The combat intentions of both the enemy and ourselves are obvious:

The German army hoped to retreat to the city and rely on the cover of buildings to block the torrent of British tanks... Just like before, the German army easily defeated the British tank force in the city and even captured a dozen tanks.

The British army saw through the German army's intentions, so they adopted the tactics of "step by step, fight steadily".

To put it simply, the British army knew that it was inappropriate to rush into the city and hunt down the Germans... It was not feasible and unnecessary.

It doesn't work because tanks are not suitable for street fighting. As mentioned before, street fighting limits the combat effectiveness of the tank but makes it easier for enemy infantry to get close to the tank and blow it up. The enemy can even throw anti-tank grenades from the top of the building to blow up the bottom. Passing tanks.

It is not necessary because the British army is not in a hurry to destroy the German troops stationed in Tengeter.

This is not to say that Tengeter is not important to the British army, but that the British army thinks that they have already won, so they are not in a hurry.

So the British army demolished buildings one by one, bombarded them with artillery, used explosives, and pushed them with tanks... They blasted, blew up, and pushed away all the buildings in front of them.

In this way, they would not need to enter the city to fight the Germans in the streets.

In fact, Tengetenger was in ruins at that time, and there were no "alleys" at all, so naturally there would be no "street fighting".

This allowed Qin Chuan and others to safely escape from the British attack range despite a hail of bullets behind them... The British army was more interested in "forcibly demolishing" them from behind rather than chasing them down.

Of course, this "security" is only temporary. As the British front moves forward, the German army's living space becomes smaller and smaller, and there is no doubt that it will eventually be annihilated.

"Colonel!" The adjutant, whose face was darkened by gunpowder smoke, ran up to Colonel Klein from the ruins and said, "We can't stop them from advancing, let's break out!"

"Breakout?" Colonel Klein smiled bitterly: "Lucas, where can we break through?"

The adjutant was stunned when he heard this, and then he understood: "We will be caught up and annihilated by the British, right?"

"Of course!" Colonel Klein replied: "Although the British tanks are very slow, you must know that this is a desert and we have no place to hide. When we break through, the British planes will be above us. We will be bombarded indiscriminately, and then their tanks and troops will catch up and surround us, and then they will defeat us as easily as a hammer smashing an egg!"

"But, Colonel..." the adjutant said: "Can we avoid being annihilated by staying here? Our artillery has been blown up by British bombers, but their tanks are advancing step by step! "

Colonel Klein said nothing because he didn't know how to get out of the predicament at hand. seems that all we have to do is wait for a miracle to happen.

It was not only Klein and his lieutenants who were troubled by this problem, but also Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan was unwilling to fail like this.

This is not because Qin Chuan has extraordinary courage and perseverance, he just doesn't want to die... On the battlefield, another meaning of failure is death.

Therefore, in order to survive, Qin Chuan must win this battle.

In this respect, Qin Chuan and Alfredo are both afraid of death. It's just that Alfredo is waiting for fate, while Qin Chuan is trying to keep himself alive.

However, what can stop those steel behemoths outside the city?

Anti-tank guns, anti-tank grenades, explosive charges... all seemed to have no effect.

While Qin Chuan was distressed, an aerial bomb fell from the sky with a roar. The bomb hit a car filled with gasoline. The car instantly turned into a ball of dazzling flames, and some gasoline barrels were blown up. It flew high, fell far away and exploded again... This made the German soldiers very embarrassed. They all ducked down to avoid the spraying gasoline and flames.

Seeing this, Qin Chuan couldn't help but have an idea: Why not use gasoline to stop those tanks? !

Thinking of this, he crouched with his rifle in hand and ran to Bazel, who was directing several German soldiers to put out the fire, and shouted: "Captain, can I make a suggestion?"

"Your suggestion had better be as useful as the last time you blew up a building and broke through the enemy's defenses, sergeant!" With that, Bazelle turned to a group of German soldiers and shouted: "Hey, you guys... get over there. Put out the fire, otherwise the flames will burn our ammunition depot!"

"Yes, Captain!" Qin Chuan said next to Bazel: "Although I'm not sure, I think I can give it a try..."

"What to try?" Bazel asked absently.

"We can try using gasoline barrels to blow up British tanks!" Qin Chuan replied.

Bazel couldn't help being stunned when he heard this, then turned his head and looked at Qin Chuan in disbelief: "Sergeant, you mean, you have a way to blow up the British tanks? With gasoline?"

"I think so, Captain!" Qin Chuan nodded.

"How to do it?" Bazel said: "You don't want to push gasoline in front of the British, do you? It will only burn us to death!"

"Of course not, Captain!" Qin Chuan replied: "You know, the British are demolishing houses one after another!"

"Yes, but what's the problem?"

"So..." Qin Chuan said, "Why don't we pile gasoline in the house and wait for the British to come up?"

Hearing this, Bazel couldn't help but be startled, and then nodded with his mouth half open: "You're right, Sergeant... We can pile gasoline in the house and wait for them, and all we need to do is wait for them at the right time. Set the gasoline on fire!"

"Yes, Captain!" Qin Chuan replied: "You know, we have a lot of gasoline...the gasoline in the underground warehouse is enough for us to set the entire Tengeter on fire!"

Qinchuan was talking about the underground warehouses captured by the German army from the British army. Those were the fuel the British army prepared for their tanks and cars.

"In addition!" Qin Chuan added: "The British tanks use gasoline engines, and they are easily ignited..."

"Yes, Sergeant, that's a good suggestion!" Bazell said. "I mean, I have to report to the colonel right away..."

"No, Captain!" Qin Chuan said, "We must act immediately, because we don't know the colonel's location. By the time we find the colonel and make a decision, I'm afraid it will be too late!"

This was caused by the bombing of the British army. The regiment headquarters had been moved somewhere in Tengeter. As a captain, it was not easy for Bazel to find it.

Bazel thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "You're right, Sergeant, just do it!"

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