The Dark King

Vol 7 Chapter 900: : Evaluation error

The extremely cold ice dragon flying out of the lake chased over to Holleni. Before he flew to the shore, he had already chased him behind him, spurting a white mist from the dragon's mouth, Holley. The body suddenly formed a layer of frost, and the speed of the flapping of the wings slowed down.

Holleni was shocked and anxious. The roots of the thorns on the wings of the wings bulged, and the frost shook and fell toward the ground, but the ice dragon was faster, and the dragon claws descended from the sky. Grab it at hand.

Holleni was full of horror, struggling, the dragon's claws contracted, and the creaking sounded. Holleni's mouth overflowed with blood. He screamed: "Save me, I can't help!"

Du Di'an and others who were ambushing on the edge of the forest had been stunned by this scene. When they heard Holleny's roar, Du Dian flashed a slight hesitation in his eyes. He could see that Holleni was not disguised this time, but was really panicked. The reason why he hesitated was that he had concerns about this extremely cold ice dragon. From the time he appeared to his kneeling honley, it was only a few seconds before and after. This kind of power may not be able to compete.

At this time, his heart is already retreating.

Although it is ridiculous to say, but it is true, he is not a small rookie, you can see the power of this extremely ice dragon at a glance, it is difficult to get a benefit from a few of them alone, let alone kill, unless Bakr They also hide the power beyond their imagination.

When he hesitated, Monica quickly whispered: "We will hold back on it, we can't wait any longer, or he really has to go wrong."

Bakr looked dull and he didn't know what to think. When Monica finished, he looked at Du Di'an and said, "What do you think?"

Du Di'an felt a move and looked at him with a slight look. When he saw the indifference in Buckle's eyes, he suddenly realized that the relationship between the wall owner and Holleni and Monica was not like the one shown before. So intimate, not the same camp, although he did not say it, but Du Di'an can see that he wants to give up Holleni, or continue to wait, and force out Holleni's card.

When Monica saw Dudian and Bakr, they didn’t say anything, they immediately understood their thoughts, their faces changed slightly, and they didn’t say anything. They looked up and looked at Holleni, who was caught in the claws by the extremely cold ice dragon in the air. deep.

Holleni snorted twice, seeing no movement at the edge of the forest, including his own fraternal group, and he did not respond. His heart was angry and angry, and at the same time he was chilling, and he no longer asked Du Di'an to help him. When the coldness on the claws spread throughout the body, he slammed his teeth, and the roots of the thorns in the wings suddenly ooze a lot of black and black mucus, which looked like a lot of black sweat.

The more and more of this mucus, sticking to the dragon's claws, and the icy black smoke suddenly appeared on the dragon claws like ice cubes. The next moment, Holleni broke free from the dragon claws in the roar of the dragon. .

Just broke out of the dragon claws, he rushed toward the forest.

Du Di'an saw him get out and his eyes were condensed. The previous black mucus seemed to be poisonous. When he first appeared in the air, he had a strange smell. He smelled a little dizzy. This made him a little scared. It seems that this is mostly Huo. One of Lenny's cards, although he knew that he was good at using poison, but did not expect the toxicity to be so terrible, it would be uncomfortable to smell the smell alone. You must know that his anti-drug ability is not weak. Other pioneers smell this. Most of the taste has been very difficult.


The extremely cold ice dragon seems to be angry, and the palm of the hand has a lot of cold, freezing the slimy black liquid, it twists the body and chases it again to Holleni.

Holleni rushed straight into the forest, followed by the extremely cold ice dragon. When its head reached the edge of the forest, a sudden burst of fire erupted from the sand, instantly igniting the extremely cold ice dragon like a sea of ​​fire. It is a hunting group warrior ambushing on the edge of the forest.

At the same time, an arrow igniting the flame was fired in the forest. Hundreds of arrows were scattered, and the fire broke through the air. It shot on the head and wings of the extremely cold ice dragon, and the rocket slammed like a rocket. Like the metal, it bounces off, and some fall on the leaves of the forest, igniting and burning a fire.

Dudian and Monica and Bakr, who were hiding behind the tree, immediately started their operations. Now that Helene’s mission is completed, it is their turn to take the shot.

Hey! Hey!

Monica and Buckel took the lead, and Monica entered the state of the demon, the skin became white, and the body and wings fluttered off the white powder. The powder had not fallen, under the control of her wings. It was blown to the extremely cold ice dragon, and it was stained on its head and claws, while Bakr rushed to the front of the extremely cold ice dragon, and smashed the bone sword on its dragon claw.

With a slamming sound, the bone sword left a shallow mark on the dragon's claws. The huge recoil force struck back, and the shock of Bakr's wrist was sore. His pupils were miniature, and it was clear at this moment that this extremely cold ice The dragon is even more terrible than he predicted!


The extremely cold ice dragon roared and waved the dragon claws to shoot at Bakr, and Bakr hurried to avoid, and dangerously avoided the dragon claws.

When the attention of the extremely cold ice dragon was restrained by him, Du Di'an, who had already rushed out, did not know when it appeared on the side of the extremely cold ice dragon. He quickly entered the state of the demon body, and the whole body blade was erected toward the side of the extremely cold ice dragon. Go belly!

The extremely cold ice dragon that was about to attack Buckel suddenly stopped, his wings flapped, and soared, and at the same time he made a loud roar. He looked down at the empty Dudian, the dark blue longan was full of arrogance, and the mouth spewed a lot of cold. .

Du Di'an stunned, but he did not expect to be escaped by it, and it felt that the mood of this extremely ice dragon suddenly became fierce and seemed to be angered. He did not dare to meet this white frost and quickly landed.

"Damn!" Bakr saw Dudyan's sneak attack, his face was ugly, and Monica said to him: "Your trick seems useless, call Holleni over, we three to hold it down, let Du Dian alone attack!"

Several people's previous plans were attacked by Dudian, and they were restrained. After all, Du Di'an showed more attack power than any of them. Monica's ability was biased towards perception, although the attack was not weak and the means were somewhat strange. However, the frontal attack is still too far away. Even if the extremely cold ice dragon is still not allowed to attack her, it is estimated that it is difficult to hurt its lifeline.

Monica took a deep breath and she knew she should have a card, otherwise she would play no role in this battle.

Just as she was about to shoot again, the extremely cold dragons screamed from the sky and shook the eardrums. The next moment, the extremely cold ice dragon swooped down and chased Du Di'an on the ground.

Du Di'an changed his face and hurried to Baker and others.

Bakr quickly soared and waved his sword to the dragon claws of the extremely cold ice dragon, but the extremely cold ice dragon was much more arrogant than before. When the dragon claws waved, he shot Bakr to the ground at lightning speed. A deep pit.

The extremely cold ice dragon did not look at him and continued to chase Du Di'an.

Du Di'an saw the situation behind him, and he was a little worried. He felt that this extremely ice dragon seemed to be staring at himself!

I haven't touched you yet, are you so vengeful?

He couldn't help but burst into a roar, but his feet kept going, rushing to Koleni, who was resting on the tree in the forest.

Holleni saw Du Di'an rushing, his face was black, he still wanted to take a rest, and by the way forced the cards of Du Di'an several people. The previous lure action exceeded his expectations. He thought that he could smoothly introduce the extremely cold ice dragon. Going to the edge of the forest and falling into the ambush circle, I almost let myself plant it in. The power of this extremely ice dragon is stronger than he imagined, and it is not the 372 grade evaluated on the magical atlas.

"Help me to contain it." Du Di'an saw Holleni and quickly shouted.

Holleni twitched at the corner of his mouth, but still got up and flew past the extremely cold ice dragon behind Dudian.

Roar! !

The extremely cold ice dragon saw that Holleni rushed in and seemed to feel threatened, but he refused to stop and screamed a sorghum dragon.

The leaves were shaken and shaken. The next moment, the extremely cold ice dragon spurted a white chill.

The first hood of Holleni changed his face and quickly escaped.

The cold wind swept over, and the trees that were touched were frozen into ice sculptures. Nt

:. :

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