The Dean Has Arrived

Chapter 450: Balance and selection

Without making the magic coordinates in advance, Xiwei's teleport can only be carried out within his line of sight.

Therefore, even if the distance is not far, he cannot enter the New Testament church directly.

Therefore, after he appeared at the entrance of the New Testament church, he took a long time to straighten the slanted wizard hat, and then looked up at the girl who was guarding the steps and was looking at him with a complicated expression.

Maybe it was because she was here temporarily, and Frey's outfit was still the white pullover from doctrinal research, without any armor.

A faint winged angel phantom appeared behind the girl, her right hand was already pressed on the hilt of her belt, but she still hesitated not to draw the sword of rotation victory that was one of the best in the pure white church.

"Adric, I don't remember asking you to make the whole Sanctuary like this..." She glared at Xi Wei, half complaining and half helpless.

"Oh, maybe I should learn about moles, secretly dig a tunnel leading to those inhabited yards, and then assassinate them all?"

As if she couldn't feel the girl's hostility at all, Xiwei shrugged relaxedly.

"They are the elders of the Holy See!"

"It's'them'. Those things are no longer humans." Sivi immediately interrupted Frey's words: "Neither physical nor psychological are humans anymore. You don't want to know what they did to Elilia. Something."

The girl frowned tightly, as if she didn't know what to say. For no reason, Xiwei thought her expression was quite funny.

After a few seconds of silence, Xiwei said in a serious face: "So, are you going to swing a sword at me for those things?"

Frey's brows tightened, and she looked like she had swallowed a lemon, but even so, she still stared at Sivi: "The matters of the elders do not belong to my management...but as the former Templars Head of the regiment. I am at least responsible for the safety of the Pope!"

"Calm down, I won't be too hard when I beat him." Xiwei tried to comfort him.

"At this time, it should be said that you won't hurt him!" The girl also complained as expected.

"But now, if I don't let me punch him in the face, how can I vent the rush of anger in my heart?"

"Who knows that kind of thing! Do you find it useful to say such things in front of me?"

"Oh, what do you think of the saying'Kiss his nasty old face with my fist'?"

"It's not the way you speak!"

Under Xiwei's gag, the tension between the two (mainly created by Frey) calmed down inexplicably.

The girl’s lofty eyebrows finally drooped helplessly: "What are you thinking...I finally made up my mind to be your enemy..."

"I'm just doing what I want to do." Sivi stood up and said with a rather proud attitude.

"But destiny won't let people do what he wants to do all the time, won't they?" Frey's blue eyes once again stared at Xiwei: "Sometimes, it will make both of us extremely important Things are placed on both ends of the balance... At that time, even if it was against our wish. Don't we have to give up one side?"

Xiwei noticed that the girl's hand holding the hilt of the sword was shaking slightly.

Between the pure white church and the friendship with herself (probably), the girl chose the former, but it was obviously not an easy choice for her.

"Surely you will have that time? Then, what are you going to do?" She raised her head. Said in a weak tone as if asking for help.

"Since both are important things to me, then I will not make a choice."

Xiwei replied without hesitation: "I will hold up the balance as a whole. I am already prepared to bear the strength and consciousness of both."

As if shocked by Xiwei's words, the girl's body froze there, and she did not move for a long time.

When Xiwei walked past her, she asked in a thick nasal voice: "Why do you always look at the future so positively?"

Because I was struggling to survive from the abyss of death.

Xiwei did not say the answer in his heart, but walked straight into the New Testament church.

Although I have been to the sanctuary several times. But he has only been here twice.

The empty space and silence still remained inside, even the sound of footsteps seemed particularly harsh.

The holy light cast on the cross and the light radiating from the stained glass blend together, with a natural sense of holiness and nobility, and one can involuntarily feel a trace of respect for the countless religiously colored paintings on the ceiling.

The pope with a ball on his head seemed to have not noticed Sivi's approach. Mass is still being celebrated in front of the huge cross.

It wasn't until he realized the miracle that Xiwei understood that the ball on the opponent's head was not just a decoration formed by sacred magic power, but was similar to a ‘door’, capable of transmitting the existence of celestial power. It is precisely because of the existence of this that the pope can act as a human being. Gain more power than those half-holy spirits (bishops who drink holy water and become half-holy spirits cannot compete for the position of the pope).

Until recently, due to the power of the heavens, Xiwei had no confidence to win against the Pope. However, after realizing the new miracle just now, he already knew very well that he could defeat the one who was more than half a hundred years old in front of him. People.

"Aren't you afraid that I would kill you?" Standing behind the opponent Xiwei asked directly.

"You may hurt me, but you won't kill me." The other party finally turned around, with a faint smile on his face: "If you are really killing me, Frey's child is absolutely Won't let you in."

"That's why I hate you old guys."

Si Wei squinted her eyes, with an unhappy expression on her face: "I'm very upset by seeing things too thoroughly!"

"However, the age of our old guys has also passed. Your appearance represents the beginning of a new era." The pope raised his head and looked at the painting on the ceiling.

That is a well-known story similar to Noah’s Ark in "The Holy Scriptures". Under the guidance of the divine light, the protagonist broke the original order at a very young age, created the prototype of the church, and pulled Kicked off a new era.

"That kind of postponement will not be mentioned in advance. Please grit your teeth and let me punch." Sivi said flexibly, "After that, let's talk about the belonging of Elilia."

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