He had never heard this song, but he had seen it.

In the book "Mysterious Atlantis" that he threw in the corner of the swimming pool, after Bashir Elton boarded the white ship, Theseus once sang this ballad on the ship.

Linde still roughly remembers the original text in the book: "He sang a poem that I didn't understand at all. Its tune was so similar to the song that the waves and tides beat on the day we set sail..."

That ballad turned out to be the practice content of the first chapter of "Tidecaller Revelation". This was something Linde didn't expect. In fact, he not only read it, but even "listened" to it.

When he read this book for the second time, he was completely immersed in it. The messy lines on it interpreted different scenes in the book for him. During that reading, he vaguely heard that melody.

But he didn't remember it. That memory was like an ordinary passerby on the street. He only knew that he had met him, but he couldn't remember anything about his appearance or height.

The same goes for this ballad, even if he just wants to hum the melody it is so difficult.

However, "Tidecaller Apocalypse", which is written entirely in fish-human characters, has nothing else besides lyrics and pictures, no musical notation, no dore mi. But this is actually not the most difficult thing. He already has some ideas on how to learn this song.

The real trouble is that he needs to be qualified to sing the ballad.

Just like learning the Animagus, learning this song also requires some "rituals".

He had also seen the specific rituals for learning Animagus in the book "Practical Charms III", which were roughly as follows:

First, hold a mandrake leaf in your mouth for an entire month (from one full moon to the next). Under no circumstances should the leaves be swallowed or spit out. As soon as the leaf leaves the mouth, the whole process starts over again.

On the second full moon, put the leaf soaked in your own saliva into a small transparent bottle and let it receive pure moonlight (if it happens to be cloudy that night, you must find another mandrake leaf and start over. Pass). To the vial that is exposed to moonlight, add a strand of your own hair, a silver teaspoon of dew (which must be collected from a place that has not been exposed to sunlight or human contact for seven full days), and the pupa of a Ghost-faced Hawkmoth. Let this mixture sit in a quiet, dark place, protected from prying eyes and disturbance, until the next storm.

While waiting for the storm to come, you should perform the following actions at sunrise and sunset: point the tip of the wand to your heart and recite the incantation: "Amado, Animo, Animado, Animagus."

The wait for a storm can last weeks, months or even years. During this time, the clear bottle must remain completely undisturbed and protected from sunlight. Sunlight pollution will cause the worst mutations.

If you insist on chanting the mantra repeatedly at sunrise and sunset every day, you will feel another heartbeat at the moment when the tip of the wand touches your chest. Sometimes this heartbeat is stronger than my own original heartbeat, and sometimes it is relatively weak.

When lightning appears in the sky, immediately head to where you hid the clear vial. If you complete all the above steps correctly, you will find some blood-red potion in the bottle, about enough to drink in one gulp.

At this time, you must immediately leave for a spacious and safe place to ensure that the transformation process does not cause a disturbance or put yourself in danger. Point the tip of the wand to your heart, say the incantation "Amado, Animo, Animado, Animagus" and drink the potion.

If all goes well, you will feel a sharp pain and a pounding double heartbeat. You will have an image in your mind of the animal shape you will transform into. You must be fearless; it is too late to change your focus and escape the transformation you have promised.

The first metamorphosis is often quite uncomfortable and frightening. Clothes and accessories such as glasses or jewelry will blend into the skin, turning into fur, scales, or claws and spikes. Don't resist, don't panic, otherwise you may be dominated by your animal instincts and drive yourself to do something stupid, such as jumping out of a window or rushing into a wall.

It is not until the true first transformation is completed that one has learned the Animagus.

Of course, after practice, it won't be as troublesome as the first time.

And the Ocean Singer's ritual is much more difficult than becoming an Animagus.

To be honest, when Lind saw the ritual recorded above, he really hesitated whether he should learn this spell now. The ritual process is very cumbersome, delicate, and extremely demanding. Any wrong step may cause irreparable consequences.

Just like a rocket, it is extremely precise, including every part, splicing, purity of the fuel, etc., as well as the weather, trajectory, time of the rocket launch, etc. Any wrong step will cost you dearly.

But if all this goes well, humans can go to space with successfully launched rockets.

The same goes for this ritual of the Ocean Singer. If every step is completed accurately, the benefits will be huge.

How big is it?

The preface to Tidecaller Apocalypse describes the Seasinger in this way:

We have graceful and clear singing voices and angelic faces.

Our strings stir the waves, and our songs carry the wind.

We manipulate the tides and create waves.

Ocean currents are our friends and sea breezes are our helpers.

What we perform is not magic, it is art.


It is indeed very powerful and awesome. And Linde looked up some spells recorded in the subsequent chapters, and it is true. They are all extremely powerful spells.

This also made Linde feel itchy all the time. Of course, it has nothing to do with the phrase "angelic face".

So after thinking it over again and again, he decided to complete the ritual of the Ocean Singer as soon as possible.

As long as he successfully completes the ritual of the first chapter, he can successfully learn and cast various powerful sea magics in the future.

Speaking of which, Linde is still a little curious about what spells are recorded in the "Abyss Stone Draft" of the Sea Beast Priest and the "Sea Current Ceremony" of the Naga Clan's Sea Current Singer mentioned by Yu San.

Most of the spells of the Ocean Singer are various spells related to shallow seas, tides, sea breezes, etc., so what about the Sea Current Singer and the Sea Beast Priest!

Where did Yu San go after defeating Jialiu? He should not have established a new fishman dynasty, otherwise the human magic world would definitely know.

And that Jialiu's soul fragment is not curious about the current development of the outside world at all. Could it be that he knows?

It's not that Lind didn't notice these problems, but he didn't have the ability to do so now, so he could only keep them in his heart. He believed that according to his current development, he would definitely be inseparable from the sea in the future, and he had plenty of time to find out the truth of these problems.

However, his current focus was to continue to learn the magic of Hogwarts, and in addition, he had to learn to hum the song.

Humming the song was also part of the ceremony.

At the same time, he had to prepare for the preliminary work of the ceremony.

First, he had to make a musical instrument. Lyre was the best choice, and musical instruments were also one of the requirements for the subsequent spells of the Sea Singer.

He had some general ideas about the ballad. In fact, it wasn't that troublesome, but it might be a bit risky.

"Go take the book to Dumbledore." Lind whispered.

"What Labrador? Labrador? Can your school keep dogs?" Felix asked in confusion. He didn't hear it clearly, after all, he was just scolding a stray dog ​​that crossed the road.


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