The Dark King

Vol 7 Chapter 941: :error

Pain, abuse, cut meat, reptile...

Jason’s torture methods are many and very professional, trying from all aspects of torture. He knew that simple pain may not allow Dina to yield, so he chose to find the weakness of Dina's fear through a variety of methods.

Dina did not live up to her abyss-like identity, and her willpower was exceptionally strong. Not only did she not confess, she did not even ask for mercy.

But Jason’s approach is obviously more than that. He killed Dina’s sleep and weakened her willpower.

The torture was not overnight. After a day at the peak of the dead volcano, Dudian moved his position to prevent the leak from being traced.

In the midst of swaying, Dina was tortured at all times and was not allowed to sleep.

She was a serious wounded person. In the case of continuous insomnia, she was already exhausted, her face was weak and suffocating, and she seemed to be dying at any time.

When the fifth day passed, Zhasit couldn't wait, and some ideas came out of it, hoping to speed up the opening of Dina's mouth. Although he had previously disapproved of Dudyan's attack on Dina, but now that the wood has become a boat, he hopes to get some useful information from Dina's mouth earlier.

In a blink of an eye, half a month passed.

Sustained for half a month without sleep, she was already on the verge of collapse. In the meantime, she suffered from various tortures that ordinary people could not imagine, using poisonous insects to drill the ear and crawling all over the body; piercing the eye with a needle tip and lettering on the eyeball; Burning the mouth with a flame; telling filthy all sorts of things that she is obscenity with her father... For any one person, suffering so much torture, has long since collapsed, and the mind is out of order.

Even Du Di'an, who can't stand so much painful suffering, suddenly felt that he was far from being abusive, and it was far from the hot abyss of Jason and Zhasit.

Most of the torture he saw and heard was in the thorny prison. But after all, it was only a small prison in Sylvia. Although it was dark, there was no hope, and it was tortured, but it was all physical torture. What Dina suffered was a double blow between her body and her heart. Especially when Zhasett deliberately screamed in her ear about her father's unbearable things, she was miserable.

After the persecution of the limit, Jason and Zasit took a tempting way, from shallow to deep, and slowly asked Dina, when she was obedient, it would relieve a little punishment and destruction.

"To be honest, here is your father, who else?!" On the hillside, Jason looked at the whole body with dirty hair and scattered eyes, and his eyes were cold and forced to ask, while holding two bright patterns in his hand. Viper, the snake struggles to wrap around his arm, but can't bite it, keeps twisting, it is disgusting.

Dina’s eyelids were so strong that they were weak and powerful: “Only, only my father.”

Jason snorted and hung two snakes on her neck. When the palms were released, the snake immediately climbed onto her chest, and the other wrapped around her neck. It tightened and seemed to retaliate. Humanity.

However, the two venomous snakes are only low-order monsters. Although the toxins are strong, they are almost ineffective in the face of their anti-drug ability. This entangled enthusiasm is also very weak for Dina, but the twisting viper is enough to make her feel Disgusting, but this kind of thing, she is used to it, and did not respond too much. What she wants to do at the moment is to close her eyes and sleep.

However, whenever she closed her eyes for more than three seconds, there would be a sharp pain piercing her body, which made her have to open her eyes.

"You are close to us, what is the purpose?" Jason sighed. After half a month of torture, he was basically sure that the "dad" in the mouth should be true, otherwise Zhasit made up her. When she was embarrassed with her father, her reaction would not be so intense, just as the place where the virgins were most cherished was violated.

Dina gasped and couldn't speak.

Jason untied his trousers and showed his lower body in front of her. "If you don't say it, you will wash your face."

What is the most painful?


Jason humiliated her, from the body to the soul, trampling her dignity at her feet, stepping on her worthless things, smashing the things she cherished, and touching her body that has never been touched by her opposite sex. Play around with you.

Dina has long been numb, and even feels that death is a paradise, but Zasit and Jason take turns to look after her, she can not commit suicide. At this moment, Jason’s dissident was exposed to her. In the past, she had already been blushing, but at the moment there was only humiliation, pain, and a little anger.

In the silence, the warm liquid wets her body, the pungent smell makes her stunned, her body trembles slightly, and after the liquid is spilled, she bites her teeth: "I, what was wrong?" ?"

Jason frowned and didn't answer her.

No one can answer this question. Compared with the torture she suffered, no matter what she did wrong, she should not suffer such a painful life. But life is not mathematics. One plus one will equal two. When the result comes out, the process is truth, even if it is a truth that you cannot accept.

Zasit and Dudian sat on their side and looked at Jason's move. Although they felt excessive, they did not stop to stop.

Du Di'an suddenly discovered that when you do something bad, you become a demon.

In a blink of an eye, it took another three days.

Dina finally collapsed, tears rained, and all the questions Jason asked were answered. However, the answer she gave, but Du Di'an three brows all wrinkled.

Because her answer was exactly the same as at the beginning, she came out to hang out and even met Du Di'an and others. She lives only with her father and lives in the underground base hundreds of miles away from the plain. Her father is much stronger than her, and she doesn't know what level she is, but she said that her father is a very intelligent person. There are many machines in their residence, which were made by her father.

She and her father have lived here for many years, and she wants to go back to the wall of war, but every time she is raised, she is stopped by her father.

She has seen the fire dragon interracial, but she has not dealt with it. She only knows that the camp of the fire dragon is in the south.

The double magic mark in her body was made by her father, using the mechanical tools that her father made.

Her father's magic mark ability, she did not say, in the repeated torture of Jason and Zasit, still barely resist, until the mental breakdown, turned into a madman who only giggles.

Jason and Zasit thought she was stupid, and told a lot of mean things, but she listened to her ears, like listening to the Bible, still smirking.

"Your father is a despicable villain, dirty and shameless, is it, if you are, just show it to me."


"Come, open your mouth and hold this."


In addition to being screamed by pain, Dina would only smirk, even if Jason had her male official on her face, she still smirked.

Du Di'an suddenly felt that some could not stand. Jason and Zasit’s means of torture were more despicable than he had imagined, but he did not stop it. What he said now was in vain, and the slightest in his heart was quickly replaced by new ones. Instead of thinking, he thought that if Dina is really crazy, is it going to spit out the truth? How can I let her speak?

Du Dian said his thoughts to Jason and Zhasit. The two of them were bright, and suddenly they felt that the madness of Dina might be better tortured than before, so they tried it by various means.

From torture to candy temptation, it turns out that for a madman, the effect of pain is far less tempting than candy, and when pain no longer brings fear, it makes no sense.

Under the comfort and temptation of the two, Dina slowly learned to nod and slowly learn basic communication from a fool.

However, a few days later, when Jason asked all the questions again, the answer was still consistent with the previous one!

This result, let Jason and Zasit, Du Di'an three are somewhat unacceptable, they have to admit one thing, maybe, they really did wrong! Dina did not intend to deceive them from beginning to end, all of them are their suspicions!

Recognizing this, the three immediately realized their despicable behavior these days, and suddenly felt that they were somewhat contemptuous.

However, this feeling is temporary, and soon fades away. People are always quick when they forgive themselves.

"What now?" Jason asked Dudyan.

Zasit looked at Du Di'an and had some dissatisfaction in his eyes. "I have already said that your guess is only speculation. Why can't you think about everything? Why do you think that others are so sinister?"

Du Dian glanced at him, didn't say anything, and regarded his criticism as a lesson in his decision-making mistake. He thought about it and said, "In any case, we at least got her father's address, even though she didn't know her father. What is the magic mark ability, but I think that most of them are like her, it is probably a double magic mark, with the ability of two kinds of soul insects!"

Zhasit snorted. "I know how this can be. I used to go back with her. Maybe I have got a clue from her father to sneak back to the wall of war, and I have already returned to the wall of God of War. I don't have to worry about this bird." The ghost place is a fearful life!" Speaking of it, I couldn't help but vomit, and my heart was annoyed with darkness.

Jason saw the smell of gunpowder and persuaded him: "Things have passed, and it is useless now. I still want to think about what to do next! In my opinion, she has been missing for so long, her father should have searched around, no. It’s hard to find the plains where we smelt steel, and the smell we collect from them will definitely identify us, so even if we pretend to be close to the road, it will not help, only according to Dudi’s statement, one way goes to black, Take her father too!"

"You still listen to him?" Zasit raised his eyebrows.

Jason glanced at him. "So far, when we are guilty, the hope of living will only be more embarrassing!"

Zasit’s eyes were gloomy, his mouth was touched, and he wanted to speak. But he finally resisted the fire and endured it. He knew that it was no good for him to have a good time with Du Di’an, regardless of whether Jason was on his side. The strength shown by Dudian is enough to beat both of them.

"The enemy is clear that we are in the dark. Since we know her father's address, we will prepare for how to attack, and we will win!" Du Dian calmly said.

Jason frowned. "Do you have any plans? This is too difficult, and her father is still a double magic mark."

"The difficulty is big, but there is still hope," Dudian said.

Zasit coldly said: "Even if you are a middle abyss, but both of us are the next abyss, three together, can fight against the abyss of the Lord? Even if his father is the abyss, it is enough to make us easy. Kill, let alone a stronger existence!"

"This is indeed our disadvantage, but we also have an advantage." Du Di'an ignored his tone and calmly said: "Don't forget, we have the winning chips in our hands, and we still have two key advantages! ”

"Do we still have chips and advantages?" Zasit asked.

Du Di'an raised his hand and said that he was a fool of the ground. "This is our winning chip. As for the advantage, I said, the enemy is clear, we are in the dark, this is the first advantage! The second advantage is that Jie Sen said that her father is likely to collect our smell and follow the smell. This is a big advantage for us. We can use our smell to bring him to the hook!"

Jason and Zasit glimpse.

Zasit couldn't help but close his dissatisfaction and watch Du Di'an seriously.

"I didn't expect this to be an advantage in your opinion!" Jason spoke up and sighed: "I still worry that our smell is exposed, making things even harder. As you say, it is indeed a big deal." Sharp weapon!"

"Not bad." Tashi's characteristic head, although he still has some chances to miss DuDian's decision-making mistakes, but he has to admit that Du Di'an is right, and the views are very unique.

"You said that she is a winning chip, why can I see it?" Jason asked: "Do you use her to hold her father?"

"Of course, it is not a mentally handicapped thing to hold hostages." Du Dian shook his head. "We can use her hand to devote her father. What about her father, and will not guard against her daughter?"

The two of them stunned and suddenly realized that they couldn’t help but watch Du Di’an, and there was a hint of jealousy in the depths of his eyes.

Young people who look much younger than them are not only mentally ill, but also insidious, but fortunately not their enemy.

"How do you let her attack her father?" Zasit thought: "Is it training?"

When the words were not finished, Du Di'an shook his head and interrupted. "This is another story. I have been here for a few more days. Let's change places first. We will consider it for a long time."

The two did not ask again, and the three men packed their bags and set off for the rest.

That night, Du Di'an called Zasit and Jason, leaving Dina alone at the foot of the trip, and the three came to a farther place. Du Dian watched Dina, in case she sneaked, and lowered her voice to the two people: "Is it really crazy to try her first few days. If so, let us train her again and let her be close to us. We shot."

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