The Days When I Lived with My Sister

Chapter 586: the fat is in the fire

   Along with the scolding of my sister, a thick thunderbolt fell directly from the sky and hit the huge body of the Babylonian demon, destroying its epidermal tissue almost instantaneously! Then there was another thunderbolt, which smashed it to death abruptly...but nothing was over...more and more thunderbolts fell from the sky...faster and faster...

  Looking from the sky, I saw the thick thunderbolt falling irregularly from the thundercloud on Babylon...

Su Yan blinked her big bright eyes, looked stupidly at Babylon Island, which was almost shattered into pieces, and looked at the golden thundercloud that was still erupting in a daze. She quickly spit out her cute little tongue. It turned into a light and skipped directly in the direction of the Rose...

  As for the Babylonian Devil... it survived ten thunderbolts, but in the end it did not survive the thunderbolt equivalent to the punishment of heaven...

  The people standing in the Rose are also a little dumbfounded...Following this trend, there will be no such place as Babylon tomorrow! The most terrible thing is... it seems that Babylon Island does not belong to the territory of the Dragon Feather Kingdom!

  \"That... keep going like this... will there be no problem?" Su Mu's eyes twitched twice, and he pointed to Babylon, who had been completely broken by the thunderbolt.

  Closed her beautiful eyes quietly, coughed softly, and turned decisively, \"I have never been to Babylon.\"

  \"Me too...I have never been to Babylon either! I'm having a concert now!\" Lin Ruoyi immediately responded, turning his head to keep up with quiet footsteps.

  Michelle naturally also learns something, \"Ruoyi! I sleep at home! You want to be an alibi for me!\"

  \"May the undead of Babylon rest in peace!\" Sun Ni silently gestured a cross on her chest, turned her head decisively and left.

  Chu Yilian swallowed hard and waved his small hand heavily, and the ecs space camouflage started to hide the figure of the Rose, "Everyone is ready! When Yan'er comes back, we will drive away!"

As soon as the voice fell, Su Yan opened the special channel reserved for her by the Qiangwei and entered the Qiangwei. She ran in anxiously, \"Sister Yilian! Flash-mob! It's trouble, I'm trouble again... \"

  Where does Su Yan need to talk about this? When she entered the Rose, Chu Yilian had manually manipulated the Rose into a meteor and disappeared into the sky...

  The consistent style of Scarlet Rose... did something wrong, left the scene of the accident as soon as possible, and then killed him without admitting it!

  In the sea far away from Babylon Island, a speedboat stalled and floated above the sea. Louis and Jason stared blankly at the original direction of Babylon Island.

\"Oh buy it, Louis...what did I see? Is God going to destroy the world?\" Jason gave himself a big mouth, proving to himself that all this is true... Babylon... no more...

  \"Shut up! Jason! We didn't see anything! Get out of here!\" Louis decisively started the speedboat and went away as fast as possible...

No country has complete information on Scarlet Rose, but it has a detailed record of its extremely irresponsible characteristics... If the people of Scarlet Rose notice that Louis is near here...then they May become a scapegoat for tragedy...

  After a while, the Rose entered the airspace of the Dragon Feather Kingdom.

  In the conference room, Su Yan walked around there with her little fist anxiously, her little mouth constantly muttering, "What to do...what to do...\"

   fled the scene, the women calmed down immediately, and Su Yan, the initiator, hurriedly turned around.

  Su Mu calmly stretched out her hand and took the little hand of the sister-in-law, \"Yan'er, don't do this, you will ruin an island! Not everyone knows that we did it!\"

  \"Su Mu, did you know? Satellite surveillance in modern society has spread all over the world, and the scene just now must have been clearly filmed!" Chu Yilian stunned.

  Su Mu couldn’t help being stunned when he heard the words, \"What about being photographed?\"

\"What else can I do? Lose money!\" Su Yan cried her little face, flattened her mouth, and sat down on Su Mu's lap, \"Woo...I don’t know how much to lose. where...\"

  Losing money? An island? A small island of great historical significance... or a holy place for the abilities to test! How much is this worth? Su Mu silently solution...high price!

Looking at the surrounding chicks, schatting their misfortune and holding back their laughter, Su Mu was so angry that he gently stretched out his hand to embrace the big sister’s waist, and slapped him on the conference table with a heavy slap. "Why are you laughing? Look at you like this! Losing money! Is losing money a person's business? Are you not from the Su family? Do you know what it means to be in trouble?"

  The expressions of the women were angry first, Su Mu, this kid is guilty of ambition? How dare you be fierce? But I don’t think about it... this seems to make sense... Nima... then everyone must be in the wrong hands together. If you lose money, isn’t it the money of the Su family in the future? The sisters have long regarded themselves as members of the Su family!

  Suddenly the pretty little faces are suffering...

  \"Woo, Mu' are so kind!\" Su Yan flattened her small mouth and leaned against Su Mu's arms, and she was relieved when Su Mu said so! Yes! Do you think of people from the Su family? Then let's lose money together! Suddenly the irresponsible character of the sister-in-law came to the fullest! Lying in Su Mu's arms and pretending to be pitiful, she glanced around at everyone with a smile, "Oh! Don't be frowning! Let's think of a countermeasure together!"

The five pretty little faces suddenly turned black, and the five beauties with their own characteristics, big and small, gave Su Yan a dissatisfied look, and hurriedly pulled Su Yan off Su Mu and pressed her on her own. In terms of position, Rao is very dissatisfied with Su Yan, but facing the united front of the five sisters, she still dare not say anything... The most important thing is that the **** of wealth Chu is also among them...

  \"Su Mu, think of a way!\" Chu Yilian knocked on the table with a cold face, \"I guess we will lose all our money. By the way, selling Michelle may not be worth the money!\"

\"Ah! Don't sell me!\" Michelle exclaimed, and pointed at Lin Ruoyi with a bitter little face, \"Sister Yilian...Sell Ruoyi is done... she is very valuable. ..\"

  Lin Ruoyi was so angry when he heard it. We are worth hundreds of thousands of times higher than you, but how can we sell it? She opened her mouth slightly and was about to yell, but she saw that everyone, including Tranquility, who never expressed any opinions, had their eyes brightened. She couldn't help her small face and grumbled aggrievedly, \"Don't sell me... I will be obedient...\"

  \"So, Ruoyi! Just be wronged, let's sell you! Then I pretended to be a robber and snatched you back! What do you think?" Sun Ni wisely suggested...

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