The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 175: Money still needs to be snatched

《Waiting for a Friend》

This is a performance art work by performance artist Bai Shuangquan. He came to the subway station at noon and waited blankly in the subway station without making an appointment with anyone.

Finally, after four o'clock in the afternoon, he met a friend he had not seen for a long time.

"Actually, I don't know how long you will come, I just wait here all the time."

Yes, without any prior appointment, he successfully waited for an acquaintance, an old friend...

Linde also hopes that an old friend can appear in the Leaky Cauldron now. At this time, he sat on a high stool next to the fireplace, and climbed on the narrow and long bar.

In front of him was a cup filled with half a cup of white water, which was poured for him by the bar owner Tom out of pity.

He came here in the afternoon, and then began to wander back and forth between Diagon Alley and the Leaky Cauldron, but he never found an acquaintance.

Including now, he has spent almost four hours here.

But there is also good news.

The good news is that he found that no one was following him. After wandering back and forth, his previous guess that the Ministry of Magic might send Ao Luo to follow him did not happen.

"Who are you waiting for here, kid!" Old Tom hunched his back and wiped the cup that he couldn't clean.

"Godot." Lind said lazily, who could understand his distress at this time!


"I'm 'waiting for Godot'."

"Oh, okay, a guy named Godot, when will he come?" Old Tom put down the cup, his face struggled for a while, and then reluctantly put two ice cubes in Lind's cup.

"Godot won't come tonight!"

Old Tom didn't understand what Lind was saying, and muttered in disgust, "Crazy kid?", and then his face showed satisfaction from the bottom of his heart.

I am still willing to provide a glass of ice water to this silly kid.

I am such a good person.

The beauty of human nature is nothing more than this!

But he still rejected Lind's proposal to work as an hourly worker in exchange for some change for the bus ride.

He was not the only one who refused to do it. Basically, no shop in the entire Diagon Alley dared to hire child laborers.

Those children could just work as newspaper boys and find a job for themselves.

But they must not be "hired".

The Ministry of Magic is quite strict about this, and this is also the regulation issued after Fudge came to power.

Obviously, this regulation belongs to "a regulation that looks useful but is actually very stupid."

Lind saw that this regulation was Fudge's copy of the "Child Protection Law" in the ordinary world, but Fudge might not understand it, because there are no capitalists in the magic world.

In the original wizarding world, if anyone dared to abuse child laborers, then that guy's place would become stinky in the word of mouth among wizards within a week, and basically no business would be done in the future.

So Fudge's regulation did not protect the rights of anyone at all, but instead made more children who wanted to make some extra money have fewer ways, and made some businesses that were too busy to handle it dare not hire children.

Linde clapped his hands, "Boss, how about you lend me some money, I'll come back tomorrow to pay you back."


Hearing what Old Tom said, Linde clapped his hands on the table and stood up on the crossbar of the high chair.

"But you have nothing to prove, how can I believe you!" Old Tom said.


Linde tilted his head and thought for a while.

Now he really has nothing on him.

Linde had to move his face closer, "Look, look at this, my innocent eyes!"

Old Tom glanced at it. "I only saw treachery!"

"That's your own reflection!"

Old Tom waved his hands, looking like he didn't want to talk to Linde any more, "The Floo powder is there, why don't you just grab a handful yourself!"

Linde climbed on the bar again and said listlessly. "But my house doesn't have a Floo network!"

"That has nothing to do with me!" Old Tom said, and then began to prepare the wine for tonight. Whether it is for ordinary people or the wizarding world, the evening is the main profit time for bars.


Seeing that Old Tom was unwilling to talk to him, Lind could only helplessly gulp down the ice and water, and then thanked Old Tom.

Clack, clack!

Lind walked to the back of the Leaky Cauldron while chewing ice.

At this time, a witch just walked out of Diagon Alley, and Lind took advantage of the situation and rushed into Diagon Alley.

At this time, the place was bustling with people. A little girl rushed past Lind, followed by a slightly older child with a chocolate frog in his hand, who seemed to want to force feed the little jumping thing to the girl.

Lind took a small step back, gave them his position, and watched them run away.

After that, Lind put on his hood and walked deeper into the alley with the flow of people.

Just as he reached the corner of the alley, a voice called him. At the same time, a hand was placed on his shoulder, and the knuckles were firmly clasped around his collarbone.

"If you don't want to die, be quiet."

A hoarse and unpleasant voice came from behind him. The voice was not loud. If Linde didn't have good hearing, he would probably be like the other people passing by him and couldn't hear what the guy behind him said.

Finally here! Lind smiled in his heart. Ever since he crawled into the Leaky Cauldron and said he was alone, he felt that several eyes were on him.

Some of these eyes were full of malice.

Feeling the trembling body of the little wizard under him, he hugged Lind and took him into Knockturn Alley.

Lind pretended that it was his first time in Knockturn Alley, and his eyes kept dodging the dark wizards who were surrounding him. He kept shivering.

There are too many people here!

"Ted, this kid is good!" A thin guy with spots on his face came over. He was wearing a thick and stained leather robe. Lind had to say that he was very arrogant.

Really very arrogant,

This was a torture to his senses.

As he said that, he ran his fingers across Lind's face, and stuck out his tongue and kept licking it on his lips, as if he had seen some delicious food.

Lind was disgusted by what he saw, and just wanted to punch this guy in the head.

Just get some money and leave, just get some money and leave! Lind kept comforting himself in his heart.

Blah blah blah!

The water flowing in the canal next to him suddenly increased.

A magic wand was placed in the guy's hand. The man called Ted looked gloomy and looked at him unceremoniously, "Don't think about putting your dirty hands on me!"

The man was not angry, but just withdrew his hand and continued to look at Lind, "What I mean is, if he is your long-term employee, you can also let him come to my place to work part-time!"


Ted smiled, then pulled Lind over, without even looking at him, and directly pushed him away, and continued to take Lind inside.

But this time, before he saw Borgin and Burke's shop, he was taken into a shop next to the alley. Lind had seen this store before, but its window was too dark to see what was inside. There was no sign either.


The door closed from the back.

As soon as he came in, Linde smelled the stench and opened his old eyes.

"This is..."


In a huge cage to the lower right of Linde, more than a dozen little fire dragons were dismembering a fat mouse. In the corner of the cage, there were many rotten bones and flesh. The flesh and blood were oozing pus, and the color was red and white, just like a drowned corpse that had been soaked in water for an unknown period of time.

On top of it, there was a big birdcage, which Linde estimated could fit him, and a ghoul was curled up inside.

In other places here, there were many magical animals, as well as some eggs, feed and the like. But the most were the various excrement of these creatures.

It seemed that their breeders didn't care about them at all.

Linde was pushed hard.

He stood still with his left foot, exerted force on his waist, and clenched his right fist backwards...

"How dare a little brat like you say you are alone in a place like a bar!" the man called Ted roared.


Linde immediately released his clenched fist.

What do you mean, aren't you a robber?

Bang! The incandescent light in the room turned on. This is a rare electric light in the magic world, and it is also a rare electric light that uses an incandescent light.

"Do you know how many people followed you just now!" Ted said with a look of disappointment.

"Aren't you one of the people following me?!"

"If it weren't for me, you would have been swallowed up without even a bone left." Ted roared, and then sat down on a red leather sofa. There were many black granular feces visible in the gaps of the sofa, which should be from mice.

"So you don't have any ill will towards me?!" Linde asked unhappily.

"What ill will can I have towards you? Do I look like a very vicious person?" Ted roared. He took out a bottle of beer from under the coffee table, put it in his mouth, and bit it open skillfully.

Lind looked at his face, which had not been washed for who knows how long. It was dirty and smelly, with a beard that grew to his chin, and a long scar across his face, and his face was full of flesh.

He smelled of alcohol, body odor, and these animal smells.

And he liked to yell when he spoke!

"Don't you look like him?" Lind asked doubtfully. Then, without waiting for him to say anything, "Then why did you bring me here? If you really have good intentions, why did you take me to Knockturn Alley?!"

Lind laughed. Slowly stood behind him. As long as the other party had a little intention to harm him, he could directly suppress the other party with his strong physical fitness and "momentum".

Ted took a sip of wine without even looking at Lind. "Waste of time? I tell you, follow me in the future. You have plenty of money!"

"Forget it, thank you for your kindness, but I am not interested in this for the time being!" Lind said. This guy named Ted did not have much malice towards him, so he gave up the idea of ​​robbing him directly.

As he said that, he wanted to push the door out directly.

Bang bang!

The door was locked, and he couldn't open it no matter how hard he tried.

"Sit down and listen to me, you little brat!" Ted stood up and smashed the bottle of wine on the coffee table.

"Psycho!" Lind muttered, and then kicked hard.


The thick wooden door was kicked open by Lind.

At the same time, he also attracted a lot of attention from outside. He glanced around and suddenly saw the pervert.

Lind looked through the alley at the sky that was gradually getting dark.


At this time, the guy named Ted followed him out again. Linde held the door.

"Ted, that's what they all call you, right? Thank you for taking me and wanting to help me. I appreciate your kindness.

But I was really expecting someone to come and provoke me so that I could beat him up and rob him of his money!"

He spoke to Ted in a low voice, so no one else in the alley heard what he said.

After that, Linde walked away on his own.

Ted looked at his back and sneered, "I'll see how you get out of here." Then he went back to carry the bottle of wine, and leaned against the door frame to look at Linde's back.

"I'll make you beg me later!" He thought, and obviously he also saw the pervert who wanted to find Linde to work part-time.

Linde walked.

The guy also walked towards Linde, smiling.

"Little guy, do you want to come to my place? I promise to let you feel what paradise on earth is." The guy walked over with a disgusting smile on his face.

"You're really disgusting."

"What?" The guy was stunned for a moment.

"Do you have money?" Linde said again. "Get some money to spend. I've been looking for money all day today."

"Oh, money!" The guy laughed, then stretched out his hand and tried to touch Linde's face, "Of course, there is a lot!" As he said that, he picked up a purse from his waist with his right hand and shook it.

Because the material was different, Linde didn't hear it wrong.

There shouldn't be many Galleons in it, basically Sickle and Nat.

You're pretending!

As he said that, Linde stretched out his hand and grabbed his wrist. He exerted force suddenly--

"Ah!" The ear-piercing screams echoed in the alley.

"You guy!" His face was flushed, Wuguan was twitching because of the severe pain, and he forcibly pulled out the wand with his good hand and tried to point it at Linde, but he saw a white fist in front of him.

"You are really disgusting!" Linde roared, looking at his nostrils and mouth, he could not help but move his fist up and punched him on the forehead.

After that, he kicked him hard in the stomach again, kicking him out directly.


His body rolled backwards like a kite with a broken string, and finally stopped after knocking down a dilapidated and rotten wooden barrel full of oil stains.

Looking at the various organs spilled out of the barrel, Linde raised his eyebrows.

Sure enough, the old witch who wanted to blackmail him last time was standing next to the pervert, her body trembling constantly.

This time Linde did not have a wand. In order to avoid being attacked by a group, he released some "momentum" and walked towards that side aggressively, saying,

"I have no intention of confronting many wizard compatriots here, but this guy is really disgusting!

He has caused indelible and serious damage to my young heart."

As he said, his eyes were wet. "You can imagine how much psychological damage it would cause to a teenager to see such a disgusting guy."

Unfortunately, no one agreed with him. Everyone stared at the little guy who was barely 1.6 meters tall.

"Did he grow up by eating a troll?!"

"That stupid troll from Hogwarts is probably like this!"

Ted looked at him in horror. He suddenly felt that he seemed to have seen Lind's face somewhere before...

"Ahem!" The guy stood up with all his strength, but Lind's boots came towards him.

Looking at the perverted man who was already out of breath, Lind fumbled around his waist, took off his purse and shook it.

Before leaving, he also took his wand.

This is a good thing!

Lind's steps were very slow, and he opened the pervert's waist bag and counted the money inside.

When everyone saw his back, some people wanted to shoot a spell from behind, but they held back.

He walked so coolly.

It seemed that he was not afraid of us at all!

Finally, they still focused their attention on the perverted man who was lying there and looked like he was going to die soon.

In this alley where people were eaten without leaving any bones, he could only be eaten by everyone.

Slowly, Lind stepped out of Knockturn Alley.

The moment he turned the corner, he suddenly changed from strolling to running, with a smile on his face like a child who had succeeded in doing something bad.

Finally got the money.

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