"Solarino has discovered the enemy!"

"Kanikati spotted enemy tank!"

One after another, enemies came to Montgomery.

Montgomery immediately called Eisenhower: "Ike, the main force of the Germans is in Syracuse, and we are attacked by a large number of enemies!"

"No, Monty!" Eisenhower said: "The main force of the Germans is in Trapa, I'm sure! We are fighting fiercely with them!"

Without allowing Montgomery to explain further, Eisenhower hung up the phone.

Four twenty in the morning.

The Goering Armored Division was divided into three parts and approached Syracuse from three directions along the highway... As a port city, Syracuse has very developed transportation. In addition to the three main roads, there are many branch roads. This created good conditions for the Armored Division to attack Syracuse. The Armored Division's tanks did not need to crowd forward on a road.

"Do you know Archimedes?" Alfredo suddenly asked.

"Of course I do!" Werner smiled: "Are you going to talk philosophy to us?"

"Or is it science?" the baker added.

(Note: Archimedes was a scientist and philosopher)

"No!" Alfredo said, "I want to tell you about his hometown!"

"Whose hometown?"


"What?" Werner couldn't help but asked in confusion: "Why do you say this?"

"Because we are attacking it!" Alfredo explained.

Then the soldiers understood that Syracuse was the hometown of Archimedes.

"More than two thousand years ago..." Alfredo raised his head in the direction of advancement and said: "The Romans occupied this place, and then without hesitation cut off Archimedes' head, and his tomb Just in the northeast corner of the archaeological park, maybe our tanks will pass by there!”

The soldiers couldn't help but fell silent, and some of them sighed and shook their heads.

Qin Chuan knew what this meant... The German soldiers had a very high level of education. For example, David was a college student. It was said that Dominic could also play the piano well, so he was a little in awe of Archimedes.

Now that I know that I am attacking this city where great scientists, mathematicians, physicists, and mechanics... have lived before, I can't help but feel sad.

"Give me a place to stand!" David said.

"I can move the earth!" Werner replied.

"Even for a monarch!" said Alfredo.

"There are no shortcuts to learning!" the baker replied.

"Please use your efforts today..." Dominic said.

"Let there be no regrets tomorrow!" Qin Chuan replied.

After a pause, Qin Chuan continued: "We have worked hard today, but will there be no regrets tomorrow?"

The soldiers couldn't help but fell silent. They all knew in their hearts that it was impossible to have no regrets. Each of them was full of dreams, had many unfinished things, and had many people to see... But, this was war.

"Beep!" A sharp whistle sounded, and Qin Chuan knew it was time to get off the car.

This means that the troops have entered a dangerous area and may be bombarded or suddenly attacked by the enemy... At this time, it is obviously not suitable to move forward in the car, because it will cause heavy casualties in the first place. .

The soldiers lined up and jumped out of the vehicle. The tanks in front had stopped but did not turn off, apparently waiting for the coordination of the infantry behind them.

"Cheer up, guys!" Qin Chuan said, "If you don't want to leave this world with regrets!"

"Yes, sir!" the soldiers replied one after another.

Qinchuan raised his rifle and looked forward through the scope. He could vaguely see some barbed wire and the like. It seemed that the British had blocked this section of the road, and the tank troops were obviously planning to force their way through.

Sure enough, then I heard Bazel shouting from the front: "The British have set up roadblocks in front, and they may have buried mines and explosives. Our task is to cover the tanks to break through their defense lines. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir!"

Several rounds of illumination bombs were fired into the air, and a British defense line soon appeared in the light of the illumination bombs. Several British soldiers habitually looked up at the bright light in the sky... These must be new recruits. Veterans should know that they should lie down at this time. He lowered his body and took cover.

Sure enough, a row of machine gun bullets knocked the recruits to the ground, and then the tank gun blasted the bunker built by the British army with sandbags in the middle of the road into the sky.

Rows of 50MM mortars fired shells in front of the tanks in order to blow up anti-tank mines that might be buried on the ground.

Then the tanks rumbled forward, covering the advance of groups of German troops behind them.

The British army began to fight back, and the bullets hit the tank armor like popping beans... The British knew that their weapons were powerless against the tanks, but they still pulled the trigger out of fear.

With a crisp "clang" sound, Qin Chuan realized that it was an armor-piercing projectile fired by an anti-tank, but it obviously failed to penetrate the tank armor, otherwise the tank would have stopped by now.

Qin Chuan poked his head out from behind the tank and looked forward, and then felt relieved... The British used a 6-pound anti-tank gun because he knew that this kind of anti-tank gun could not be used at a distance of as much as 700 meters. Penetrate the 50MM thick armor of the Panzer IV tank.

Obviously... this is what recruits do again. Anti-tank guns should be fired when they can penetrate the enemy's tank armor. There is no benefit in firing in advance except exposing one's position and attracting enemy attacks.

Sure enough, soon several mortar shells blew the anti-tank gun into a pile of scrap metal.

Qin Chuan's guess was correct. The British army remaining in the port of Syracuse was the 15th Infantry Division that had just been transferred from the British mainland.

This infantry division was used for home defense not long after the British army was established... But as we all know, the British home defense is mainly focused on sea and air combat, and there is not even much demand for sea and air combat until now: Navy, the British have already replaced the German Navy Blockaded in the harbor, the only ones to worry about were German submarines. The Luftwaffe, the Luftwaffe, had shifted massively to the Eastern Front.

Coupled with the shortage of supplies in the UK, the 15th Infantry Division has been short of almost everything since its establishment. Weapons and equipment are given priority to troops fighting on the front line. They sometimes even need two people to use a rifle for training.

Will take this force to the battlefield... Montgomery has his own reasons: he is worried that the German Afrika Korps will launch a counterattack from the Gabes defense line, so he must keep some combat-effective troops in Africa.

This means that part of the troops attacking Sicily must be recruits... This recruit is the British 15th Infantry Division.

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