The Dark King

Vol 7 Chapter 965: : exposure

I don't know how long it took. Du Di'an felt that his body gradually recovered his consciousness. The burning pain came from the abdomen, and his brain became a little bit painful. It seemed that a lot of things were suddenly stuffed. He barely raised his hand. He rubbed his temples and felt as sore as he exercised to the weak muscles.

Is it a review of the entire memory, resulting in more than double the amount of memory?

Du Di'an's mouth was slightly touched, and suddenly he thought of something. Zachit, who was sleeping next to him, asked: "How long have I slept before?"

Zasit opened his eyes slightly. "What do you mean?"

"She used the ability to read the time I remember."

"Oh, probably only about half an hour or so."

Half an hour...

Du Di'an groaned, although it was not expected to be too long, but did not expect it to be so short. In just half an hour, I looked at my entire life.

Suddenly, he thought of something. If this kind of Dina used her ability to read through the memory, use this time difference to do other things. Isn’t it more than a dozen times or even hundreds of times more thinking time than others?

When his memory was read before, although his mind has been following the memory, he can still think of other things. If there are any complicated problems that can't be solved, in that state, can you think about it with peace of mind?

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt that this magical ability of the demon is simply horrible, and the use of the assistant is also exaggerated.

If you practice fighting in that memory space, it is estimated that you will become a master of fighting in a few days.

"This ability should be the top five-star legendary monster. Is it really a dreamer?" Du Dian snorted, thinking of Boluo's words, his heart suddenly filled with eagerness, if he could get such ability, wouldn't he? Can you also look at the memory of Helisa? In her memory, meet her and listen to her voice and smile...

Thinking about it, he slowly recovered his calmness. The most important thing is to escape from here.

Just how do you get out?

Thinking of the solidity of this underground base, he thought of Boro's strength and thought of his own state, he fell silent.

"The world three hundred years ago, really want to be as clean and beautiful as the poet sings?" When Du Dian fell into his thoughts, Zasit’s voice came, with a bit of jealousy and curiosity.

Du Dian glanced at him. "Do you still have the mood to think about this?"

"It's the same anyway, what else can you do?" Zasit laughed at himself.

Du Dian silently.

Zasit looked at Du Dian and suddenly said: "You said that if his experiment succeeded in you, then you should be stronger than him, do we have a chance..."

Du Dian shook his head. "If the experiment is to take that step, he must have the means to subdue me. He is not stupid enough to create a monster that he can't control. This is the mistake that the low-level alchemist will make."

Zhasit glanced at him and smiled bitterly: "This is also true."

Du Dian frowned slightly, feeling the pain in the abdomen became more and more intense, and the feeling of the numbness seemed to be a group, like a worm full of worms, crawling in the body, where there was a slight needle Feeling, this feeling spread all the way to the neck, just when Du Dian couldn't help but raise his hand to the neck, suddenly the needle squeezing quickly retreated and retracted into the abdomen.

Duddy immediately thought of the uranium ring on the neck, and the mood was a bit complicated. I didn't expect this thing to withstand the erosion of the gods.


At this time, the laboratory door suddenly opened without warning.

Du Di'an saw Boluo's figure appear at the door, and there were three figures standing behind him. They were all the same face-like "黛娜", but they were different in dress. The previous scarlet robes were also in it, another one. Na is the white dress that feeds the food, and the other is the wearer wearing a rough animal coat. The skin is a little dry and seems to be doing physical work.

Boluo’s face looked very gloomy, which made Du Di’an’s heart scream, was it that his experiment was wrong?

When he was nervous and couldn't help himself, Bolu walked over and gestured to the white cloak around him.

The white girl nodded slightly and stepped forward to help Du Di'an, saying: "Follow me."

"How?" Du Dian could not help but ask.

White Dina turned her eyes and said: "Also ask, blame you for a few idiots, let us expose!"

"Exposed?" Du Di'an sighed, his heart immediately relieved, but seeing a few people are not very good, not dare to express too happy, wondering: "How exposed? We did not communicate to the God of War wall, we They are all deserters. If you don't believe, you ask her." This is naturally referring to the scarlet robes.

"Of course I know that you are a deserter, an idiot!" White is disgusted with the earth: "The armor of the God of War wall is distributed to you, with positioning devices and hidden pinhole camera transmission. Your every move, all in the military system. In the middle, it’s plain, they have long considered the possibility of deserters. The reason why they didn’t chase you is to make your self-righteous deserters a **** for their path, which is much easier than training the dead!”

Dudian stayed.

Is there a surveillance on the armor?

Have they been silently monitored?

Suddenly there was a chill in his heart. It was too great. Is this considered waste utilization?

"Don't temper, get up." White smacked up Duduan, who was soft.

Although Du Di'an recovered his consciousness, his body was still soft and lacking strength. He could only be like a beach of mud and soft on the white clothes. This made the latter show a more disgusting expression, but did not push him away. It seems to be afraid of injury. To him, it destroyed the most important experimental products of Boro.

"How do you know that?" Du Di'an was squatting to the other side of the lab, and her thoughts remained on the exposed things. She couldn't help but ask underground.

The white singer snorted and dismissed the truth: "Of course, I was discovered by the wit and intelligence. I found the secret on the armor. Fortunately, I found it early, otherwise the enemy might have touched it silently."

Du Di'an was stunned. He thought that Zacht had been sent before. His own armor had been discarded, but Zhasit and Jason’s armor were still worn. After all, the quality of this armor was still a lever, and experimenting. At that time, Zasit’s armor will naturally be stripped, and then the white singer will find the secret inside.

After connecting things together, Du Di'an calmed down and saw that he was taken to the corner of the lab where he had not seen it. There was a similar freezing compartment and a metal-like instrument. Road: "What is this?"

"Less nonsense, go in!" White is very bad, and the metal warehouse is opened, and Du Di'an is pushed in.

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