The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 71 Don’t Care

A pair of blue square pupils suddenly opened in the dark water.

Then the owner of the pupils poked half of his head out of the water and looked around. His long hair stuck to his cheeks because of the water. The hockey mask on his head was dirty and cracked.

It was a pity that today was Saturday the 15th, not Friday the 13th.

Lind looked around, and only Andersen was looking around vigilantly on the branch. Then he walked out of the water with confidence and cast a drying spell on himself.

Now his condition should have recovered by 40% or 50%. Lind took out his pocket watch and looked at it.

It was just past twelve o'clock.

Then he looked at himself again.

The effect of the aging agent has passed, and he has now returned to the appearance of an eleven-year-old wizard.

It should be ready to go back. Thinking of this, Lind packed up and took Andersen on the way back.

They were cautious all the way. I don’t know if it was because they were far away from the unicorn incident or because of other circumstances. Anyway, they were safe along the way.

Arriving at the bottom of the tower, he first asked Andersen to fly back to the bathroom to see if there was anyone there.

Then he repeated the same trick. With continuous learning and use, his levitation spell and Andersen enlargement spell could barely drive him to fly for a short time.

Back to the bathroom, Lind did not delay too much. Just as he was about to go to the Room of Requirement through the lounge, he heard the discussion coming from below.

Several familiar little wizards were sitting below, whispering about what had happened before.

Harry said in a panic below: "The scene was really horrible, can you imagine it? A unicorn had its entire head and tail chopped off!"

Hermione said in shock: "Yes, I saw it at the time. Unicorns are so cute, how could anyone have the heart to kill unicorns, and killing unicorns would also be cursed!"

Jane thought: "I think of a wizard sacrificial ceremony of an African tribe hundreds of years ago..."

Ron was shouting on the side, and kept shouting that it was a pity that he was not there this time, and he neither went to send the dragon nor saw such an exciting scene.

Neville was not there. I wonder if he didn't see it or for other reasons.

Harry touched the scar on his forehead: "When I just entered the Forbidden Forest, my scar started to hurt, very, very painful! Do you think it has something to do with this?!"...

After listening for a while, Lind thought about going back to sleep and not causing any more trouble.

As a result, he turned around halfway and walked down the stairs without hesitation.

The head of the unicorn was in his arms, how could he bear it! Lind touched his waist bag expressionlessly and quickly calmed down. He never relaxed in his practice of brain occlusion.

The sound of footsteps sounded in the quiet lounge, interrupting the conversation of several young wizards.

Lind faced their gaze, waved his hand, signaling them not to care about him, and then walked out of the lounge door by himself.

Harry was a little confused, "What is he going out for?"

"Who knows! Anyway, it's not the first time. I've said that basically every time I meet him, he goes out for a night tour." Jane said indifferently.

Hermione was a little worried, "He has been like this since the beginning of this year! Don't you think the way he looks at us is very... boring? I haven't seen him smile this year."

"It must be because of Snape! He is so miserable. Basically, he gets scolded every time he sees him, every time." Harry said with some palpitations. Before this Christmas, he never thought that Snape could be so cruel.

Snape's cruelty to Lind was even brought to Harry. Many people in Gryffindor called them the Snape twins.

Just like the Weasley twins, but the meaning is completely different.

Jane supported her head and unconsciously stirred the lemon tea in the cup with a spoon: "That's great, I also want to be like him and not care about many things!" She thought of the cold eyes she and Hermione suffered because of the Gryffindor big deduction incident some time ago.

If it was him, he would definitely not care!

Just like last year, Malfoy made a big fuss about Lind's appointment to duel but didn't dare to go.

She later asked Lind what he thought during that time, but Lind just said, "It's none of my business!"

She couldn't understand it at all. Others humiliated you in front of the whole college, but you said it had nothing to do with you. She didn't understand this idea at all.

Until the last time she was criticized, she wished she could calmly say "It's none of my business!"

Hearing her words, Harry also agreed, "Yes! I wish I could be like him. No matter how Snape targeted him, he didn't get angry." Harry also wanted to be like Lind and not care at all.

"What's good about this? If he cared a little, maybe our Gryffindor points would be increased a lot, and we would have secured this year's house cup. It's because he doesn't care." Ron said, and was hit on the head by Hermione with a book.

Hermione looked helpless, "Whether they give Gryffindor extra points or not is none of your business!"


Lind didn't know about the talk after he left, but quickly came to the Room of Requirement.

"I need an autopsy room."

"I need an autopsy room."

"I need an autopsy room."

An old-fashioned wooden handle appeared on the blank and smooth wall. Lind pushed the door open and saw a small room.

The room looked spotless to the naked eye. Instead of using the common hanging candles in Hogwarts as a light source, a huge glowing spherical object was hung in the center of the room.

It was like the sun, surrounded by spherical objects of different sizes. Unlike the fixed big ball, these small balls were regularly surrounding the big ball.

It was like a satellite orbiting around a huge celestial body.

Below, there was a horizontal bed of a regular operating table, but there were some runes on it, so it should not be just a bed.

There were many small tables on the side. There were pliers of various sizes and shapes, saws, and some hoses. These strange things were placed on it. Anyway, he couldn't understand them, but he thought they were very powerful.

In the corner, there were several things with strong magical colors that he couldn't understand.

There was also a huge display window on the right, with various organs soaked in glass jars.

The mini multi-petal organ should be the heart. Three withered eyeballs should be from the same creature. There was also a whole toad, etc.

Anyway, they were trying their best to ignite his vision. However, these did not break Linde's defense, but he frowned. Maybe Snape would laugh happily when he saw the things on this shelf.

There were also empty glass jars of various sizes next to it. This saved him a little money.

He was very satisfied with this room. Although he could not operate most of the things in it, his purpose did not require him to operate those things.

He just wanted to dissect the skull of the unicorn head.

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