In the dark office, Snape sat at the table with a stern face, and Lind sat opposite him.


Snape threw the thick notebook directly on the table. His veins popped up and he suddenly got angry. "You useless, mud...idiot. Get out of my office, you are as stupid as the dog raised by the Forbidden Forest guard." Snape stood up and his face was almost in front of Lind, and his saliva sprayed directly on Lind's face.

Lind had a blank expression and casually picked up his robe to wipe his face.

"Professor Snape, I am sure that I will not have emotional fluctuations due to such ordinary verbal provocation. This is not the first time you have confirmed it in this way, right?" Lind said lightly.

During this period of time, including in the brain block class, the potion class, and when they met in the corridor, Snape would attack Lind for no reason, even worse than Harry.

However, Lind never showed anger, shame, impatience and other emotions.

Snape saw Lind's performance and nodded with satisfaction. Then he stepped back.

"I think we can move on to the next stage, Augustus."

Snape asked him: "In your mind, is there any memory that you can remember but not remember completely?"

Lind thought about it and understood what Snape wanted to express.

"Of course, I remember being bitten by a dog when I was five years old, but where was it bitten, why was it bitten..."

"Okay, I don't care. Let me ask you again. Do you think this memory still exists in your mind?"

"Of course, professor. I just can't remember it, but it must still be in my mind."

Snape was very satisfied with Lind's answer and nodded: "Yes, memories always exist in our minds, but we may forget some of them.

This is the ability of the Pensieve."

After speaking, Snape put his wand against his temple and inserted it into the greasy hair roots.

"Memory separation--"

When he took away the wand, there was a strand of silver attached to the tip of the wand, like a thick spider silk.

Snape tore it apart and let it fall gently into the Pensieve, where it turned silvery white.

"Using this spell, we can separate or copy a memory in our mind."

"We can use the Pensieve to reproduce this memory. You can find out what the Pensieve is when you have time." Snape took out a small glass bottle and threw the memory into the bottle. Then he put it on the table.

"It contains a memory. They are like photos, copying everything we have seen in detail.

Next, you have to learn the spell of memory extraction. Controlling memory is a basis for controlling brain occlusion."

After saying all this, Snape motioned Lind to repeat it. Snape didn't expect Lind to repeat what he said exactly.

Then Snape began to explain the spell of memory extraction to Lind...


On a dark, overcast night,

Harry climbed out of bed carefully. He didn't have much time. Malfoy also knew that they were going to send Norbert away today, which would definitely cause trouble for them.

He put on his robe and glanced at Ron's empty bed.

On the morning of the second day after Ron was bitten, his hand swelled to twice its original size.

At that time, they were still wondering if it was inappropriate to go to Ms. Pomfrey - would she be able to tell that it was a dragon bite? However, in the afternoon, his wound worsened and turned into an ugly green color, so he had to go to the school hospital.

Alas! Poor Ron.

Harry sighed helplessly, and then took the invisible cloak like gauze. What he didn't know was that outside the dark window, another eye was watching his movements.

When Harry walked out of the dormitory, the owner of the eye flew to the window next door.

"Coo-coo--" Andersen cooed softly.

Lind nodded after hearing what it said. Then he turned over and fell asleep again.

According to the plot, Harry will throw the invisibility cloak in the astronomy tower tonight, and then Dumbledore will give it to him after the trip to the Forbidden Forest.

To be honest, Lind had the idea of ​​​​this thing at first, but later he thought about it and gave up, still a little worried that Dumbledore would find it.

Sure enough, Lind heard about Gryffindor's big deduction of points the next day.

Then, it's time to start your own arrangements.

After lunch at noon, Lind carefully came to the edge of the Forbidden Forest, and while no one was paying attention, he rushed into the Forbidden Forest.

If you go to the Forbidden Forest at night, then Dumbledore will most likely find him, so if you walk out of the castle during the day and then rush into the Forbidden Forest, the chance of being discovered will be much smaller!

Lind walked into the Forbidden Forest, and the dense canopy covered the light from the sky. The entire Forbidden Forest was not very visible even during the day. It looked like the terrifying black forest in fairy tales.

Linde walked quickly into the woods, and when he could no longer see the Hogwarts lawn, he stopped behind a big tree.

He fumbled in his waist bag and took out a small medicine bottle after a while.

It contained a thick dark green medicine liquid. Linde pulled out the stopper, and a pungent smell of grass juice came out.

Linde poured out some of the medicine liquid and spread it on his body as much as possible. This is a medicine liquid that masks its own smell.

After covering up the smell on his body, Lind put away the medicine bottle, took out his wand and put it on his chest to be alert and headed towards the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

Jumping over the puddle familiarly and climbing over the huge tree trunk that was broken on the ground, Lind soon reached the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

Taking out the map, Lind checked his position, then turned around and ran forward again.

For this incident, Lind can only get two pieces of information now, and it is expected that he will get more in the future.

The first point: Harry met Quirrell shortly after entering the Forbidden Forest, and the regular entrance to the Forbidden Forest, that is, the "crossing" stepped out by Hagrid, is next to his cabin.

Calculate Harry's speed, and then boldly estimate the time from Harry's departure to meeting Quirrell, then this can exclude most of the Forbidden Forest. There should be no Quirrell in those places, and no arrangements are needed.

The second point: that is, the settlement of unicorns. This point was confirmed by him and Hagrid early on, and he knew all the drinking water points and living places where unicorns often stay.

Combining the two, Lind needs to arrange fewer places in advance. It is only necessary to arrange the intersection of the fan-shaped area radiating from the entrance of the Forbidden Forest outside Hagrid's hut and the circular area where the unicorns live.

Another point that may be obtained in the future is: During Harry's Forbidden Forest Night, Hagrid once said: "Such a thing happened not long ago, and this is not the first unicorn to be attacked."

In other words, in the near future, Lind can also get the death point of a unicorn, which was the killing caused by Quirrell's first sucking of unicorn blood.

A circle is spread out with the death point of the unicorn as the center,

and then Lind will strengthen the arrangement within that circle.

Most people would think so.

But what Lind actually needs to do is: strengthen the arrangement of places outside the circular range.

Unicorns are very smart creatures. If their people are hunted in that area, they will definitely stay away from that area as soon as possible.

That is to say, during Harry's Forbidden Forest Night, the location where Quirrell hunted the unicorn is likely to be far away from his first hunting of the unicorn.

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