The Dark King

Vol 8 Chapter 1166: : Rapid progress

Although the Emperor and the two dragons are both jewels, they can evolve rapidly and learn new abilities, but there are strengths and weaknesses between them!

The more you master, the more extreme, the closer your body is to perfection, close to the “Almighty God”!

However, no matter how deep and rich the savings of the Emperor and the two Dragon Lords, they are far less than Lin Changsheng! With Lin Zhisheng's IQ, plus the innumerable knowledge he has learned from the main brain for more than two hundred years, once he is given the temperament of God, he will be able to evolve countless abilities immediately. His knowledge reserves far exceed anyone in this world!

If it wasn't for Du Di'an's body that had a heart-breaking problem, the part of Lin Changsheng who got his body in the first place had already developed this body to the point of being close to God and became the first person in the world!

This is also why the Emperor and the two dragons did not unite with Lin Changsheng, but they were united with each other. Among them, Lin Changsheng had the greatest threat and was hard to match.

"Unfortunately, when I first defeated Lin’s consciousness, I still don’t know that my body has such a rapid evolutionary character. His consciousness has not been woven in advance to develop my body’s ability to develop various abilities. Otherwise, he has the idea. Reminder, I can also realize that... I want to come to him, getting my body is the most important step. As for how to develop, I have never thought about it."

"Now his memory is gradually precipitating, and many memories have been forgotten by me. I am sinking deep in my mind. If I have the ability to read my own memories, I can completely read his memory and borrow from his memory. Those advanced knowledge provokes the body's various potentials, but at present, only the part of the knowledge I remember can be used to stimulate the body..."

Du Di's heart is used in two ways, while controlling the phantom ability of the white tiger king, while recalling Lin Changsheng's memory.

"Gene energy storage..."

"Cell fusion reactor..."

A lot of advanced knowledge has emerged in Du Di'an's mind. They are all researched by Lin Changsheng in biological research. The Trass consortium and the Locke African consortium concentrate on studying the mystery of the dead body, and one is studying the body of the monster. No matter which one belongs to the biological class, the biological structure Extremely thorough, and all of these research materials are stored in the host, and are also stored in Lin Changsheng's brain.

Although the biological knowledge carried by Lin Changsheng's consciousness is relatively incomplete, there is also some complete knowledge, which is missed because of forgetting, but the rest is still very rich, enough for Du Di'an to study for a while.

"Splitting brain cells, splitting personality..."

Du Di'an used Lin Changsheng's knowledge to try to split the sponge in his mind and re-engraved the memory into two. Soon, he grew a head from his shoulder, but the head's facial features are rough. Simple eyes, nose and ears, no eyebrows, very strange skin color, yellow like skin, now open your mouth and reveal a sharp voice:

"It was a success!"

Du Di'an's original head looked at the second brain growing on his shoulder. "Thinking seems to be connected. Memory seems to be shared. It seems... equals two I am thinking at the same time?"

"In this case, my ability to think can be doubled!" The second brain on the shoulder took over, but the voice was sharp and it seemed that the vocal cords were underdeveloped.

Du Di'an did not carefully construct this second brain. After all, when he used it up, he still had to take it back. It was impossible to walk around with the body of two heads at all times.

"The three-headed six-armed gods in ancient mythology thought it was the ancients' delusion. I didn't expect to rely on evolution and genetic control after the Cataclysm. I really can do this step, even more than that!" Du Dian muttered to himself, he felt himself The body is becoming less and less like a human being. Before entering the demon body, he felt that he gradually became a monster, but now he understands and controls the deeper genes, and he feels that he is getting closer to God!

It has been said in the Bible that God has no face, no body, no image, and God is the Almighty Lord.

He didn't seem to be wrong. He could change his face and body arbitrarily. He didn't have to fix it on a particular image. The definition of the body was not as narrow as the definition in humans.

Moreover, he can even change his body, does not need oxygen, does not need light and heat, does not need to eat, and regenerates like a ice worm, and can survive in any harsh environment.

"All said that God is omnipotent. My current body is close to God. If it really becomes a omnipotent god, I don't know... Can I help her solve the corpse virus and let her recover?" Du Di'an thought of Heilisha The heart rolled a little hot, and once again felt the time is tight, he converges his mind, no longer wastes time thinking, and begins to seriously conceive and practice his abilities.

His second brain controls part of the body and practices the phantom power of the White Tiger King.

And his own main head, using Lin Changsheng's knowledge, to control another part of the body to exercise new abilities, is considered self-developed.

"I use the sun beast to absorb heat. This heat is stored in the body, but it is not used very well. I can open up a 'nucleus' that stores heat in the cells. This heat can be converted into my physical strength and kinetic energy. They can also be gathered together and compressed into light energy..." Du Di'an conceived and controlled the body to slowly transform.

He completely resolved the red crystal structure of the sun beast's ability on the forehead, covered the whole body with this structure, and slowly constructed a blood-red crystal armor on the surface of the body, which is smooth like scales.

Immediately, he released the heat stored in the body through the crystal.

Puff puff!

All the blood-colored crystal scales in the whole body emit a beam of light and scatter to the surroundings. Because of the initial attempt, the injected heat is less, the light emitted is extremely weak, and the needle is as thin as a flash, almost no substantial damage.

"If you compress the heat to a pole, you can shoot high-intensity rays... Yes, I can use the refraction method to enhance the power. Only a piece of crystal on the forehead could not be refracted. This time it is different..."

Du Di'an's eyes are getting brighter and brighter. Every time I think of a note, after trying to succeed, it means that my strength is a big step!

Soon, he first constructed the interior of the red crystal into a complex three-dimensional facet, allowing the heat energy to refract inside the single crystal. The limit of the process is nine times, and the power is enhanced ten times! After the internal refraction of the single crystal is released, Du Di'an makes the crystal surface grow concave crystal, and the released radiation hits the concave crystal and is refracted again!


A stone at the foot was blown through!

Du Di'an looked at the hole in the black lacquered finger that was penetrated. The eyes were a little shocked. The heat he used was not high. It was no different from the previous one, but the result was different. The same heat was shot on the stone. Like a light breeze, there is no trace left, but this time it runs directly through the thick hole of the finger, and this is just a re-structuring of the crystal!

What horror would it be if he voluntarily released enough rays to penetrate the bones of the king? !

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