Rendell's expression remained unchanged, he took off his sneakers, opened the shoe cabinet, and took out a Beretta M9 pistol. This was one of the American standard equipment after 1985. It appeared in this gangster's eyes. His home also indirectly represents his energy.


"Mr. Rendell, I don't have any malice at all. If you want, you can shoot me to death now!" Linde had already heard the sound of the pistol being loaded. His expression remained unchanged and he was still sitting on the sofa facing the door. Rendell said.

"Do you know how stupid it is to break into a gangster's house?" Rendell walked to the living room with his gun in hand, stood on the back of the sofa and looked down coldly at the bald man sitting on the sofa.

"I just want to prove that I have a little bit of ability to help you." Linde said,

At this time, the two people who were still chatting happily on the street once again started another communication here in a strange way.

Rendell was a little surprised. Judging from Lind's words, he knew he had a gun in his hand, but he still did not show fear. Instead, he still sat here calmly.

Rendell put away his gun, walked past Linde, and sat on a sofa on the side.

"Who gave you my information?" Rendell said coldly.

"No one gave you my information, it was just a follow-up." Linde said.

"Stalking? Are you kidding me? Follow me!" Rendell was extremely confident in his anti-detection ability. The number of people following him ranged from 1,000 to 800, and most of them were now in the Thames River.

"I have my own way." Linde said, "I know it's rude, but only in this way I think you will be willing to have a serious communication with a thirteen-year-old kid like me."

"Why do you care so much about this pagan thing?" Rendell asked.

"I suspect that this church has a lot to do with the disappearance of my family." Lind looked at Rendell's face. He knew that Rendell did not believe him now, but was very wary of him.

"You don't have to think too much, I'm not interested in gangsters or anything like that at all." Lind added, but I think Lendl was only half-convinced.

"Then you can leave this matter to me. If I can find out, you may not be able to find out; if I can't find out, you may not be able to find out." Rendell had a smile on his face and wanted to drive away Linde.

"That's the problem. You think I don't have the corresponding "ability," but I think we can perfectly complement each other in this matter. You have gangs and powerful thermal weapons, and I also have powerful single-target combat capabilities. , and under special circumstances, my combat ability can rise to a certain level," Linde said slowly.

"Hey, a little kid of twelve or thirteen years old talks about fighting and abilities." Rendell laughed. "I'm going to ask you the simplest question, have you ever killed anyone?"


This is really not the case. Quirrell and Lockhart were just fighting briefly. Quirrell was considered killed, but not completely killed. So what should I say? Half-kill?

Rendell also saw the embarrassment on Lind's face at this time, and smiled proudly, "Go home, kid. Gangsters and fighting are not as simple as the comics you read."

"I'm not afraid even if you have a gun in your hand. If you ask me if I've ever killed anyone, I don't really care."

This time it was Lendl's turn to be silent. Linde was right. In his memory, except for a few cronies who had been with him for a long time, no one could be so calm while being pointed at a gun.

"Okay!" Rendell said suddenly.

He was caught off guard. Linde had originally planned to use some unconventional means to conquer him, but he didn't expect Lendl to say just that.

After saying that, he looked at Linde, "What's wrong? I suddenly agreed to you, and now I'm feeling uneasy again?"

Linde shook his head, "I just can't wait!"

Rendell nodded, took out his phone and dialed the number again, "Bring that guy with you when you come, and deal with him first."

"Okay, boss."

After saying that, Rendell picked up the pistol and said to Lind, "Do you want to go home now and tell your parents that you are going to fight with the gangs?"

Linde looked at him as if he was mentally retarded. "...There's no need, I'm just curious about how long it will take."

"It'll only take about ten minutes." Rendell said, and then walked upstairs on his own. He wanted to change his outfit, otherwise it would be inconvenient to move.

Lind continued to lie on the sofa and glanced at the crows on the branches outside the window. He walked over to open the window and said to Andersen on the branches, "Originally, I said I would give you a holiday, but now it seems that we have something to do. ”

Andersen nodded and said nothing. He could understand the importance Linde attached to this matter. In comparison, it didn't matter whether he was on holiday or not.

Not long after, Rendell walked down. He had already changed into a suit and a windbreaker. If you didn't know better, you would never think that this guy was a gangster.

At the same time, a family red Santana drove in outside.

The car parked in the yard, and three people walked out. They came to the door and knocked twice.

Lendl opened the door, and a man led by him walked in. He had a two-eighth haircut, some wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, and a thin body. He looked very shrewd.

"Boss, we've brought everyone here." He pointed to the car behind, "That guy is here too."

Lendl nodded, "Let's go!" He called Lind, "Come here, kid."

Lendl followed him over, and the man saw Lind as well. He was a little confused, "Boss, this is..."

"An interesting kid." Lendl smiled helplessly.

"Okay." The man nodded, and then got into the car.

Lendl followed them and sat by the window at the back of the car.

The man started the car, "Boss, where are we going?"

"Let's go to the club first." Lendl said.

The man nodded, and then started the car. In the car, he introduced Lendl, "This is Corso, formerly of SRR."

The man sitting in the middle of the back seat waved at Lendl's gaze in the rearview mirror, "Hello, boss, my name is Kurt Corso, and I used to serve the Royal Family at SRR."

Because he was leaning against Lind, Lind could feel the muscles that were bursting out under his clothes.

As for the SRR, Linde also had some impression. The special reconnaissance unit under the British Army is one of the more famous special forces in the UK.

"The other one is Merclayton, a private detective who often cooperated before, and he is also one of our own. They both contributed a lot to catching that guy this time."

"Is it difficult?" Rendel asked curiously.

"Yeah!" The man nodded, and the car had slowly driven out of Crescent Flower Street. "Since we set the rules here, he dared to come here. He is really good."

After walking out of Crescent Flower Street, Linde watched the changes in the scenery outside the window while listening to their conversation.

After leaving Crescent Flower Street, it is the commercial area.

Linde had always thought that this guy named Rendel was just a small cadre, but he didn't expect this man to call him boss directly.

However, the man didn't feel very respectful and trembling in the conversation with Rendel, which was quite consistent with Linde's previous impression of Rendel. Rendel didn't have any hostility.

The vehicle slowly stopped at a boxing club. It was a three-story building with the club's LED sign on the top floor. "Shark Boxing Club" Judging from the exterior decoration of the building, this building should all belong to the boxing club.

"He hid very deeply. We didn't find out until the end that this guy was a chemistry teacher in a college." The man continued. He drove the car into the alley, opened the door and got out, and Lind got out.

The man walked back, and he frequently cast a puzzled look at Lind, but still didn't say anything.

"Follow me, don't look around." Leonard said to him.

"What does this have to do with our investigation?" Lind asked.

"Don't worry!" Rendell said, and then took Lind to open the back door of the club in the alley. Lind followed in.

"Hey! Ha!"

Shouts kept coming from some small houses. Looking through the glass, there were many big men doing bench presses, deadlifts, etc. Obviously, the first floor was arranged like a gym.

"Mr. Rendel!" People greeted Rendel through the glass. Rendel smiled at them.

"Are they all your gang members?" Lind asked in confusion.

"No, they are customers here. This is one of our industries. They are just customers. Most people here don't know that I am a gangster. They only know that I am the boss here."

"That old man knows you are a gangster because his son is a policeman?" Lind was a little confused.

Rendel nodded.

"It's interesting. The police know you are a gangster, but you are still at peace. You are even going to help them now."

"We are all neighbors. And although what we do is not decent, we haven't done anything evil. After we came out, the security of the whole Surrey County has improved a lot." Rendel said in a low voice with a little pride on his face.

Lind nodded and said nothing more. At this time, Lind also followed them to the basement. The basement was surrounded by iron walls, like an iron box buried in the ground.

At the same time, the man behind him also had SRR Corso and private detective Merclayton. They pushed a large box together to the basement.

The basement door was almost ten centimeters thick and looked like a cold storage door. The SRR man closed the door with one hand and then locked several locks.

Merclayton was obviously not the first time to cooperate with these gangs, nor was it the first time to come here. He watched with a normal expression.

Lind twitched his nose, and his ears could not hear anything at this time. Usually, no matter where he was, he could hear the sound of water flowing everywhere.

"It has been strongly soundproofed, and there is a heavy smell of blood." Lind muttered softly.

Rendel looked at him in surprise, not expecting him to notice these.

The man opened the iron box and pulled out a man with a twisted body.

"Boss, that's him!" The man said to Rendel.

Suddenly, Lind saw Rendel pull out a pistol at him, and then... turned the gun head and pointed the gun handle at him.

"Kill him and prove your ability," said Rendell.

"Kill him?" Lind smiled and took the gun. "Of course, but you have to tell me why and what he did. If it's just a gang fight or something, I won't get my hands dirty."

Lendl said, "Cas, you come and explain to him what this guy did."

This was the first time Lind heard the man's name, Cas. He kicked the terrified man lying on the ground and said, "This guy dared to do it after his boss banned drug trafficking in Surrey."

"Breaking Bad?" Lind was a little surprised. He heard Cas say that he was a college chemistry teacher in the car before.

Cas continued to explain. Lind listened for a while and understood what this guy was like.

He was a poor chemistry teacher. Because of his family's embarrassment and his illness that made him die soon, he decided to sell drugs to leave enough money for his family.

"What Breaking Bad?" Cass looked at Lind in confusion, then kicked the guy several times, "You must be very proud to see your students secretly taking the drugs you produce in your class!"

Rendell looked at Lind, "You know about drugs..."


The bullet hit the man's head, and Cass, who was kicking him, jumped in fear, "No need to explain too much, if it's to kill a drug dealer, there's no problem at all."

"You are so cruel!" Cass muttered, then looked at Rendell, "Boss, who is this kid?"

Everyone, including Rendell, was surprised. They didn't expect that the young boy in front of them was so brave. He took the gun from Lind blankly, and then said, "Okay, you have the guts."

"You are a powerful guy here!" Lind looked at Rendell with a smile, "You just took me to the commercial district, and then picked out a man and let an ordinary thirteen-year-old kid beat him to death. There are so many things behind this, but you don't seem to care."

Rendell laughed, "I am upright. Although I am a gangster, I have never oppressed the people. The gambling, boxing and women's industries I run are all consensual."

Cas on the side also echoed, "Indeed, since the boss took power, more boxers and prostitutes have come here spontaneously! Because we won't exploit them."

Rendell sighed, "We are all miserable people, let's go!"

As he said, Rendell took Lind outside, and Corso took the initiative to run over to open the door.

Lind suddenly felt that perhaps Rendell was willing to help him and take him to act without being persuaded by what he said about "cooperation". It was just because Lind said at the time, "This church has a lot to do with the disappearance of my family."

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