The Dark King

Vol 8 Chapter 1011: :within Temptation

Not long after, the enchanting maid came back, followed by a figure wearing a black tuxedo, a pale-skinned middle-aged man with dark blue eyes, deep eye sockets, high nose and tall cheeks. It has a three-dimensional silhouette and is very handsome.

He looked indifferent, looked at Du Di'an, looked at him for a moment, took the certificate of the guide knight, looked at his eyes, recorded Du Di'an identity information, he nodded slightly, "Senior chef? My salary here. Only twenty silver coins per month, are you willing?"

Du Di'an showed disappointment on his face and said: "Can you, can you add more?"

The middle-aged housekeeper frowned slightly and indulged for a moment. "Reading that you are a senior chef, give you five silver coins. If you want to leave, don't want to leave."

Du Di'an hesitated for a moment, and finally he showed his determination. "I am willing."

The middle-aged housekeeper raised his eyebrows slightly, and was a little surprised. The dark blue eyes narrowed up and stared at Du Di'an. "Why? You should be able to find a better place under your conditions."

"I need money urgently." Du Dian looked down and seemed to be a bit difficult to talk about, holding his clothes in both hands, very restrained and nervous.

The middle-aged butler’s eyes showed a faint color, and said: “Before you say good, work here for me, at least work for one year, you must not leave in the middle. Otherwise, you should know the cost of violating the labor contract. However, you need it urgently. For the sake of money, I can predict your salary for three months in advance. What do you think?"

Du Di'an showed a big look and gratefully looked at him. "Thank you, adults!"

The housekeeper smiled lightly and said to the waitress around him: "Angela, take him to the kitchen, take a look at his cooking, just two ladies are hungry, let him make a pastry."

"Yes, the housekeeper." The charming and charming lady nodded with a smile, then gave Du Dian an eye, playful and charming, "Mr. Please, come with me."

Du Di'an was red-faced, and he bowed his head and followed suit.

Angela took Dudian through the hall, came behind the hall, bypassed several rooms, passed another door, and the kitchen was at the end of the building.

When Dudian entered the kitchen, he saw three people dressed in chef clothes playing cards on the empty wooden bench outside the kitchen, playing a ghost game. When I saw Angela coming, the three men were scared and quickly stood up. They respectfully said: "I have seen Miss Angela, how come you?"

Angela swept three people and frowned slightly. "Why, I can't come here?"

The three hurriedly waved their hands, and one of them laughed and said: "Of course, come, Miss Angela, you are as beautiful today as you are, hey, who is this person?"

Angela has been immune to his flattering, and his look is faint. "This is a new chef. It is younger than you. But people are senior chefs. You should learn something later. Now give me out, I I want to see his cooking."

The three people looked at Du Di'an with surprise. I didn't expect this young man in a linen dress to be a senior chef. When the three heard Angela's words, they blinked in the eye and looked at each other with a smirk and bowed their heads.

After the three people left, Angela closed the kitchen door and walked to Dudyan in a enchanting step. She gently raised her hand and lifted Dudyan's chin. The white cheeks were full of charm and extended **** tongue. Licking his lips, "Mr. Cook, you can be really handsome!"

Du Di'an Wei Wei, saw the hunger in her eyes, her fingers slightly tightened, but quickly released, blushing to the beginning, said: "Miss Angela, you are laughing, need me to cook, to prove my cooking? ?"

Angela smiled and turned to Du Di'an's cheeks. She approached Du Di'an and exhaled like a blue. The lips of the two almost came together. Du Di'an could smell the strong fragrance of her body. The person felt a strange excitement. He leaned back slightly and smiled reluctantly: "Miss Angela, you seem to be too close."

Angela saw Dudyan's shy look, his eyes shining, and he picked up Dudrian's chin with his fingers. He said with a voice: "Prove that your chef's dish is in front of you. Don't you taste it?"

Du Di'an smiled in his heart and said: "Miss Angela, if we don't make cakes quickly, will Miss II wait too long?"

Angela's upper body has already relied on Du Di'an. She is soft and boneless, her body is warm, her fingers are lightly on Du Di'an's chest, very playful, and with a fatal temptation. "Mr. Mr., don't you want it?" Everyone is like this. Don't you understand the minds of others? Don't you like passive?" Then he looked up and looked at Dudian.

Du Di'an sighed and hugged her body. "I certainly like to take the initiative."

Angela felt like Du Di'an's arm was stretched, and her eyes were a bit fascinating. She said, "People like you like this..." When they didn't finish, they stopped abruptly, their heads swayed, and they fell on Du Di'an's shoulders. Soft down.

Du Di'an gently put her body aside, her face has returned to indifference, like ice, turned to open the faucet in the kitchen sink, rinsed her hands, and after repeated washing for several times, then turned off the tap and looked This kitchen, from here, can be seen from the popularity of the entire Pogga giant wall technology, in Sylvia to take water, you need to smash from the well.

But here, the underground water pipe and the water pump have been used.

Dudian opened the cabinet, found flour and some ingredients from it, and did it in the kitchen.

Soon, a steamed Western-style pastry was released. He turned and yanked the kitchen door, thumped three times, and the three figures fell in. It was the previous three chefs.

The three men hurriedly climbed up, their eyes swiftly swept away, and soon they saw Angela lying on the ground, who seemed to be asleep, a little surprised, and soon returned to God, screaming: "You, how are you?"

Du Di'an saw the eyes of the three people, his brow furrowed, and suddenly thought that he had missed a little. He stopped in front of Angela and asked, "What kind of pastry do you like?"

"Sweet, sweet." The three people quickly said.

Dudian nodded and pulled the kitchen door up and slammed shut.

Immediately, he turned and pulled the Angela clothes on the floor, and the clothes were not finished. Then he got up and washed his hands, and then made a pastry. This time, he added a lot of sugar and pulp, and when he finished, he pushed the kitchen open. The door.

The three chefs sat not far away, and looked out from the door seams. They didn't look carefully before. At this moment, Angela's clothes were obviously played, and the snow-white outline on the chest was clearly visible and very attractive.

The three men came over and gave Du Di'an a thumbs up. "Brother, great."

Du Di'an asked: "Where is the room of Miss Two, does this pastry need me to send it in person?"

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