The Dark King

Vol 8 Chapter 1128: : Incomplete

When the body of the **** of technology was completely blurred, Du Di'an, who was connected by a golden cable, suddenly trembled slightly. The dull eyes of the gods gradually became a sense of fascination. He blinked and looked at this novel vision. You can clearly see the tiny dust floating in the air dozens of meters away, this is the extraordinary force of the body!

"It's a powerful flesh!" He smiled on his face, but it seemed to be slightly uncoordinated. Somewhat strange, after muttering himself, he closed his eyes again and let the eyebrows influx into the data quickly. Filling into this empty brain, there are more and more conscious data coming in, and soon, there is a sudden change in the empty brain.

From the void of nothingness, a lot of mixed information suddenly emerged, turning into a stream of data, colliding with his consciousness!

"Hey!" His consciousness snorted, relying on the transmission of the optical cable connection, his consciousness is still connected to the entire brain, and immediately mobilized a group of well-organized anti-virus decoding into the body of the brain, soon The rapid and devastating data, such as ice and snow, quickly melted away. Soon, this group completely destroyed Dudian’s consciousness and memory and swallowed the virus. It was completely obliterated, and even a brand was not saved, even as the **** of technology. He can't recover it either.

Dealing with the virus, he quickly began his own plundering work, and the consciousness flooded into all the memory cells of Dudian's brain, completely occupying his brain.

A few minutes later, he opened his eyes and slowly stood up from the ground, raised his hands and feet, and simply moved. This real and clear touch made him feel a long-lost feeling, even if he was already calm and mechanical, he could not bear it at the moment. Haha laughed.

The next moment, he shot two cold electricity in the light, the black pupil suddenly turned into gold, narrowed a circle, then saw the world in front of it completely different, the fine dust in the air, including moisture, can be seen, even wear Through a robot in front, seeing the structure inside the machine and the core energy board, this powerful force makes him feel new and more happy.

"Sure enough, it is a god, not just a fetus. The genes in the gene accidentally mixed with the flame demon and the ice devil, and added to the wild **** factor, have become more perfect, but unfortunately, the heart consciousness, the wild **** factor has problems when it colonizes the body. Not coordinating, actually detached from the genes, condensed into a group, and gave birth to new life. Once broke out, it will devour the subject and become a mutant wild **** that has never been seen before..." He looked down at his body. Some surprises and excitement in the eyes, yes, it is excitement!

If 黒sloddy knows here that Dudian is the **** of technology at this moment, seeing him so excited, most of them will scare the eyes, knowing that even the most fierce battle between the federal and empire hundreds of years ago, half a federation All of them were hurt, and he did not see any fluctuations. There was not even a trace of regret and regret.

Soon, the **** of technology also realized that his mood fluctuations were somewhat large, but he quickly realized that "more than two hundred years of indulging in the virtual world, avatar data, shuttle between various machines, thinking becomes stiff And machinery, now plundering a new body, I seem to have lived again, turned into a human being, no, it has become a god!"

His eyes are bright and shining. "Although this body is not coordinated enough when it comes to the wild **** factor, I can correct it. I have seen from his genes that his body is not only a freak, it is a bit special, I didn't expect him. I have already embarked on the road I have to go!"

He originally intended to plunder a body of a fetus like Du Di'an, and then use the flame demon and the ice monster, plus the **** of the wild, transform his body into a perfect body, and evolve into a real god!

But I did not expect that Du Di'an's body is already a god, but because the surgery that was planted into the wild **** is not perfect, there is a small leak, which causes the **** to be broken.

"In the early days, the magical insects attacked the earth, it was to see the physical specificity of human beings on our planet. It just fits the defects of the heavenly worms and can help them to complete eternal life. The sacred fetus is the one who maximizes human characteristics and is also the most suitable. The target of the magic insect! However, over the past two hundred years, I have counted countless experimental methods with wisdom brains, plus the information obtained from the magic insects and the wild gods, and finally figured out the most perfect synthetic route, with the magic insects. Unlimited ability to heal and heal, but also has the ability to devour all material power. If it reaches the extreme, even the air can be swallowed into nutrients. Once formed, it will not be killed. Even the fire of the sun, absolutely zero, can't take me. wipe out!"

"Even if it is in the vacuum of the universe, I will not die, not afraid of the low temperature in the vacuum, not afraid of the radiation in the universe, not afraid of no food!"

"Next, just fix this hidden danger in your body!"

Thinking of this, the **** of technology bows his head, and the golden pupil hole looks at the fire, penetrates everything, and sees a pure golden heart on the chest and the outline of the monster in the heart.

He blinked a little, flashed a chill and murder. Once the wild **** in this heart hatched, he couldn't predict what kind of monster would be, but there is no doubt that the latter will have unimaginable potential, plus The horrific ability and growth of the wild gods, which may be born in a short period of time, can bring the world to a critical end!

The high emperor in the empire, and the two dragon masters in the Fire Dragon Empire, are still thinking about fighting each other, but they don’t know that there is something in this small abyss that is more terrifying than nuclear weapons!

However, fortunately, he succeeded in plundering this body. He felt that he had inadvertently saved all mankind once, and his mouth could not help but have a mocking smile, but he quickly looked calm. From now on, he is the master of this body. And this hidden danger, he naturally has to be removed!

"However, to get rid of this heart, you must find something else to replace." The thought of the **** of technology is very fast, and a million possibilities can be calculated in one second. A golden cable is connected to Dudean’s forehead. Some of his consciousness is still in the brain, and he can help him with all the computers of the entire federation, and he quickly thinks about the difficulty of eliminating this hidden danger.

"This body is a broken body after all, taking the heart away, it will take a long time to die. If you replace it with the heart of another strong body, this heart is just the evolution of ordinary human flesh and blood, although strong, but in him Under the horror gene in the body, it is either melted or crushed!"

"Damn! There are only three choices!"

The brow of the **** of science is deeply wrinkled and feels a bit tricky. "Either find his own heart, but only if the heart is still there, or the heart of the birth of the gods, only the heart of the wild can withstand the genes in his body. Balance, but the heart of the wild **** can not be integrated into his body, and will also breed the monster again! The third is to find a mechanical engine that can not be infected by the gene, but can replace the heart, but this will make the heart become the largest body The flaws can't be done in the same way that God can't kill, and zero ice can't be frozen."

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