Hei Xiao hummed, "Yes, there is a teleportation array on the top of this tower."

"Where does it lead?" Lu Chen looked at Hei Xiao curiously, and Hei Xiao stammered, "The secret realm in Fire Cloud Palace."

"Secret realm?" Lu Chen was curious.

Hei Xiao nodded heavily, "Yes, but outsiders cannot enter."

"Outsiders can't get in?"

"There are many terrifying spirits inside." Hei Xiao explained.

Terrible spirit?

This is what Lu Chen was most afraid of, so he calmed down and let Hei Xiao lead the way, but Hei Xiao didn't dare not lead the way.

Hei Xiao led the way obediently.

Huo Yao Yunshuang looked at Lu Chen anxiously, "Why do I feel like I'm cheating?"

Lu Chen smiled confidently, "Don't worry, fraud is not like that."

Huo Yaoyun was serious, "Really?"

"Yeah." Lu Chen hummed and continued on his way.

After a while, they came to the top of the tower, and at the top of the tower, there was a secret room.

In this secret room, there is a teleportation array.

Seeing the teleportation formation, Lu Chen did not hesitate to bring the fire demon Yunshuang into it.


The two reappeared in a dim place, and looking around, it looked like a forest.

It's just that the surroundings are very quiet, and there is no smell.

Huo Yao Yunshuang was even more worried, "This is a bit scary."

"Look around first." Lu Chen said to Huo Yao Yunshuang, and then took Huo Yao Yunshuang to wander around.

Until a while, I saw a hut, and outside the hut, there was an old lady.

This old lady is a fascination, but she is making clothes, and she looks very careful.

"She is also from Huotian Palace?" Lu Chen asked Huo Yaoyun, and Huo Yaoyun said awkwardly, "I have never been here, so I don't know her."

Lu Chen had no choice but to step forward and look at the old lady.

I saw that the old lady was still busy mending her own clothes, and Lu Chen said solemnly, "Well, can I ask you about someone?"

"It's not for ordinary people to come here." The other party said silently.

Lu Chen was curious, "Are you from Huotian Palace?"

"Who said that someone here must be from Huotian Palace?" The old lady raised her head and asked Lu Chen, but Lu Chen frowned, "I came from Huotian Palace."

"Normally, the ruins of the ancient gods, many forces can reach here directly. After all, this is the place that many spiritual practitioners yearn for."

"Spiritual mind practitioner?" Lu Chen was suspicious.

The old lady didn't speak, but Lu Chen asked Hei Xiao, and then Hei Xiao finally choked out a few words, "This is the secret realm of divine sense, and the ruins of the ancient gods can be reached anywhere."

"Anywhere?" Chase Lu asked Hei Xiao.

Hei Xiao hummed, "Yes, there are many places suitable for spiritual cultivation in the secret realm of spiritual sense, and they have their own opportunities at the same time."


"Yes, if the chance is good, the soul will become stronger." Hei Xiao hummed, and Lu Chen had to look at the old lady, and then took out the magic weapon of finding leaves.

The Leaf-seeking magic weapon seemed relatively weak here, and it took a long time before there was any movement.

"Fortunately, there is still some effect." Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and then planned to walk in one direction.

Huo Yao Yunshuang hurriedly followed.

However, after walking a certain distance, they saw another hut, and outside the hut was the old lady from just now.

This scene frightened Huo Yao Yunshuang, "Why is it her again?"

"I also want to know about this question." Lu Chen asked suspiciously there, while Huo Yaoyun frowned and said, "Could it be that there is a cycle?"

Lu Chen looked at Ye Zi and shook his head, "No, keep going in one direction."

After speaking, Lu Chen continued.

There are always huts.

Now Lu Chen was not calm anymore, so he had no choice but to walk up to the old lady and ask the old lady, "Can you tell me why?"

But the old lady said silently, "Respond with your heart."


Chase Lu was suspicious, then closed his eyes, and cast the "Panoramic Art". It turned out that this road is indeed a circular road, and the only exit turned out to be a hut.

This forced Chase Lu to open his eyes and look at the old lady, "Is the hut an exit?"

The old lady looked at Chase Lu curiously, "How did you find out?"

"You said, feel it with your heart." Lu Chen looked at the old lady, and the old lady smiled, "I said so, but someone must be able to see it."

Lu Chen smiled, stopped talking, but walked to the hut.

It's just that the old lady waved a hand, and a net blocked the door.

Lu Chen was puzzled, "What does this mean?"

"I will be charged for going out here."

Chase Lu was suspicious, "A charge?"

"Yes, if you go in here, you have to leave your physical body, and you can only enter with your soul." The other party said silently.

When Huo Yao Yunshuang heard this, he immediately became startled, "What? Leaving the body? This, how is it possible!"

"The secret realm of spiritual thoughts is only accessible to the soul, but if you enter it physically, you will die very quickly. Therefore, I am saving you." The old lady said silently.

Lu Chen became serious, "What if I want to go in?"

The old lady smiled, "Then, I have no choice but to keep your bodies."

Lu Chen put away Huo Yao Yunshuang, then looked at the old lady, "I'll go in now."

The old lady suddenly shot countless flying needles.

Lu Chen immediately cast the shadow of ghosts and gods, and then smiled, "I have no body now, how can you stop me?"

The old lady was stunned, and looked at Lu Chen with weird eyes, "You are quite sensible, boy."

"So, I can go in?" Lu Chen looked at the old lady with a smile, and the old lady smiled strangely, "Go in."

Only then did Lu Chen gather his mood and enter the hut.

It's just that there was darkness in the hut until Chase Lu walked a certain distance and saw a light, and after going out, he saw a "light".

At the same time, I saw wandering spirits everywhere, and these spirits were all in the spirit realm.

Not only that, these spirits are very strange, some sit cross-legged on a stone to practice, and some sit cross-legged on a tree.

Or lie on the ground, or lie in the grass.

"So weird?" Chase Lu was puzzled when he saw such a weird scene, but at this moment, the old lady suddenly appeared, "It's very interesting."

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment, "Why are you here?"

"I'm here, isn't it time?" The old lady asked Lu Chen back, and Lu Chen had a strange face, "It's time, but why did you show up?"

"As for me, I am a guide, and I have the duty to introduce you to the situation here." The old lady said to Lu Chen.

"Pick up someone?"

"That's right, the guide of the Divine Sense Secret Realm." After finishing speaking, the old lady pointed to the surroundings, "Here, you can't fight casually, otherwise you will be served by the divine thunder."

"Shen Lei?"

"Yes, the divine thunder here is very fierce, and they all come from the ancient temple of the divine thunder, so if you want to fight here, then I advise you to give up."

After the old lady finished speaking, she pointed to those people again, "Cultivation is possible everywhere here, so wherever you go, if you find something that attracts you, go there, because it is the most suitable place for you to practice."

Lu Chen was dubious, "Really?"

"Try it a few times, and you'll know if I lied to you." The old lady smiled, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

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