At this time, the middle-aged man's voice sounded again: "After inspection, there are 172 alchemists and refiners who have met the standards. Then our promotion quota is 160, and there are 12 more contestants, so we need to vote to eliminate them."

"There are 40 alchemists who have successfully refined three low-grade pills or one medium-grade pill, and 38 who have refined medium-grade magic tools."

"Next, the 160 Danhai Realm seniors present will score according to creativity, skills, material application, and the number of finished products. The 66 with the highest comprehensive scores among these 78 contestants will enter the semi-finals. Let us wait patiently."

As the middle-aged man read out, the atmosphere in the entire venue became tense and solemn again. All eyes were focused on the Danhai Realm masters who were about to decide their fate. Their every move touched the heartstrings of everyone present.

The 160 Danhai Realm masters adjusted their sitting positions, took the distributed scoring magic tools, and carefully evaluated the works of the 78 contestants based on their own vision and experience.

The undecided contestants were anxiously waiting for their final results.

Finally, after a tense evaluation, the middle-aged man stood up again. He cleared his throat, waved his hand and threw out a tall light blue crystal tablet, and announced loudly: "After careful evaluation by our 160 Danhai Realm seniors, the list of contestants entering the second round of competition has been determined. The specific advanced list is shown on the crystal tablet. They will have the opportunity to continue to show their talents and strengths in the next competition."

As his words fell, the whole venue burst into warm applause and cheers.

Most of the contestants who successfully advanced had smiles of joy and pride on their faces. They knew that this was the best affirmation of their efforts and talents. And those who failed to advance first showed helplessness, and then they also congratulated and encouraged them one after another. The atmosphere in the venue was very harmonious and friendly.

"All contestants who successfully entered the second round, please move forward one by one and choose a refining table or forging table at will."

The contestants present looked at each other and moved forward as they were told, leaving a large refining site behind them empty.

Some monks wearing Yanzhou Prefecture's unique clothing rushed into the arena, quickly put away all the empty refining and forging tables, and then cast a spell to sink the ground fire mouth into the stone slab below.

Then, under the guidance of the monks of Yanzhou Prefecture, more than 100,000 monks entered the vacant positions in the square in an orderly manner, filling half of the square.

None of the 160 monks who were eliminated earlier left, but lined up in a row to occupy the best viewing position. The original regretful and annoyed expressions had disappeared, replaced by excitement and excitement.

The middle-aged monk lowered his head and listened in front of Chi Yanzi and others for a while, then strode out again and said loudly:

"The semi-finals will be held in three hours. In addition, everyone should pay attention that there are no specific advanced quotas in the semi-finals. All the refiners who can repair or improve the magic tools, or the alchemists who can find the defects of the pill formula and refine the pills, can enter the finals!"

"Start the time from now!"

As soon as the voice fell, many alchemists and refiners who had just finished refining sat cross-legged on the spot to rest, in order to restore their mana as soon as possible, so as to meet the next greater challenge.

Some alchemists and refiners went directly to the VIP seats to communicate with the predecessors of their own sects and listen to their teachings.

However, some alchemists and refiners did not care about the upcoming semi-finals at all, but sat cross-legged to review their previous refining processes and the refining techniques and processes of others, trying to make progress in the shortest possible time.

And Qiu Wujian is such a person.

She was seen mumbling something and waving her hands unconsciously, as if crazy.

A gleam of brilliance flashed in Zhan Nianchuan's eyes.

Good fellow, this woman really deserves the name of alchemy fanatic, and her heart for the Tao is really as solid as a rock.

He was sure that even if she lost in this competition, it would not be a defeat, but an opportunity for her to leap forward in alchemy skills.

After taking a deep look at her, he also sat cross-legged and quietly comprehended the alchemy and weapon refining techniques that he had seen Qiu Wujian and Wei Dongfang use before.

He had the eyes of the roe owl, and everything was in slow motion in his eyes. He could see the subtle changes of all the elixirs between different alchemy formulas and the flow of mana, and he could also sense the changes of spiritual materials under different strengths of forging, and he could also detect the flow trajectory of the spiritual power of the magic weapon through the quickly engraved runes.

The benefits he got were greater than anyone imagined!

In the whispers of the onlookers, and in his quiet comprehension, time passed slowly.


Three hours later.

The middle-aged man strode out again, smiling and bowing slightly to the square, and said loudly again:

"Time is up!"

As soon as the voice fell, dozens of monks quickly stepped onto the stage, placed the items needed for the test on the refining table or forging table, and then left again.

On the refining table was a book page and dozens of spiritual medicines, while on the forging table was a book page and a dull magic weapon, with slightly different styles.

Most of the contestants looked at their test questions with shining eyes and itchy hands.

Too creative and challenging.

And they can see from the levels of the spiritual medicine and magic tools that this assessment does not require you to have any rare spiritual fire of heaven and earth. You can just use the earth fire. The main thing to test is the contestant's skills, vision, and creativity.

This is very good news for those who come from small sects or casual cultivators.

The millions of cultivators watching were also very excited. They have seen many battles of pills and tools, but they have never seen such a creative battle.

They used their spiritual sense to explore these items and expressed their own opinions, and the buzzing sound was endless.

Dugu Aotian looked indifferent. Although this assessment method was far beyond his expectations and caused his advantages to be completely unplayable, he firmly believed that he would definitely not fail to enter the finals, because he had Dugu Hu to support him. If it really doesn't work, Dugu Hu can send a message to give some pointers, and he can find out the problem.

Yu, let you be proud for a few more hours, wait until the finals to see how I abuse you! He looked at Yu Minghong, who was looking at the spiritual herbs and book pages, with a meaningful look on his face, and then disappeared.

Among the 160 people, there were many who had the same idea as him.

The next moment, the faces of these people changed drastically.

Even several Danhai Realm masters in the VIP seats exclaimed at the same time, obviously not expecting such a situation.

A transparent light curtain rose into the sky, completely isolating them from the outside world.

The millions of cultivators watching also found that their consciousness touched a transparent barrier that was extremely tough and could not be penetrated at all. They couldn't help but exclaimed repeatedly, and then understood the intention of Yanzhou Prefecture, and immediately praised the fairness of this assessment.

Dugu Hu's face also became solemn. He didn't expect such a change. Originally, he thought that with his support, even if the assessment method was unexpected, he could win. But now it seems that things are not as simple as he imagined.

He looked at Yu Minghong casually and found that although he was also stunned and obviously surprised by the sudden change, he did not show any panic. Suddenly, he was moved.

At this moment, the middle-aged man shouted, "The rematch begins!"

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