The Dark King

Vol 7 Chapter 843: : hunger

Amelia's face was white, this is the deepest secret in their family. I didn't expect to not only attract Du Di'an's attention, but he was also speculated to go out. Although she felt that she could interpret these things, she could not figure out these things, but she did not. Du Di'an is so confident that she seems to have determined the facts she has calculated. This feeling makes her very disgusted and frustrated. She bows her head and says, "What do you want to think about?"

She has made up her mind and will no longer be encircled by Du Di.

Du Dian glanced at her and turned to look at the wild **** embedded in the stone wall. His eyes flashed slightly, and he still couldn’t think of the existence of this wild god. If it were the ancestors of Amiri who buried the wilderness, Why is it that the worms invade, and the exit of the caves extends into the village, but not from the outside world? This is very intriguing.

At this time, his stomach screamed again.

The hunger burned the stomach, Du Dian frowned slightly, and looked at the side of Heilisha, only to see that her injury still did not work, and the treatment he used did not work for her body, only by her own restore.

According to his understanding of the walking dead, the quickest way to recover the wounds of the body is to eat. Although the walking corpse can starve for a long time, the body constitution will not grow when you are hungry, but the action will slow down due to lack of water. Even an unconscious walking corpse can't even be called a "biological", but even if it is an object, it has its own internal circulation and needs.

Moreover, according to his notes from the Magic Lab, the digestive methods of the walking dead are completely different from those of humans and other creatures. Some of the internal organs are broken or even missing, but they can still be digested because they The digestive organs are not "individuals" like the stomach, but similar to the reptile 'snake', or some insects, and the entire feeding channel is their digestive organs, even the throat!

This is also the reason why the voice of the corpse roar is so hoarse, whether it is with a wounded or not, the reason is that the vocal cords have long been dissolved as part of the digestive organs.

Dudi looked at her quietly, only to feel that this time was extraordinarily quiet and even a touch of sweetness.

No matter how dangerous the environment is, with her around, I feel that I will always bloom in the spring.

He just took time to estimate the speed of Heilisha's digestion and absorption, and cut out a piece of the worm from time to time and fed it to her mouth. Time passed, on the other side, Amili was too hungry to be patient, the stomach in the stomach was like to digest the body, she felt that she would be dissolved by stomach acid, especially the slight sound of Heilisha chewing, She can't wait to grab a few stones and stuff it into her stomach.

Slowly, she suddenly felt that the worms were not so unpalatable. At least when Haleysha was eating, there was no difference, as if she were just eating ordinary pieces of meat.

Thinking of this, she licked her cracked lips and said to Du Dian: "Can you give me a slice?"

Du Dian glanced at her and said, "Go and find it yourself."

Amili had expected that Du Di'an was not so kind, slightly biting her teeth, just about to get up, suddenly thought of something, her cheeks suddenly red, and now she was naked, if not huddled sitting on the ground, blocking her body with her calves, she had already squandered in the spring. If you want to get up at this moment, you will inevitably expose your body to Du Di'an. When you think of it, she hates to bite her teeth and screams with anger and bows her head.

After a long time, hunger invaded again, she slowly thought, anyway, it has been seen by Du Di'an, and it doesn't matter if I look at it again.

Thinking of this, she stood up twitching, holding the wall, facing Duduan sideways, rubbing her chest with her hand, slowly walking outside the cave, and preparing not to sit with Dudian.

Du Dian opened half of her eyes, staring at the direction she was leaving, tracking her movement through the heat source.

After seeing her go to the passage, she paused there for a while and returned honestly, so she stopped looking at it.

A few days passed.

The few fat worms that Du Dian had previously retrieved were all eaten by Hai Lisha. Taking such a large number of worms, there was still no sign of freezing on Heilisha, and Du Dian was relieved.

After these few days of recovery, a small part of her injuries still have not healed, which makes Du Di'an somewhat surprised. He knows that with Helysha's physique, even if he has a broken wrist, he can heal quickly, but she has a back. There are still bloodstains on the legs, just like the ones that have just been cut.

When the worms were finished, Du Di'an got up and suddenly felt that his stomach was screaming again. He hadn't eaten for a few days. He was cold and hungry. He even planned to eat Amily several times, but he finally resisted.

He has done more to kill, but it is the first time to eat, unless he is forced to do so, he still does not intend to take this step, which means failure.

Bypassing the rock wall, Dudian saw that Amelia was curled up on the other side of the rock wall, surrounded by a few worms, and she was stunned and sleepless.

Du Di'an walked straight and went to the passage. He suddenly saw a scene of surprise. He saw the worms that had been cut off in the passage. At this moment, most of them disappeared. There was only a small stall on the ground, but it was also listless. Kneeling, not moving.

"Weird!" Du Dian frowned slightly. During the few days of Amily's action, he noticed that even if her appetite was wide open, she couldn't eat so many worms. Could it be that the dead worms squirmed and escaped? What?

It seems that there is only one possibility left.

He glanced at the darkness in front of the passage, or dismissed the idea of ​​chasing, and picked up a few fattened worms, but found that one of the worms was nearly two meters long, and the head almost caught up with it. A huge worm, however, this worm also slammed on the ground with a gasless power. After seeing Dudian approaching, he quickly looked up and rushed to Dudian.

Du Di'an waved his sword and took it off and took it back. His heart was a bit strange. When he had been killed all the way, it seemed that he had not missed such a big bug.

He brought the worms back to Heilisha and cut them into small pieces with a knives. When cutting, he found that the worm’s round body had several crusted blood, like the folds of the front end of the telescopic part. I didn't seem to have seen it on those worms before hurting him.

He frowned, didn't think much, cut a few pieces and gave it to Hai Lisha, and the stomach screamed again.

Hunger made him a little intolerable. He turned his head and glanced at Amili, who was sitting on the other side of the rock wall. His eyes flashed a bit of killing. After a moment of blinking, the killing finally subsided.

At this time, he suddenly thought that there were still a few pieces of Sylvia's body in his rucksack.

Perhaps, can it be used to fill the hunger?

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