The Dark King

Vol 8 Chapter 1149: : Life extinction ring

At 14:39 pm on the same day.

Outside the federal city, there is a vast circle of peace.

A mighty army swept through, like a torrent of steel, a heavily armed Imperial Frontier, a knight dressed up, and a horse bred by the empire. In the sky behind the Legion, a large number of fighters and steamships flew like locusts in the sky, and later pushed various federal military weapons seized from the first line of defense.

There are also a large number of prisoners, who have obeyed the empire and started weapons for the empire.

Although the empire mainly develops genetic power, the level of science and technology is not low. The research on biological genes is far more advanced than the federal government for hundreds of years. Other aspects of science and technology are also close to the level of the third industrial revolution of the old times.

In the middle of the legion, a large number of generals were accompanied by the figure of the four-way Zhuoliwei. These four people were faintly headed by one of the graceful and slender women. The latter three were also very ordinary, just standing on the far left. The youth wearing a **** robes and silver rivets gloves, pale, like a vampire in the old castle, no blood, deep eye sockets, a bit sick.

If Du Di'an is here, he will recognize it, this is the blood-sucking king who was destroyed by the "superconducting thunderbolt"!

"The big troops have entered the peace circle of the troll federation." Half a foot behind the moon, a white robe like a priest's bright king, slowly opening, and when he spoke, he glanced at the beautiful back of the front, and even looked at it. To the slight fluff behind her neck, the bottom of her eyes flashed a little.

Looking at the front, looking at the front, after a moment of thought, after a moment, said: "The emperor said that the federal peace circle buried a lot of traps, is the second line of defense of the troll federation, is also the most terrible line of defense, we Entering the peace circle, although no one has come out to block it, it is just convenient for the Trolls Federation to launch their weapons of destruction, and we will kill them all!"

"I think we can split the two ways." The right side of the face is fascinating, and the cheekbones of the cheeks have two narrow, dark golden eyes. The teenager suggested that his voice is not male or female. There seems to be a strange charm.

"The soldiers are divided into two ways?" The **** king of the other side of the king frowned, and his pale face was slightly gloomy. "I used to attract firepower and was hit hard by that thing. I need to cultivate for the time being. Don't expect me to come out again."

The demon boy gave him a look, thinking of the devastating thunder of the previous, the eyes flashed a trace of cool color, he asked himself to change his words, was hit by the thing, will die, but the **** king will survive, you can see life-saving The ability is a little stronger than him.

"You don't have to separate." The opening of the moon, the indifferent voice, and the unquestionable majesty, "the enemy's weapons of destruction are not only one. If they are separated, they will only make us face a greater blow. Together, we can work together to resist. The key is This place called "Peace Circle" is not peaceful. Most of the traps inside are not a big threat to us, but there is a weapon that can hurt us! ”

"Well?" The three kings looked at each other and looked at her in surprise. They could be thought of by her, and most of them would not have a fake. They thought of the ability of the Dark Queen to be good, and their faces were more serious.

"The name of this weapon is relatively long, referred to as "the ring of life extinction". Once activated, all creatures in this area will be extinct! No matter how high or low your body is, it is hard to resist! "Yueyue slowly said that this information was searched from the head of several top commanding officers in the first line of defense."

"No matter how high or low?" The bloodsucking king's face changed slightly. "Isn't that better than their weapons of destruction? Can we not resist?"

Haoyue shook his head and said: "The attack of this thing is not physics. It can resist by simple physical strength. It acts directly on the magnetic field of life itself. You can understand it as a "soul weapon" and directly attack the soul, letting you fly away, even if it is scattered. You can split your body and you can't resist it. From the point of lethality, it is indeed better than the weapons of the world. ”

The three kings looked at each other and did not expect the troll federation to have such horrible things.

"That said, we have to return without success?" The enchanting king frowned, looked at Haoyue, and felt that her performance was so calm, there should be other ideas.

Standing on the bright side of the moon, with a smile, like a benevolent priest, just a glance at the distant sky, a flash of light in his eyes, but no opening.

“Nothing to return?” Haoyue seems to hear a joke, sneer: “I will do halfway things? This “extinction ring” is terrible, but the scope of coverage is limited. It is called 'ring'. It has already exposed its flaws. Since it is a ring, it is one-sided. We can cross it from the sky or cross the ground. There are many ways. ”

The enchanting king, a sigh, came over, took a picture of his head, and smiled.

Although he looks like a teenager, his behavior and expression are somewhat old.

The wrinkled brow of the blood-sucking king loosened and looked cold and cold. He said: "Let all the troops sneak into the sky or the ground. I have two risks. I have two suggestions. The first is the abyss, the generals are scattered, and the way of guerrilla warfare. After scribbling from various places, the opponent’s weapons of destruction were basically ineffective, and the traps on the ground were able to withstand the abyss, and then we sneaked into the sky.”

"The second way is to let the big troops continue to march. We bring a group of elites, sneak in from the sky, let the big troops slow down, wait for the enemy to pay attention to the big forces, we have sneaked into the troll federation, even if the enemy uses It is no harm that the weapons of destruction will attack the large forces. As long as we finally win, the people of these troll federations can all be used to fill the army!"

The enchanting king nodded. "I think so too."

The bright king has a smile and does not seem to hear it. He neither agrees nor denies it.

Haoyue had an early idea, saying: "Let the big troops continue to move forward, and then divide a few abyss to lead the small forces to copy from the side, attracting the enemy's attention, and the rest follow me from the sky."

The King of Bloodthorn asks: "Why not the bottom?"

"The trolls of the federal cities are buried in the bottom of the world with weapons of destruction. There is a state-of-the-art perception system. Once we detect us, we will launch weapons of destruction and sacrifice one city, which is enough to bury us all!"

The blood-sucking king's pupil was slightly shrunken and did not open again.

Soon, the plan was ordered and immediately implemented.

After a while, the four kings, such as Haoyue, led a group of abyss and abyss, and sneaked into the clouds and disappeared.



Outside the federal copper ship market, a group of mechsmen who fled back from the first line of defense came, and hundreds of mechs landed on the huge platform of the aircraft carrier. A group of mechsmen rushed off the plane, fast. Withdrawal to the city passage.

"Ma Jin, still not running!"

"My ankle is up, let's go first, I will come right away."

Another person is ready to go forward and help, suddenly there is a vibrating sound at the end of the plain outside the platform. The mechrist's vision and hearing are generally sharper than ordinary people. It is faint to see the color of the sky darkening, and the face of the person changes. He suddenly turned around and ran, followed the crowd into the city passage.

The "Ma Jin" who stayed in the place turned his head and glanced at it. The light flashed and no one noticed. He rushed to a corner of the pick-up table. Although it was outside the city's protective cover, it was not "extinction of life." Within the scope of the ring, he glanced at the imperial army that rushed to the end of the plain, blinking slightly, and did not expect that they would directly rush into the peace circle.

"With her ability, even if the emperor did not tell her anything, she should also find out something, not so rashly attacked, what would she do? If it is me..." Du Dian fell into thoughts, For a moment, suddenly his face changed, looking up at the sky, his eyes narrowed into a seam, "Ready to descend from the sky, attack the federal main city?" https://./3_3610/

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