The Dark King

Vol 7 Chapter 863: : Territory

Du Dian flew down and landed in the giant wall. The radiation value here was significantly lower than the outside. The smell of the air felt extraordinarily fresh and natural. There was no strange smell. He originally planned to find a place nearby. I solved the problem of the right arm first, but I finally met a new giant wall. He was very curious about what the environment was like. Is it the same as Sylvia?

The most important thing is, what is the master level here?

He converges and breathes forward. After going deeper for more than two hundred miles, he saw the barn and the shadow of the villages where humans live. Although the distance of more than two hundred miles is very far, the land inside the wall is very vast and easily accommodates tens of millions. People are fine, and the wasteland of more than two hundred miles is nothing.

"No wall?" Du Di'an was a little surprised. He came along and met a lot of mutant beasts and low-order monsters. They are all comparable to the hunter-level existence. This thick wooden animal bar looks solid, but in this way There is no protection in front of the mutant beast. In the case of Sylvia, there is at least a guardianship of the gold wall, although the main role of the strong stone wall construction is to isolate the savages who are human beings.

Du Di'an eyes swept away, and after watching the beast bar, the number and strength of the residents in the village were all ordinary people. Only six of them were high in calories. Two of them stood on the other side of the animal bar and seemed to be guarding. Combat power should be slightly higher than the average scavenger, about three or five times that of ordinary people.

Du Di'an let Heilisha park in the forest in the distance. He quietly touched the village and found one of the high-heating figures of the single order and took it out to the distant woods.

The man who was captured by Du Di'an looked more than thirty. When he was thrown to the ground by Du Di'an, he saw the appearance of Du Di'an. He was suddenly scared by Du Di'an's smashing armor. His face turned white and he said: "You ,who are you?"

He is talking about the giant wall lingua franca. When Du Di'an heard the language of other people's communication when he sneaked in, he knew that there would be no language barrier after the arrest. From this point of view, it also reflects the situation here and Sylvia. different.

"To answer my question honestly, you can go back alive. The rest of the nonsense need not be said, do you know?" Du Di'an eyes were cold and indifferent, and there was a murderous murderousness that scared the middle-aged man to nod.

With the cooperation of middle-aged people, after ten minutes, Du Di'an asked what he wanted to know, then stunned the man and turned to leave the place with Hai Lisha.

"I didn't expect it to be true and more blatant than the Sylvia." Du Di'an bypassed the village and continued to move forward. Through the middle-aged people, he knew that the village was here because they had less tribute. Therefore, it is assigned to all the residents here, and they need to pay tribute to the lord before they can be transferred to asylum.

The lords here, similar to the lords of Sylvia, have mastered the power of life and death in the territory, but there is no commercial area, only a few territories, and a large number of servants and residents in the territory, as well as serfs. .

Each of the lords has a large number of warriors. The lords compete for land resources and fight each other. When each war breaks out, the first time they are affected is the residents on the edge of the territory.

It can be said that people here have been devastated by war.

Although the aristocratic lords of Sylvia will compete for territories and wealth, but there will be little direct wars. They are all in the dark in the mall, and they will take care of the face. When the situation is stagnant, there will be knights and military departments. And things, but there is only one king here. From the rhetoric of the middle-aged people, unless the lord is too extreme, the king will only intervene, otherwise the basics will not come out.

"It seems that here is much more rude than Sylvia, the strength is king, the poor civilians can only live in fear, and they have to migrate when the war is over. The lord of the house wins and says it is defeated. It is very likely Will be implicated in the massacre, or become the lowest servant of the new lord." Du Di'an eyes flash, Wang is the center of rights here, where the big people live, the **** of the poor, the paradise of the rich.

He now wants to go to the king to see, it is best to find the legendary parasitic worm before replacing the right arm.

Moreover, the parasitic soul insects collected in his hand also want to use this magical map of the **** wall to identify it. After all, the masters of these parasitic soul insects are killed on the way to and from here, and the gods give the magic objects here. The illustrations should be different from Sylvia.

After a village and a town, some flourished, some fell, and soon after, Du Di'an came to the most prosperous town he had seen so far. At a glance, the streets of the town were all paved with stones. The other villages and towns outside the village have a sharp contrast with the muddy roads, and the town has a very large population. There are hunter-level guards everywhere.

Before coming to the town, Du Di'an took off his armor and hid it with a rucksack in a nearby forest cave. The cave was a cave close to the monster of the hunting level of 20. The care of the monster should be nothing. The problem is that the monster is scared away by him and dare not go back to the hole.

“Try the water first.” Du Di'an looked at a large building in the center of the town. This building is the most prosperous and lively square. The buildings and blocks around the square are all prime locations, and all kinds of shops are behind the square. A very spacious luxury manor house with several beautiful villas. When he comes to the square, he can see the gardeners and servants trimmed on the lawn through the iron bars outside the manor.

For the desolate village he first met, the town is considered a paradise, and the manor is more like a place where the gods live, clean, tidy, elegant, and very stylish.

However, this style is popular among Westerners. Du Di'an is not a cold. He swept in with a sense of heat, and soon saw a hot figure. The whole villa was filled with hot spots, like countless infrared rays shining on it. Among them, there are three heat source figures that make Du Di'an more eye-catching, turned out to be pioneer-level!

Among the estates of the first lord he met, there were actually three pioneers! And this does not rule out the pioneers who are hidden in the dark, and the instinct will hide the heat source.

Du Di'an was a little surprised, knowing that in Sylvia, except for the demon family and the military inside the inner wall, there is basically no master of the pioneer class.

Du Dian looked at it and looked up at the sky, ready to wait for the night.

Late at night.

Du Di'an turned into the manor of the Hua Deng at the beginning of the red, although at 11 o'clock in the evening, but the manor is still bright, and Du Di'an sees this situation, it is estimated that it will not go out all night, simply do not bother to wait.

The servants in the manor have fallen asleep, sleeping in the basement below the manor, with clusters of red dots inside, and on the exquisite villas, there are only a dozen red dots, more scattered.

Du Di'an chose a figure that was always accompanied by a red dot of the pioneers. This should be the lord here. There are always the protection of the pioneers. Most of the time, because the lords here are free from each other, they are always wary of the attacks. It just gave him an obvious goal.

"Call!" Loskey sighed softly, leaning against the back of the chair, and finally finished the matter. Don't look at the scenery of his lord, and enjoy it, but every day is very tired, the size of the territory, They all need him to take care of them, and in the Wangdu, he has to work in several shops. These things are simple, but they are ordinary people. When they are the manager of a shop, they are enough to burn their heads, not to mention the situation. Is it all the things in a big territory?

Fortunately, he has a lot of powerful assistants to help him simplify and materialize things, otherwise these complicated things, but after reading it, it will take several days.

"The adults are working hard." Next to him, a young man wearing dark blue armor bowed his head.

Losick smiled and said, "I said you, don't be so tight, how tired this armor is."

"Should, if the enemy comes, I can stop in front of the adults." The young man respectfully said.

Losick smiled a little, not waiting for him to say anything again. Suddenly, the young man rushed forward and murdered.

Losick’s pupils shrank and his heart was awkward. The first thought was, were you bought by those guys?

But soon, he saw the young man rushing to his face, immediately turned his back to himself, turned his head and stared at the front, he looked forward, suddenly burst into a cold sweat, I saw the room did not know when, actually stood a high The tall and thin figure, although there was light in the room, but it was too late, he saved his life and did not ignite all the lights in the room, which made him unable to see the face of the person for a while.

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