The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 3970 Volcanoes attack

Lu Chen looked at it, and after seeing that the fire was not dangerous, he was full of curiosity, "What kind of fire is this, why is it not dangerous?"

"This fire is used to frighten people, but what's inside is dangerous." Huo Yaoyun said seriously.

These words aroused Lu Chen's interest, "Then let's go."

I saw Lu Chen asked Huo Yao Yunshuang to speed up his pace.

However, just after walking a few steps, something unexpected happened. In front of him, countless rocks suddenly fell down.

At the same time, there was a shadow swimming among the rocks, and when Huo Yao Wushuang saw it, he was startled, "Volcano man."

"Volcano?" Chase Lu wondered who he was.

Huo Yao Wushuang's face became serious, "Fu Huanhuo is a person who has already reached the level of mind and spirit, and his cultivation is so strong that you don't even know where he is, but he likes to swim among some rocks."

After Lu Chen saw it, he took a glance and found that among these stones, there was indeed a shadow swimming around.

It's just that none of this can scare Lu Chen.

Not only that, Lu Chen still laughed there, "Don't waste your energy, it's useless."

Vain? Useless?

It was the first time someone dared to say that about himself, and the Volcano laughed strangely among those stones, "Boy, you are very brave, but, so what if you have courage?"

Lu Chen didn't speak, just smiled there, "Then why don't you dare to come out? You only dare to hide in some rocks?"

The Volcano man joked, "That's because I don't want the weak to see me."

"I think you should be timid." When Lu Chen said a word, the Fushan people were not happy, and continued to say, "It seems that I have to give you a little strength to let you know how weak you are."

Lu Chen smiled, "Come on."

"Looking for death!" The Volcano shot a fire in the stone, and the fire rushed towards Lu Chen on the spot.

But this fire is extraordinary.

I saw it cremated into a ball.

Then the fireball spun in front of Chase Lu, and the power of the spin became stronger and stronger.

Boom boom boom!

Lu Chen was sent flying.

Huo Yao Yunshuang on the side was frightened and didn't know what to say, but after Lu Chen stabilized his body, he came back again, then stood firm and smiled, "Are you still coming?"

"Are you okay?" The Volcano was startled.

Huo Yao Yunshuang didn't expect that Lu Chen would be fine, but Lu Chen said with a smile, "You are nothing more than divine thoughts, attacking the soul."

"It's just attacking the soul? Don't you think your own soul is very strong?" the Volcano said strangely.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "What do you think?"

The Volcano said coldly, "This will let you know how strong I am."

After speaking, the Volcano man started.

I saw that the Fushan people's power was very violent, and they wished to kill Lu Chen, but Lu Chen turned into a ghost and ghost, making the other party's attack seem like a fake.

This confuses the Volcano, and he is still wondering, "Boy, is there some powerful magic weapon hidden in your body?"

"Have it?"

"Otherwise, how could you resist my attack?" The other party questioned, and Lu Chen looked at the stones with a smile, "You are incompetent."

The other party was dissatisfied and snorted, and the stones flew up one by one.

Then these stones surrounded Lu Chen one by one, and the next moment, Lu Chen was surrounded by these stones.

Huo Yao Yunshuang was taken aback, but she couldn't help, so she could only watch helplessly.

But Chase Lu laughed in the enchantment formed by those stones, "Do you think it's useful to trap me with stones?"

"These are not ordinary stones." After the other party finished speaking, flames flickered everywhere, and these flames turned into shackles, entangled Lu Chen's limbs.

Not only that, but a helmet flew out.

The helmet was fiery red, and it was put directly on top of Lu Chen's head. If Lu Chen was not in a ghostly state, his head would be scorched at this moment.

But even so, the helmet was still smoking crazily, as if burning Lu Chen's soul.

The Volcano man was complacent, "Boy, was the experience enjoyable?"

"You think it's cool?" Lu Chen asked with a smile, and the Fushan people smiled at Lu Chen, "Don't you?"

Lu Chen smiled, "You look after it."

The shackles on Lu Chen dissipated one by one.

Seeing the dissipation of the shackles, the Fushan people were puzzled, and still became anxious there, and finally turned into a flame figure standing in front of Lu Chen.

The other party was a bit hunchbacked, and there was a stone on his back, which looked like a turtle.

Lu Chen couldn't help laughing, "Are you a turtle?"

The face of Volcano changed, "Little thing, how dare you scold me?"

"So what if you scold you?" Chase Lu asked him back, and the Fushan man snorted, "I'm in the upper realm of mind and spirit."

"It's just that the soul is better than others." Lu Chen's indifferent look annoyed Fushan people, so he looked at Lu Chen for a while and said, "It's so, then I will let you see this."

I saw Fu Huanren waved his right hand, and a huge palm print appeared, and at the same time, there were many strange runes on the palm print.

These runes flickered with black light.

Black light and shadows fell on Lu Chen one by one, as if to kill Lu Chen, but Lu Chen's spirit was fine.

Volcano felt weird and tried a few more times, but the result was the same.

"It's strange, why hasn't it worked yet?" The Volcano man looked suspicious, as if he had encountered something strange.

Lu Chen said calmly, "I advise you, it's better to enter my consciousness space and take a good look at my soul."

"Look at your soul?" Fushan people felt weird, but Lu Chen didn't speak, just smiled, which made the other person feel weird.

After Lu Chen saw that he was unmoved, he laughed at him there, "What? Don't you dare?"

"It's not that you don't dare, it's that you must want to cheat." The Fushan man said strangely, and Lu Chen had a half-smile, "So timid?"

The Volcano had an ugly expression on his face, "Don't be complacent, I'll just take a look."

I saw the Volcano waved his hand, and a flame flashed past, and then the scene in Chase Lu's consciousness space appeared.

When he saw a strange flower on Lu Chen's soul, he was suspicious, "What kind of flower is that?"

"You can see this?" Chase Lu was a little surprised, but the Volcano asked, "Boy, tell me, what is that?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"If you don't tell me, you won't even think about leaving here." Fu Huanhan said angrily, while Lu Chen smiled, "It seems that you really want to try."

"Try what?" The Volcano was suspicious, but Lu Chen smiled at him, "Of course I will let you know how good I am."

The Volcano said coldly, "I don't believe it, what ability do you have to scare me."

"Try it, you'll know." Lu Chen smiled, then went over and grabbed his arm.

Seeing Lu Chen grabbing his arm, the Volcano said coldly, "What? You still want to attack me?" (End of this chapter)

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