Go back a few weeks.

Lind went to the library after walking out of Occlumency class.

In the class just now, Snape taught him the theoretical knowledge of the "Memory Separation Curse".

When he came to the library, Linde searched around. He took a copy of "The Origin and Myths of Unicorns" and found a corner to read it. The candle floating in the air automatically flew to him and started business.

Open the catalog and find the content he needs about the unicorn's living habits, racial characteristics, etc.

"Unicorns have obvious gender discrimination. In Mesopotamian legends: virgins can be used to lure unicorns into being deceived and captured. This also symbolizes that unicorns are sacred and pure creatures.

This is also true in reality. After long-term observation, unicorns are more inclined to communicate with children, especially girls...

...Unicorns can see through people's hearts, and they especially hate people with impure minds. We don't know yet whether this is because of the nature of unicorns or because they are hunted by wizards because they possess a variety of powerful magic materials!

Linde's fingers slid along the lines of writing, his eyes meticulous.

“…the unicorn’s ability to break people’s hearts comes with a price.

The price for the keen perception of the soul is the unicorn's dullness of the body..."

"At the same time, their bodies reject most commonly used magic potions. Whether they are positive or negative potions, they will only destroy their bodies.

Ferdinand Magellan, the king of the 16th century, magizoologist, and traveler, made a conjecture about this characteristic of unicorns in his book "Those Magical Creatures of the World" published after traveling around the world.

Because unicorns naturally reject potions concocted from the killing and corpses of other creatures..."

Linde slid here, put his head on one hand and rubbed his temples.

"It's a bit interesting. It means that if I want to save the unicorn, I can't use most magic potions, but should use more 'natural' things like herbs..."

Thinking about it, he continued to slide down

“But it doesn’t mean that drugs that do not kill or plunder other creatures will be effective on unicorns...

The body of unicorns is extremely repellent to fecal stones. The current mainstream argument is that fecal stones come from dirty places like sheep stomachs, and unicorns are pure creatures and naturally repel them..."

Lind closed the book, and an excellent plan suddenly came to his mind, although it was a bit risky.

Since you can't fool a unicorn.

Then deceive yourself!

Lin De closed the book and tried his best to suppress the joy in his heart.

Every night and every morning he would look at the night sky and the bathroom mirror and swear over and over again: I will do my best to save that unicorn.

At the same time, he spent basically all his time practicing just one spell: memory separation.

Finally, a week before the night in the Forbidden Forest, Linde successfully cast this spell for the first time.

On the day Harry received the punishment letter, Lind ran back to the dormitory early and took out a new small cloth bag, which contained various potions: blood tonics, bruise ointments, etc., and the most important thing. ——Bezoars.

Lind divided all the medicines into two parts, one of which was placed in the pocket bag given to him by Professor Flitwick, which also contained various props.

The other copy was placed in the small cloth bag and handed to Andersen. The medicines here are all prepared for yourself. But I will forget its existence in the future.

As for Professor Flitwick's bag, he will carry it with him and use it on the unicorn.

Unicorns are insensitive to their own bodies...rejecting these commonly used drugs...

I really want to save you from death.

After that, he began to separate some of his memories. This includes all the memories that he wants to harm the unicorn.

As he forgot these memories, he wanted to save this unicorn from the bottom of his heart.

At night, Linde stood in the dormitory on the windowsill, and Andersen stood opposite him with a serious look on his face.

As the younger brother, it knows its mission very well, which is to obey the boss.

Lind put the wand against his temples. His temples were more concave than before. This was entirely due to the habit he had developed of rubbing his temples, but it was okay. This actually made his edges and corners more distinct. .

Just like Snape's actions that day, Lind slowly chanted a spell and pulled out something like thick silvery fog from his head.

He counted the memory segments in his mind, cut off the memory involved in his wand, and put it into a small glass bottle.

The memory here contains information about the unicorn's body rejecting potions and extremely rejecting bezoars.

As various memories were extracted, Lind no longer had the idea of ​​killing unicorns in his mind, nor did he have any relevant knowledge about unicorns.

There is only the memory of countless days and nights when I vowed to save the unicorn.

There is only the memory of the repeated arrangements he made in the Forbidden Forest in order to save the unicorn.

——I really poisoned you for your own good.


As Lind reloaded the memory in the vial into his mind, he took out the medicine from the cloth bag and applied it to his injured leg with a strange look on his face.

Since I can’t fool the unicorn, I’ll fool myself.

Linde recalled his desire to become an ocean singer, and then looked at the unicorn lying in his arms with burning eyes.

Just like people want to eat meat, Lind has no regrets for deceiving and killing this holy and pure creature.

Anyway, I am the winner.

Some things are worthless, just like it.

Some things are worth sacrificing one's life for, such as the only family left in this world.

There is never a completely absolute value, and the value of a thing depends entirely on the individual.

If you think it is worth it, then it is worth a thousand gold.

If you think it is not worth it, then it is worthless.

Very simple and violent individualism.

Reloading the memory also took a lot of time, and Lind hurriedly cast a spell on the corpse.

"God's Edge Without Shadow——"

Lind directly put the magic wand against the unicorn's neck, and blood and flesh splattered in an instant.

The invisible blade cut the unicorn's weak tendons and trachea.

"Silent and breathless——" He didn't have much magic power. He originally wanted to try his best to limit the scope of this spell to its neck, but it still spread uncontrollably and covered Lind's own half body and the unicorn's head.

There was even less magic power.

But he didn't have time to care about so much, and Quirrell would definitely not attract their attention for too long.

Lind took out a bone-cutting knife from his waist bag and chopped it on the bones one by one along the torn flesh.

The blade should have made a violent clanging sound when it chopped on its bones, but under the influence of the spell, no sound came out.

It's just that its body would twitch from time to time as the blade fell, and those bodies that were not within the range of the spell would make a rustling sound of friction with the fallen leaves and stones on the ground.

I have had some troubles in my life recently, and everyone has seen the change in my update time.

Well, but that's not what I'm talking about. What I want to say is:

Today is really Bengbu, my family, tomorrow at 3 o'clock, whoever needs a grandson will be updated.

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