Except for the various staircases, the entire astronomical tower is connected from top to bottom. The little wizard standing on the top floor can see the bottom floor directly from the stairs.

"What are you doing? Do you want to die?" The effect of the floating spell has ended, and she hurried over to grab Lind's sleeve.

"How dare you, a guy with such strong limbs, wander around in front of me."

Lind ignored Jane and pushed her back behind the wall.

"Go back, it will be dangerous in a while!" He glanced up. At this time, the giant monster was running straight towards him.

The huge body stepped on the ground and made a thumping sound. Lind could even feel the floor shaking.

The giant monster came faster than he thought. Lind calculated the time and pulled out his wand.

"Clear water like a spring!"

The thick water stream spurted out from the tip of the wand, and Lind released all the magic power in his body unscrupulously. This was the maximum power he could achieve without deliberately suppressing it.

Even a 12-foot-tall giant could only be pushed back by Lind's water flow.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Lind stopped casting the spell, the water flow disappeared, and then rushed behind the wall. The giant, who was originally pushed back by the water flow, did not react for a while to what happened.

However, these were not within its consideration. It only knew that it could go forward and find the two little guys again.

Then smash them into pieces-

Bang! !

A stone giant sword pierced its right shoulder from top to bottom, and the right half of its body was smashed into meat paste.

The stone sword could not withstand such a great impact and broke into pieces. The stone pieces shot into its broken left body like bullets.

It didn't figure out what happened until it died.

For a while, smoke and dust rose everywhere. After a while, Lind stood out from behind the wall.

Pah, pah.

Lind stepped into the water, covering his nose and looking inside.

The salty seawater and the troll's flesh and blood mixed together, accompanied by a strong smell of dust, blood, and the troll's original body odor.

The entire right half of the troll's body was smashed, and its internal organs were scattered all over the ground. The head seemed intact.

The huge Andersen flew down from above.


"I don't blame you. It's not that easy to hit the head accurately, and this thing's head is not big to begin with." Linde fanned his nose. The smell was really too strong.

"It's a pity that one of the statues has lost its weapon. It can be regarded as an ancient craft after all!" Linde felt a little regretful.

"I don't know if the professor's spell level can repair it." After all, it was too broken, and he certainly couldn't do it, but he didn't know if the professor could do it.

The difficulty of dealing with a troll is that its magic resistance is too high, so many direct damage magics are not very effective against it.

So Lind enlarged Andersen in advance, and then let it fly to the top of the tower with weapons, and threw the giant sword from a high place when the time was right.

A heavy giant sword falling freely from a height of dozens of meters, let alone the troll, even the three-headed dog could not bear it.

The enlargement spell on Andersen gradually expired, and its size began to shrink slowly.

Jane also came out. She looked at this scene and vomited directly on the ground. After vomiting, she looked at the blood on her hands and clothes and vomited again.

"You... you killed him?" Jane's face was pale

"You use 'he' for this kind of stuff?" Lind waved his hand with disgust.

The dense footsteps sounded, and Lind could only sigh that they came at the right time.

"What the hell are you doing?" Professor McGonagall saw the two people and the corpse of the troll, and was first startled by the bloody scene in front of her, and then hurriedly questioned.

Although her tone was so fierce, Lind could still see the worry on her face.

Professor Flitwick also came out from behind with a worried look on his face. Dumbledore followed behind him unhurriedly.

"Excuse me, Filch. I think I should go to the front." Dumbledore's tall body tried his best to move forward.

He walked forward and was obviously stunned when he saw the mess on the ground, but the next second he waved his hand and fanned his nose, then smiled at Lind.

"Minerva, Lind and Jane's appearance here is definitely a problem we need to know, but I think we should change places." Dumbledore smiled.

Professor McGonagall could only nod her head. She couldn't stand the smell. She was worried before, but now she saw that the two children were fine, and her heart was relieved.


"It seems that there are more than one or two unruly guys!" Snape walked out slowly from the side. Behind him stood Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

Lind standing on the side could see that Professor McGonagall's hair was about to burn.

The five young wizards who did not follow the rules and returned to the common room were all Gryffindors.

She was not feeling ashamed, but felt that she had failed in her duty, so she was so angry.

Dumbledore also frowned.

"Filius, can you help Filch clean up here? It may be troublesome for him to handle it alone." He said to Professor Flitwick.

"Oh, okay." Professor Flitwick smiled.

"Severus, can I borrow your office?" Dumbledore asked again.

"Come on!" Snape said with a low voice and a smile, and then began to lead the way.

Several people followed behind.

"Do you know how smelly you are!" Lind pinched his nose and complained in a low voice.

"Clean it up!" He waved his wand and cleaned the blood on Jane's body.

Jane glared at her angrily, and Lind interrupted her, so she was not so nervous.

Several people came to Snape's office and closed the door. Some pungent smell of potion penetrated into the nose.

Lind felt that for his nose, today was definitely a qualified Halloween Eve.

Five little wizards stood in a row.

"Okay, okay, relax, kids. Just tell me what you did tonight." Dumbledore signaled them not to be so nervous.

Lind glanced at Hermione and saw that she was about to cry, and Harry was pale and his lips were shaking. Ron's face was red and he looked particularly ashamed.

Linde and Jane seemed like normal people.

Linde was also a little confused. What on earth did they go to? He had always thought that as long as he didn't interfere with Harry and the others, there would be no deviation in the story.

So he never cared about what the savior had done recently.

He saw that no one else was talking, so he spoke up.

"I was looking for classmate Diwo, and then I ran into the troll. In the end, we killed the troll together." Linde seemed to be pretending to be calm.

"How dare you? What if something goes wrong!" Professor McGonagall shouted sternly.

Dumbledore blinked and asked curiously. "You knew there was a troll in the school, why did you go to Jane!"

Linde cursed the old bee in his heart. Isn't this looking for trouble! Why, why...

"Because... Because I am a Gryffindor." Linde said it loudly with a righteous look on his face.

Ah! Gryffindor, a symbol of friendship and courage.

Lind saw Jane roll her eyes from the corner of her eye. Snape even sneered.

Although it was very quiet, Lind could still tell from the shape of her lips.

Professor McGonagall's expression improved a little.

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