing.

When the small palm officially covered his eyes, the feeling of being deprived of vision and the fear of not knowing the other party's purpose reached its peak. His body trembled violently and even began to twitch and spasm.

He wanted to shout loudly, but found that something seemed to be wriggling in his throat, preventing him from making a sound.

However, after a while, the horrified expression on Quirrell's face began to disappear, replaced by a hideous expression that seemed to be smiling, and even a sense of satisfaction appeared in the end.

When He took his hand away, he saw that Quirrell had no eyes, and there were only two bloody holes.

The tentacles were withdrawn, and Quirrell collapsed to the ground like mud.

He retracted his white jade hand, and Quirrell's two eyeballs were nowhere to be found. Maybe it was a magic trick! After all, there was no blood on his hands.

Then, He turned and looked at the other side of the room. The old white-bearded human holding a wand and looking at him solemnly.

The other party just checked the changes in the little wizard he had just transformed.

The move of Quirrell wrapping people with his robes comes from a scene in the movie "Deathly Hallows Part 2" in the Battle of Hogwarts.

I will resume normal updates tomorrow, and I will also make up for the past two days. Although I will be late, I will not be absent.

At the same time, I also solemnly apologize to my family because I was really busy in the past two days.

Currently owed 4/4

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