The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 169 Commission

Now he rarely returns to the lounge near daytime, and even rarely appears in the lounge. He usually goes in and out of the dormitory at a fixed time every day to change clothes and so on. Then sometimes he pulls the quilt to make his roommates look like he goes to bed late and gets up early.

After half a night of reviewing knowledge, he estimated that the five most important courses were basically able to cope with the exams.

Needless to say, Charms and Transfiguration should be able to reach the level of O in the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam. Potions and Herbology should be a little worse, but not too bad, after all, he has not missed any content.

As for the contents of astronomy, magical animals and history of magic, he usually reads them as leisure books, but after reading them many times, he has remembered them almost, which is more than enough to cope with the exams.

But Lind's goal this time is different.

He wants all O this year,

so that he can naturally choose all elective courses next semester and get the time converter.

Regarding the acquisition of the time converter, he currently knows that there are only three ways.

First, apply for all courses, and the school will apply for the time converter. Percy had used it before, and this is what Lind asked privately.

Second, steal from the Department of Magical Things.

Third, confess to Dumbledore that he has ideas about "time".

The second and third points are almost impossible. In the past month, Lind has read all the books related to time in the library from the permitted area to some not-so-deep forbidden areas.

He learned about the unknown and uncontrollable nature of "time" from the few words he had.

"If I hadn't swallowed that soul of Cthulhu last time and stripped off those knowledge, I guess I wouldn't be able to use the time converter to do that thing." Lind murmured.

Lockhart's prayer last time was an unintentional help to him.

Andersen stood on his shoulder and shouted, "What if I want to use the future to save the past! What if I want to use the future to save the past!"

"Shut up!" Lind gave Andersen a brain slam.

The time converter, combined with the high-level knowledge he stripped from Cthulhu, the use of the time converter is not out of reach.


The next day,

Linde gently twisted a fiery red feather in his hand. The feather was burning from the tip at this time, and it would burn out and disappear in a short time.

Andersen's hair would be like this now, and it would fall off and turn into a pool of water in a short time, and then evaporate quickly, leaving no trace.

He could also use this feather as a unique and difficult-to-copy "personal symbol" like Dumbledore

Just like this feather fell on his hand from the window, he knew that Dumbledore had something to find him.

Quickly stuffing a little dinner into his mouth, Linde hurried to the third floor and walked up the spiral staircase again under the resentful eyes of the stone beast.

Walking into the office, the headmasters on the wall were no longer pretending to sleep like before. The Sorting Hat was taking a nap instead, and the sword and crown were placed together.

Linde was a little confused as to whether Dumbledore had cleaned up the residual soul of Voldemort in the crown. Because until now, the crown looks intact, and the Horcruxes cannot be destroyed by conventional means in the original book.

Harry destroyed the Horcruxes using high-risk items such as "Gryffindor Sword", "Fiendfyre", and "Basilisk Fang".

Linde is not very clear about the specific situation. Anyway, the things were handed over to Dumbledore. As for whether they were destroyed or not and how long they were going to be destroyed, Linde believes that Dumbledore has his own considerations.

"Oh, Linde, you are here?" Dumbledore asked knowingly,

"Professor, I haven't come yet! What you saw is just an illusion."


The air became quiet.

The next moment, Dumbledore suddenly burst into laughter. "I didn't expect this answer at all."

Then he walked to the back of the table and sat down while laughing, spreading his hands and motioning Linde to sit down.

What he said just now was just a brain twitch, and he didn't expect Dumbledore to have such a big reaction.

But it is true... He can clearly know that there are fewer barriers between him and Dumbledore. So he said this subconsciously.

I still remember that when he first came to this office, he was still trembling with fear, and he kept speculating on Dumbledore's purpose in his mind...

"What are your plans for the holiday?" Dumbledore said.

Dumbledore also knew that Lind was homeless and wandering around the world. If there were no accidents, he would probably be active in Diagon Alley and various sea areas.

"Well... I don't know, but I feel that there are still many things I need to face and deal with now!" Lind thought about it.

"For example?! What do you think is the first thing you want to do now?" Dumbledore asked with a smile.

"Deal with this guy in my body. Although no one has been able to solve the blood curse so far, I think there is still a way, but the predecessors have not found it." Lind said affirmatively.

"But I don't think you have taken the initiative to learn about this knowledge. On the contrary, you have read a lot of other miscellaneous books." Dumbledore stared at Lind, looking at him with a teasing look.

Lind opened his mouth awkwardly, and then Dumbledore said, "Forget it, you are a very mature child, I believe you know what you are doing." Dumbledore knocked on the table and changed the subject.

"But what I want to ask is, do you have any plans for the holiday?" Dumbledore asked.

"No, I don't know. Maybe I'll stay at the Leaky Cauldron! That way it'll be closer to Flourish and Blotts."

That's not right, Lind suddenly remembered that he had to prepare for the promotion of the Sea Singer during this holiday!

"Maybe I'll go back to the town, after all, that's where I grew up." Lind said.

"That means there are no plans." Dumbledore spread his hands, "If you want to study, I know a better place than Flourish and Blotts."

Oh? !

Could it be that apart from libraries and those big families, where else can there be more books than Flourish and Blotts?

"I have an old friend who has many books that Hogwarts doesn't have. If you want, I can recommend you to go and have a look."

"The hymn of mankind is the hymn of knowledge and courage!" Lind nodded slightly, "Professor, you also know how to seduce people!"

"I like this sentence very much. You have perfectly integrated Ravenclaw and Gryffindor together." Dumbledore was surprised.

"It seems that you also know that it is temptation!" His pronunciation was gentle and powerful, as if it was a magic sound that seduced people.

"Then there must be effort before there is reward!" Linde smiled.

"That's right!"

"What do you want me to do?"

"You will know when the time comes." Dumbledore deliberately kept it a secret, "Anyway, it will definitely not be a difficult thing for you."

Linde nodded and agreed to this inconclusive matter.

Although he didn't know what Dumbledore wanted him to do, Linde relied on his trust in Dumbledore and the "knowledge" he said that was hard to refuse.

These two points combined, he couldn't find any reason to refuse.

After leaving the office, Linde was pestered by the stone beast on the third floor and talked about school gossips for a long time before he was able to return to the Room of Requirement.

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