As a person who transcends the times, what Qin Chuan can do is to propose a correct research direction for this era to avoid detours.

For example, the idea of ​​using a rocket engine as the ME1E163 is a good idea because it has the advantages of low cost and fast flight speed. But if it is a manned aircraft, there are inevitable shortcomings such as the rocket fuel is highly toxic and corrosive, the pilot is too dangerous, and there is not enough reaction time.

These shortcomings require pilots flying ME163 to wear special protective suits and oxygen masks, and even so, they must carry out missions with a certain death intention.

And if the ME163 is changed into a drone, these shortcomings will basically disappear... The drone is actually a missile, just like the V1 is actually a small plane that can fly to the target automatically.

This is the role Qinchuan plays in it, guiding research and development in the right direction so that it does not waste too much time, cost, and more importantly, the war losses caused by the lack of suitable equipment to counter the B17.

Similarly, Qin Chuan's proposal of "micro radar and other methods to automatically find targets" is also the right direction... Qin Chuan doesn't know how to develop it, but he knows very well that this is the right direction.

Of course, people in this era would find this inconceivable.

"Searching for targets automatically?" Conrad looked at Qin Chuan with wide eyes: "You mean, we only need to launch ME163, and it will search for the target and hit it by itself?"

"Yes!" Qin Chuan nodded.

"This is a crazy idea!" Hannah couldn't help laughing: "It sounds from aliens!"

"How is this possible?" Conrad asked.

"Why is it impossible?" Qin Chuan asked back: "We have developed an autopilot system like V1, and we can even control it with radio to adjust its flight attitude, right?"

"Yes!" Conrad said: "But this is still far from automatically finding the target!"

"So..." Qin Chuan said: "Why can't we install a small radar in V1. This radar can search and select one of the targets. It can get the position of the target, then compare the position with the direction of V1 and compare it with the direction of V1. React accordingly?"

Conrad nodded and said: "You mean...if the target position is to the left of where the V1 warhead points, it will automatically fine-tune to the left, otherwise it will go to the side?"


"A very interesting idea!" Hannah said with an incredulous look on her face: "And it does sound feasible! For example... we install a miniature radar on both sides of the wings of ME163, so that they will detect The distance between ourselves and the target, if it is not facing the target, the distance measured by the two wings will inevitably be larger and smaller, and we must make corresponding fine-tuning! "

Hannah's statement made Conrad and Qin Chuan look at each other. Not to mention whether this method can eventually hit the target accurately, at least this idea has made the cross-era concept of "automatically finding targets" from "impossible" Moving to “possible”… it’s easier to do, conceivably uncomplicated, and it does fine-tune it in the direction of the goal.

After a while, Conrad came back to his senses, and then sighed: "Wow, Major, you almost brought us to a new field. I thought I knew enough about V1, but now I find that We are just getting started.”

Qin Chuan can understand Conrad's thinking. It's like learning. The more you learn, the more you realize how ignorant you are.

Of course, in Qin Chuan's eyes, he certainly knew and always knew that V1 was just in its infancy, or it could be said to be primitive. But for Conrad, he thought he had mastered the most advanced technology on earth, at least in this regard. He thought this was the end of V1, and then suddenly discovered that there was still so much room for development in the future. Let him explore and research.

"So, what are the other ways?" Hannah asked with expectant eyes.

"You should ask why we need other methods, Hannah!" Qin Chuan said: "Just like our radio guidance is easily interfered by the enemy, this kind of radar guidance is also likely to be interfered by the enemy!"

"Yes!" Conrad nodded and said: "Using other methods of guidance can avoid being interfered by the enemy to a certain extent. For example, we can use the infrared guidance of the target engine... so that when the radar is interfered, it can be replaced. A way to guide it to keep working!"

Qin Chuan was not surprised at all when he heard about infrared guidance, because Germany had been studying infrared for some time at this time. Specifically, it should be said that it was in the 1930s. The main research direction was night vision devices to enable various equipment to have night combat functions. After a lot of bumps and detours, I finally rushed to install night sighting equipment for anti-tank guns and tanks during World War II. It is said that there is also a personal infrared night vision device, which is called " vampire".

However, it also did not play much role because the equipment was too late and the scale was not large enough.

"Major!" Then Conrad laughed: "Do you know what this means? If we successfully develop this equipment, we can not only stop the enemy's B17, but also apply it in other directions, such as enemy warships , tanks, etc., you really surprised me, how did you come up with this? It's just... God, I can't find the right words to describe it!"

After a pause, Conrad asked Qin Chuan: "Major, will you come with us?"

"What?" Qin Chuan didn't understand what Conrad meant.

"I plan to set up the R\u0026D base in Algeria!" Conrad said: "Just like before!"

Qin Chuan understood why Conrad wanted to set up the base in Algeria. ME163 is used to deal with B17, and the most common place to see B17 now is Algeria... The American bombers broke into Algeria every few days and carried out bombing unscrupulously.

Qin Chuan looked at Hannah.

Qin Chuan wanted to go with them. On the one hand, Algeria was obviously safer than the Eastern Front. On the other hand, he knew that Hannah, as a test pilot, must also participate in the research of this project... Just like the research on V1, the unmanned aircraft was debugged by the test pilot.


"Sorry, I can't go with you!" Qin Chuan said: "I can't play any role there. If I can play any role, it is to be your guard, and many people can do this!"

Qin Chuan said the truth. As mentioned before, what he can provide is the direction of development.

Although Hannah looked a little disappointed, she nodded to show her understanding... because she was also a person who worked hard for herself.

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