The Dark King

Vol 7 Chapter 823: :absurd

In a blink of an eye, five days passed.

During the five days, Du Di'an stayed in his house most of the time. The people in the village seemed to get used to his existence. Many villagers got the warning from the old people, but curiosity prompted them to sneak up and consciously or unintentionally. It was found that Du Di'an seemed completely different from the "fierce and cruel" image described by the old people, so the courage grew slowly.

Some children often come to Dudian's residence to play outside, and they are initially called back by their parents, but then nothing happened, they let the children play here.

For five days, Plyre sent food to Du Di'an every day. At first it was a small blue fish. The number of small fish that was sent later gradually decreased. In the end, only strange leaves and fruits were sent.

Du Di'an knows that most of the people here feed on these fruits. The soil here is so intense that it can't be planted. These edible fruits are the plants that they have tried for hundreds of years. They are transplanted into the village, but the quantity is small. Even the light fruits are very precious, and most people can only eat some boiled water and bark.

Du Di'an occasionally wanders around the village. Everywhere he goes, it will cause the surrounding residents to be onlookers and concealed hostile eyes, but he does not care. Through five days of contact, he found that there is not much population in the village. Four or five hundred people, centered on the shrine where the great gods live, spread out to the surrounding area. Most of the villagers are unable to give birth due to radiation. Among them, especially the members of the wild hunting team who often go out for adventure, so here, women And the child is extremely precious, in this highly scarce situation, there is a marriage of a female waiter that Du Di'an can't imagine.

In this kind of marriage that seems to him to be absurd, there is still the existence of "love", such as Puri, who often comes to Duandan to deliver food. He shares his wife with two other men, taking turns, In this case, he still loves his wife deeply, and he also believes that his wife loves him as much, and they are true love to each other.

And he is not jealous because of the existence of the other two, but is a good friend with the other two.

Knowing this, Du Di'an felt that his three views were completely destroyed, but he thought of the sinister environment and the ferocious monsters that he had encountered in this way. In this environment, he could survive for more than three hundred years, which is extremely difficult and impossible. Imagine that in this absurd environment, this absurd marriage and love was born.

Every time I see Pryre's face talking about his wife happily, Du Di'an has a special feeling. Adaptation is a terrible thing. When you adapt and become accustomed to it, you can no longer judge right and wrong. In the final analysis, the standards of right and wrong are only based on the world view that has long been accustomed to. As a cliché, no one can see his mistakes. No one knows that he is a clown.

In addition to this wonderful marriage system, Du Di'an found that the residents here seemed to be a little bit of awkwardness. Apart from the people of the wild hunters, other old people and women, staying at home all day, daze, play simple games. It seems that no one has ever thought about improving the environment, and no one has thought about creating something.

After asking a few people, Du Di'an knew that they expected everything to be on the big god.

The great gods are in their minds, they are omnipotent, they are the apostles of the gods, and they have the power of God. Because of this, many people have lost their desire to struggle. After all, any question only needs to ask the gods. Can you get the answer, why bother yourself?

This made Du Di'an think of a misconduct, a good leader, and may not be able to bring out a group of outstanding talents.

However, there are also environmental factors in this. In this closed world of underground, the scope of their activities is very limited, and people have become lazy over time.

In addition to being familiar with the atmosphere here, Du Di'an is exercising in his own house every day. His physique has reached the bottleneck of the peak of the rule. Even if he injected more gods, he could not reach the depths of the abyss, but the promotion of fighting is no. Endless, the dragon and the wing family, the rock family's fighting secrets, Du Di'an relies on the right of the wall master, the dragon's dragon blood, the rock family's golden body, the wing's lightning wing, all are very practical fighting, Can improve his defense ability, flight speed, and burst and latency.


Plyrey sprinted out of the house of Dudyan with a stone box and rushed in with excitement. Seeing Du Dian kneeling on the ground in a strange posture, he smiled and said: "What is Engong doing?"

Du Dian stood up in the palm of his hand and stood up from the ground. He did not blame him for not knocking on the door and asked, "What is so happy?"

Pryre grinned: "The Great God said, at dawn, you can go fishing in Bluefish Lake, no danger."

"Yes, that's pretty good, this time you can catch more points." Du Di'an smiled. In the past few days, he asked Preley to take him out to hunt. He wanted to rely on the harvest of hunting to quickly establish friendship in the village, but they were all Refused, the reason is too dangerous, and now I am finally able to go out and breathe.

"Yeah!" Preley exclaimed excitedly: "This time there is a good man, I can certainly catch a lot. I will prepare a bag when I go back later. I will come to you at night and gather in the tunnel."

“Collection?” Dudian asked. “And there are others?”

"Yeah, I heard that the strength of the public is extraordinary. There are many people who want to join us and go fishing with us in Bluefish Lake." Plyrey laughed. "I don't think the situation in their home is very good. I agree. Anyway, the great **** said, no more than twenty people are not dangerous, so there are eighteen people besides us."

"Oh, OK." Du Dian nodded, but there was some helplessness in his heart. If he said no more than 20 people, he would just make up 20 people. This is much more straightforward.

"That's so good, I will go back and prepare now." Pleasant is rushing.

Du Di'an nodded. When he left, he opened his stone box. There were two blue fishes. He hadn't eaten the fish for two days. He thought that he would have a good harvest tomorrow, so he took his The bottom is taken out.

"I don't know how to grab the things at the bottom of the lake. How about the taste?" Du Di'an thought of the horrible fish in the depths of the lake. His eyes flashed slightly. Since he planned to perform well, and establish friendly relations with these villagers, this shot naturally cannot. It behaves in general, but if it is caught by its own strength, it will inevitably cause some people's jealousy. Even among these people, it is very likely that there is a big god's eyeliner, and this is a special attempt to test his strength.

"I use dragon blood to suppress the heat source reaction. They should not know my specific strength. They can only speculate from the two corpses. Most of them think that I am a pioneer, or even a wasteland. It seems that it is necessary to hide it. Strength." Du Di'an thought to turn, fishing in the case of concealing strength, then only use tools.

Thinking of the tools, he suddenly listed countless fishing tools in the old days, and his mind suddenly had an idea.

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