The Dark King

Vol 8 Chapter 1102: :Learn

There are not many middle-aged blond people on the road. Du Di'an can see that although his expression is mild and polite, his eyes are difficult to hide his arrogance. Obviously he did not really see him in his eyes. He wanted to ask him to inquire about some things that the Trass consortium could not find on the Internet. When he saw his attitude, he knew that it was useless to ask, and he was too lazy to ignore it. He was very quiet on the way.

Two hours later, the armed fighters flew in a straight line to Dujo, one of the five main cities of the Federation. This is the hinterland of the Trass consortium. It can be said that in this city, the Trass consortium is the emperor, every place here. A shop, behind the land, is inextricably linked with the Trass consortium. It is also the base camp of the Trass consortium. It is like the other three main cities in the five main cities. It is also the other three consortiums of Locke. The same as the base camp.

The most prestigious main city, called Peace City, is the place where the Federal President and the Federal Officials live, but the prosperity is slightly weaker than the main city of the four consortiums, but it does not affect the Peace City in the Commonwealth. The most noble impression and status of the public.

The Trass logo on the armed fighters allowed the fighters to be free from cross-border investigations. The sentinels were placed on the tarmac in the city. The blond middle-aged Nikkor took Dudyan’s fighter plane, which had already been topped by Tracy’s company. Brand-name cars are waiting. Nikol took Dudyan to the bus and went to the Foreign Affairs Office of the Trass Foundation, which is located on the half-moon river in the famous city of Dujo. The staff in the building are sitting in the office and can directly see the long and winding outside the building. The clear half moon river is also one of the most expensive parts of the city.

"Please." Nickel got off the bus and said to Du Dian politely.

Du Di'an looked at the towering building and the huge green area surrounded by the building. He couldn't help but feel the financial strength of the Trass consortium. It was just a foreign building. It was so grand. It is no wonder that the headquarters of the consortium will be built. On the island in the city of Dujo.

Under the leadership of Nikkor, taking the Commissioner's elevator, Dudian went to the office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Trass in a short while, but the Minister of Foreign Affairs is now at the meeting, he can only wait here.

In the big office, there was only Du Dian, a young and beautiful but clever secretary, and a cup of coffee in front of him. He looked out from the floor-to-ceiling windows in front, and saw the half-moon river in the distance, and countless short buildings. High-rises and pedestrians walking down the street are as small as ants, overlooking everything here and seemingly in control.

Du Dian turned his head and looked around. When the line of sight penetrated the wall, he found that the material inside the wall was special, like metal and wood. It is obvious that hundreds of high-rise buildings can be built. The ordinary construction process is difficult to do. He saw this other office on the floor, with the office of Nickel, the sign on the table and the door, and a secretary.

In another conference room, Du Di'an saw the Minister of Foreign Affairs Yan Changze, this is the face of Zhang Huaren, about 50 years old, extraordinary, and is telling others about the Trass consortium and the Michaels consortium. A commercial lawsuit of the group.

Du Di'an's gaze penetrated into the body of the person, and suddenly found that the person's bone density is higher, the body is about three times that of the average person, and it can be completely an enemy. In the federation, such a constitution can be regarded as a special force. Soldiers.

"I didn't expect a foreign minister of Trass. Actually, there is such a constitution. It should be caused by taking medicine. I heard that the Tras consortium studied the corpses and monsters and studied a lot of drugs. Some of them were not circulated to the market. Even the general public is unaware of the existence of these banned drugs, but in the arms of the military and other consortiums, this is not a secret, he should be injected with the biological drugs of Tras, tk27!" Du Di'an heart secretly.

This medicine is sold exclusively to the military and is one of the sources of Tras' financial resources. The price is extremely expensive. It is said to be one million!

In contrast, his regenerative medicine is a bargain.

"Felix said that this drug is listed as a banned drug and is not sold to ordinary people. It is afraid that the normal human body is too high and it is easy to cause confusion. Once violent and murderous, it is likely to cause a large number of casualties before the arrival of the police. The society is indeed possible, but the federal community is surrounded by foreign enemies, and there are monsters lurking. This kind of medicine is not popular for the whole people. Most of the pharmaceutical materials are not much weight, and the federal government has no higher force to suppress..."

Du Di'an looked at the words and looked at Changze. He didn't see any hidden illness in his body. He was slightly disappointed. If the other person had any incurable disease, he might be able to take advantage of the treatment. However, the other party stayed at a high position for a long time. The high-rises of Sis are obviously well maintained, and even if they have some minor illnesses, they are cured.

When Du Di'an was in the middle of his mind, Yan Changze's meeting was over. After the crowd was dispersed, he returned to the office at the door of the secretary's reminder. When he entered the door, he saw Du Di'an sitting on the sofa drinking coffee. He didn't look. In the slightest change, I went to my desk and sat down, let the secretary pour a cup of tea, and then to Du Di'an: "Mr. Qin Mo? Have a far-reaching welcome, I heard that you have a pen business want to talk to us?"

Du Di'an felt the pride in his bones and smiled. "Since the speech minister heard about me, I said it straight. I have a medicine that is better than the regenerative medicine. Once it is introduced into the market, it will inevitably lead to Sensation, treatment of many difficult diseases in the market, I am willing to sell this medicine to you, I do not know if you are willing to accept."

Yan Changze’s look is unmoved, and smiles: “Mr. Qin Mo, look at you, this year is only in his early twenties. It’s really young and promising. You said this medicine is good, we still need our experts. Judging, I don’t know what price Mr. Qin wants to sell?”

Du Di'an said: "Not much, one billion in cash, and one opportunity to enter Randy."

Yan Changze raised his eyebrows slightly. "One billion cash? Mr. Qin really laughs, even if it proves to be as useful as you said, it is worth billions! And this Randy company is the pharmaceutical company of our Tras consortium. Whether Mr. Qin is going to study or has another purpose is really doubtful."

"I didn't expect the Foreign Minister of the Trass consortium to be such a small family." Du Dian smiled softly and said: "My regenerative medicine has only been launched for a few days and has already been accounted for 800 million. It is unceremonious to say that the market value of regenerative medicine is 10 billion. Never mind, or even higher, one billion is nothing more than a fraction, you still have too much? Really when I am a poor student, do you understand anything?"

Yan Changze's face was so heavy that he didn't expect Du Di'an to suddenly turn his face, but he was indeed said by Du Di'an, and his heart was even more surprised that the regenerative medicine had already earned 800 million yuan for Du Di'an. The speed of making money was too amazing, and his face was very I changed a bit and smiled. "Mr. Qin said, if your medicine does have what you said, you can talk about it, but we need to check the medicine you said first, otherwise there will be no more talk. Use, isn't it?"

Du Di'an took out a small medicine bottle and said: "This medicine is called oxime, which can treat deformities, mental illness, and is very effective in the treatment of cancer. I have investigated that it is five times shorter than the cost of treating cancer on the market. Will be a drug in a monopoly market."

Yan Changze’s eyes are slightly glowing. He has never heard of such a thing. He immediately said: “I will contact the experts immediately and let them come to the medicine.”

"I signed the contract first, and in addition, every sentence we said, I recorded it in the video screen." Du Dian Yang Yang said the communicator.

Yan Changze’s face changed slightly, and he said coldly: “Mr. Qin is cautious.”

"It's just a villain, not a gentleman. What do you think the minister thinks?" Du Dian said indifferently.

Yan Changze sneered a little, "Oh, I will call you an expert." Just ready to use the communicator, suddenly the communicator rang. When he looked at the number, his face changed and his face changed with a respectful smile. The back of the office chair was slightly stunned, and nodded and nodded. After a while, the communicator hanged up. He sighed and looked up at Du Di'an. "Randy promised you to study. ”

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