More and more German troops arrived at Tobruk, and soon the main force of the 5th Light Armored Division also arrived... The German armored divisions were different from the British armored divisions. The British armored divisions were even slower than the infantry, while the German armored divisions were even slower than the infantry. But it is almost the fastest troop.

As a result, the military camp located near the port immediately became crowded, with German soldiers, cars, motorcycles and armored vehicles everywhere. However, because they had fought fiercely with the main force of the British army for several days and nights before this, they looked a little embarrassed. Their equipment was full of bullet marks, and wounded soldiers wrapped in gauze could be seen everywhere among the soldiers.

It was only then that the Italian fleet stumbled in. Two transport ships docked at the port under the cover of warships, and groups of Italian soldiers disembarked from the ships... Sure enough, as Alfredo said, there were lines of soldiers. The neat team, all well-dressed and full of energy, waved to the German soldiers with great pride from time to time, and shouted some words that the German soldiers could not understand, as if they were the conquerors of Tobruk.

"Aren't you going to talk to them?" Werner asked Alfredo.

"No!" Alfredo answered simply.

"Why?" Werner asked.

"Because I feel safer staying with you!" Alfredo replied.

The German soldiers couldn't help laughing.

"This is an illusion!" said the baker.

"Yes, this is definitely an illusion!" Werner agreed.

"No, I don't think this is an illusion!" Alfredo replied seriously.

Only Qin Chuan understood the meaning of Alfredo's words. What the German soldiers said was that the German army had to take on more dangerous tasks, and the German army could not retreat at every turn like the Italian army. If it didn't work, they could surrender. From this aspect Of course it is safer to be with the Italian army.

But the "security" Alfredo talks about is not security at this level. He is talking about "a sense of security," or it can be said to be the kind of trust between comrades that can depend on each other for life and death. This is true in the Italian army. Obviously not, they may even abandon their comrades at any time.

Just as he was talking, several armored command vehicles drove into the barracks with exhaust fumes and dust... This really made the soldiers nervous for a while, because they recognized them as British command vehicles. At first they thought they were British. As a result, they all took off their guns from their backs and looked for cover.

Until several German soldiers shouted: "Don't be nervous, we are one of our own, don't shoot!"

Later, Qin Chuan and others learned that the person in the armored command vehicle was Major General Strike, commander of the 5th Light Armored Division.

"General Strike really knows how to enjoy it!" the baker muttered quietly.

Qin Chuan knew what the baker meant. The soldiers had seen this kind of armored command vehicle. The Generals Nim and O'Connor they captured before were riding in this type of vehicle.

Because there is a protrusion like an elephant trunk at the front engine of this armored command vehicle, German soldiers also called it "Mengma".

The British have a different name. They call it "The Dorchester"... The Dorchester is a luxury hotel located in the center of London. It is the epitome and representative of London's luxury and luxury.

It goes without saying that the British soldiers named the "Mengma" command vehicle after "Dorchester"... This command vehicle is too luxurious and is not something that should be on the battlefield at all. It has nothing to do with the hardships of the soldiers. And the situation of facing the test of life and death at any time forms a very sharp contrast.

This command vehicle is modified from the "Matador" car chassis. The armor on the vehicle body is 12mm thick. It is equipped with seats, desks, lockers and beds inside, and can accommodate 4 staff and 2 Radio operator.

It is also divided into two compartments: the office and the radio room. In addition, it also stocks red wine, water, vegetables, coffee, food and small pots for cooking... It looks like a modern RV, an armored RV.

You must know that this is in the desert. It is difficult for others to even drink water outside, but the British officers can leisurely drink red wine or coffee and discuss life in the command car. All their work is to look at the map and pat their heads. Come up with a plan and then give orders over the radio... So it's no wonder that after the German officers captured this command vehicle, they took it for themselves regardless of identification problems.

It is worth mentioning that the British army was also the only country to develop and produce special armored command vehicles during World War II... The luxury and enjoyment of the British army can also be seen from this. This may be why the United Kingdom was so easily replaced by the United States from the number one in the world. One of the reasons why the country was pulled down from the throne of a powerful country... When the soldiers were fighting hard, the officers were so extravagant and lustful. How could they make the soldiers fight bravely? Especially those colonial troops who were often used as cannon fodder, how to make them willing to fight for Britain? !

With a sound of "Chi!", several armored command vehicles stopped at the entrance of the headquarters. Major General Strike and several staff officers jumped out of the vehicles and walked into the headquarters while putting on their hats.

"How dare you drive an enemy armored vehicle into the military camp?" Rommel scolded Major General Strike unceremoniously as soon as he saw it: "Do you want the soldiers to shoot at you? Or do you want the soldiers to shoot at you?" When you see this kind of armored vehicle, first think about whether it is an enemy officer or our officer."

Major General Strike knew that he was in the wrong, so he lowered his attitude and replied: "Sorry General, my jeep broke down, so I can only do this!"

Rommel snorted, and he was obviously not satisfied with this answer.

But the 5th Light Division was now the only German unit in his hands, and this unit performed very well on the battlefield, so Rommel did not want to pursue the mistakes and pomp of the division commander for the time being.

"Okay, Major General Strike!" Rommel said, "I think you have enjoyed enough, so now it's time to lead the army to pursue the enemy!"

"What?" Hearing this, Major General Strike was stunned: "General, you mean... we still have to continue to advance eastward?"

"Of course!" Rommel answered without thinking.

"But we have already reached the border!" Major General Strike objected: "And our troops are seriously insufficient, the soldiers are exhausted and urgently need to rest, and there are only fifteen tanks left!"

"At least we still have fifteen tanks!" Rommel looked at the wreckage of the British tanks outside the window and said, "And the British tanks... have become scrap metal!"

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