The Dark King

Vol 7 Chapter 860: : anti-chasing

The so-called slain can not be insulted, Baptiste has not yet handed over to Du Di'an, and even did not hurt him with a hair, but there is already a feeling of being extremely humiliated.

He bit his teeth slightly, and the anger in his heart made him want to yell, but he held back this time, lest Du Dian quietly swayed in his voice when he roared, and used his roaring voice to cover up the voice of his actions, he could not go on again. The second time!

He controlled himself to calm down and regain his feelings. The anger turned into a raging smack in his heart. He scanned every inch of soil around him, examined every leaf and weed on the ground, looking for the footprints and odor of Dudian.

However, he repeatedly observed it. There was no footprint left by Dudian in the vicinity of the stone. He suddenly understood that Du Di'an or the corpse king had the ability to fly!

Looking at the vast night sky, Baptiste vacated, smelling the smell of the air in the air, his fists clenched, his eyes gloomy, he knew that it was very difficult to find Dudian.

Thinking of his abyss, he was deceived by a lord, even humiliated. The hatred in his heart almost swallowed up the entire hill under his feet. He suppressed his anger and continued to search nearby.

In the forest, Du Dian is slowly moving forward. He is very difficult to squirm, because he hid himself and Heilisha in a huge body. This giant is not dead, but he is not far from death. Let him be At the mercy.

With the giant python to cover up the smell and heat, he believes that as long as the person is not the perceptual ability of perspective, he should not be aware of him. After all, he has covered up the smell before drilling into the giant python, although it is not covered enough. Thoroughly, but now it is covered by giant pythons, even people with extremely sensitive sense of smell can hardly detect him! Moreover, he can borrow the heat of the giant to cover up the faint heat that he radiates.

When the sound of the stone shattered from behind, Du Di'an knew that the second warning he had set up was working. He didn't stop, but continued to squirm, keeping the snake twisting posture, and the creeping was very slow. He used the perspective to penetrate the body of the giant python and saw the figure flying high in the sky. It was the abyss. The latter was also scanning the ground while flying, but it seemed that the article could not be detected. The python is different.

With the size of this giant python, swallowing two people, the body just applauded a little, and even failed to squeeze out the contours of the person.

Dudian stayed for a while and continued to move forward.

Ten minutes later, Du Di'an saw that the abyss flew back and disappeared into the distance behind.

He did not drill the Shekou, but continued to control the giant squirming forward. After half an hour, he saw the abyss again, but this time it was not from his head, but from the forest a dozen miles away from the left. Fly over and rush to the distance.

Du Di'an felt secretly and sorrowfully. It seems that if he stayed, he wouldn't be ignorant of this abyss, but he wouldn't give up without any clues. He was not afraid of such a blatant search attracting other monsters.

He stayed in the dying giant python, wrapped around the tree pole, looking up at the moon, waiting quietly.

Not long after, Du Di'an saw that the abyss came back again, and then flew to the distance. He ignored it and controlled the giant to swim on another tree pole, waiting for the night to pass.

This time, the abyss did not appear again, it seems to give up, Du Di'an still did not come out of the giant body, from time to time to control the giant to swim a distance, staying in the slimy giant body, the body is used to it, Unconsciously, overnight, the dawn of the sky is like hope.

Seeing that sunshine, Du Di'an suddenly realized that the gods and beliefs pursued by all beings are like this dawning light. No matter how dark the night, they can tear, bringing hope to the people in the darkness, bringing light. .

"It's a pity that it won't appear at night. This is the rule of the universe. It is also the rule of life..." Du Di'an looked at the warm light, and sighed softly in his heart. Hope was beautiful. He never denied it, but unfortunately, Hope always comes too late, and the saddest thing is that hope will never be advanced, because early hope will only bring greater despair.

Just like the dawn that comes early, it lengthens the time of day, and many factors affecting it will cause the collapse of the biological chain. All this is the rule of creation.

The only thing that can change is to become the king in the long dark night.

He thought about it with a sentimentality, and soon he took up his thoughts. When the day is over, he should do something right.

"From the situation last night, the abyss is good at lurking and tracking. He used to expel the herd. I don’t know whether it is for hunting or for other purposes. The general constitution of the herd is only the pioneers, and the insiders. There isn’t even one of the lords. Hunting such a monster is too low for the abyss. From the time of his communication, I don’t know if he is bluffing or in his place of residence. There is an abyss that matches his strength. It stands to reason that this should not be a country of God..."

After a night of escape and a long wait in the hustle and bustle, Du Di'an thought of a lot of things. Aristotle's wall-goers went to the Kingdom of God for a decade, going back and forth, showing the long road of the Kingdom of God, although this Ten years can not all be used to hurry, but it will not be so close, you know, he came out from the wall to here, the time is not long.

From this it can be judged that the Kingdom of God is not nearby. This abyss is either the existence of other giant walls or the abyss of the same people as Amelia.

Du Di'an felt a headache. In most of his feelings, the information was far more critical than the combat power. He didn't know what was going on in other giant walls. He only knew that the wall master was an abyss, but other giant walls except the wall master. Is there any other abyss?

Judging from the group of nine people who invaded the huge wall, Du Di'an felt that the strength of each huge wall should be uneven. At least the huge wall of the nine-member group that invaded the giant wall was stronger than the giant wall of Sylvia. After all, they were able to pull out nine such strong masters across the abyss, find Sylvia and almost all of the Sylvia masters, which Sylvia could not do.

If the abyss of last night came from other giant walls, Du Di'an felt that he could still cope with it. Others came from the abyss. This is a tricky thing. For him, the giant wall is ultimately the "official force" under the control of the kingdom of God. Although he does not know the strength in the giant wall, there may be two or three abyss and many masters, but in contrast, the abyss remains more terrible.

After all, he couldn’t know what was in the hands of the abyss, like the Amiri tribe, who was weak, but armed with a laser weapon, and also lived in a super spacecraft suspected of being a spaceship, saying that tacky so cool!

"From the direction of the herd that he expelled yesterday, he should be able to find clues related to him." Du Di'an said in his heart, no matter what the possibility, he intends to take risks and approach it. If it is a giant wall, at least he can know this giant. The orientation of the wall is also good. It may be useful in the future. If it is a remnant of the abyss, you need to find a way to kill the person last night, and then enter them to see if there is any way to treat Hai Lisha.

After making up his mind, Du Dian climbed out of the giant mouth that had only half a sigh of relief, then cut through its belly and pulled Haleya out. Both of them were embarrassed, but in the wilderness, such things fell. Also used to it.

Dudian took Hailisha out of the forest and flew along the outer plains, while watching the surroundings, in case the abyss last night remained nearby, although the possibility was low.

A moment later, Du Dian found a road that was trampled full of mud pits. It was the road that the herd passed last night. On the ground, there was a body of a monster from time to time, and the air remained last night. The smell of the abyss.

Du Di'an looked at the direction of the footprints, his eyes were slightly condensed, and he converges, and with Heilisha quietly pursued the past.

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