The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 3886 Terrible shadow, extremely fast

The old woman was pissed off by the ghost, but Lu Chen had already disappeared, and she didn't know what to do, so she could only wait here.

Guigu Zhanwang was also worried.

And Chase Lu is walking further and further away at this moment, because the endless fire inside is more attractive, especially the power of the flames, which enters Chase Lu's body one by one, making Chase Lu very comfortable.

This made the old man stunned, "You are."

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

"It's terrible." The old man can't describe it anymore, he can only watch silently, while Lu Chen smiled, "I feel that after absorbing it, I become stronger and stronger."

"I found out too." The old man hummed.

Lu Chen was very satisfied, so he moved on.

The endless fire became more and more terrifying, but it didn't affect Chase Lu at all.

Not only that, but Chase Lu also sensed a certain place with a very powerful force, and Chase Lu walked there curiously.

After a while, I saw a floating palace.

On this palace, there are more endless fires.

"What kind of palace is this?" Chase Lu was very puzzled when he saw this, and the old man was inexplicably afraid, and said, "It seems that it is not simple."

Lu Chen said calmly, "Go and see first."

I saw Chase Lu leaping forward and preparing to enter the palace, but just as he arrived at the gate of the palace, a black shadow suddenly appeared.

The shadow moved very quickly, and with one palm, it sent Lu Chen flying, and when Lu Chen was about to look at the shadow again, it disappeared.

Seeing this, Lu Chen frowned, "Disappeared?"

The old man took a deep breath, "It's so fast."

Lu Chen also found out, and raised his eyebrows and said, "It seems that we have to study it carefully."

"What do you mean?"

"I want to see how he appeared and how he disappeared." After Lu Chen finished speaking, countless souls dispersed.

But just when Lu Chen's souls were about to rush to the gate of the palace from different angles, a black shadow appeared at the gate.

This black shadow split into countless afterimages at once, and each afterimage just lightly touched the foreheads of those souls of Lu Chen with a finger, and all the souls dissipated, and then the afterimages disappeared.

Seeing this, Lu Chen was startled secretly, "This, it's a bit scary."

"Let's go quickly, I feel that this shadow is not easy to deal with." The old man said worriedly, and Lu Chen took a deep breath, "I still have to try."

I saw Chase Lu fly over again, and this time the shadow appeared again, and the palm of the hand pointed at Chase Lu again, "Boom".

Lu Chen was sent flying again.

Lu Chen was depressed, but he calmed down quickly, and then looked at the palace gate, "Who do you dare to ask? Why don't you show up?"

"If you don't want to die, get out of here." The other party said coldly.

Lu Chen thought for a while and said, "You'd better show up, otherwise, I'm going to make a move."

"Your speed is so slow, you can't touch mine." The other party despised.

Lu Chen smiled immediately, "Then, if I can meet you, will you make way for me?"

"Let's talk if you have the ability." The other party still didn't take Lu Chen seriously, but Lu Chen took a deep breath and said, "Okay, watch it."

I saw Lu Chen passing by again.

However, the opponent reappeared and was about to attack again, and Lu Chen immediately used the space-time swordsmanship.

The most amazing thing about the time-space swordsmanship is that it is fast and can lock onto the target.

So when Chase Lu shot out, the opponent disappeared immediately, thinking that he could avoid Chase Lu's sword, but not far from the palace, a ray of light flashed.

Then the shadow appeared.

It was obvious that the sword just now had hit him, but Shadow didn't care at all, and even said, "Although you attacked me, it wasn't lethal."

"No lethality, it's normal. After all, I just want to see if I can attack you." Lu Chen smiled.

Shadow was suspicious, "Then you can use some lethality."

"Is this what you said?"

"Yes, I said it!"

"Okay!" Lu Chen began to think about how to transform Shenrihuo into sword energy. After all, only Shenrihuo can restrain the opponent.

So after thinking about it there, Chen Lu condensed Shenrihuo, and then used Shenrihuo to perform sword skills, but the power was still too weak.

So Lu Chen joined the power of ghost ring.

In this way, the power of swordsmanship becomes stronger.

So Chase Lu looked at the opponent, and then locked on directly, and the opponent thought he could avoid it easily, but when he disappeared for a while, he was hit from somewhere.


The shadow flew upside down and hit the ground, but got up quickly, and faintly said, "Boy, you are quite capable, but you are still too weak."

"Oh? Too weak? Then, try again?" Chase Lu looked at Shadow with a smile, and Shadow said coldly, "Want to try again? Do you think I will give you another try?"

After finishing speaking, the shadow suddenly came behind Chase Lu, and then slapped two palms with both hands, and Chen Lu immediately felt the godhead and the godhead palace, as if they were shaken by something.

Lu Chen was also beaten into the air.

When Lu Chen got ready, the opponent came back with a few palms, as if killing Lu Chen instantly, but Lu Chen laughed, "Your attack is useless to me."

"It's useless?" The other party didn't believe it.

"Yes, when you hit me with your palms, it didn't have any effect on me." Lu Chen said to himself.

Shadow didn't believe it, so he gathered his strength and planned to destroy Lu Chen.

However, no matter how hard Shadow tried, he couldn't hurt Lu Chen. Instead, Lu Chen laughed, "I think you should give up."

But the shadow came again.

However, Chase Lu is like an undead monster. No matter how much the opponent attacks, Chase Lu will be beaten away at most, and the remaining power will be absorbed when it enters the body.

So Lu Chen smiled as if nothing happened, "Should we continue?"

"Who are you?" Shadow finally couldn't help but said, and Lu Chen said, "Me? Lu Chen, but you don't understand."

Shadow looked at Lu Chen suspiciously from a distance, "Tell me, what are you doing here? And why do you have to enter this palace?"

"Someone, let me wake up some queen, and this queen, I think, should be in this palace?" Lu Chen asked strangely.

Shadow immediately became curious, "Wake up the Queen?"

"Yes, wake up the queen!" Lu Chen said with certainty, but the shadow said, "You are not qualified, let's go."

"Not enough?"

"Yes, to wake up the queen, you must be someone with status, and you are useless except to bear it." The other party's words made Lu Chen dumbfounded.

Shadow didn't understand, he still stared at Lu Chen and said, "What are you laughing at?"

"At least you can't do anything to me, can you?"

"I can't do anything to you, but I can prevent you from going in, and prevent you from getting close to the queen." Shadow said confidently.

However, Lu Chen said, "Really? Then why didn't you find out that my avatar has entered the palace?"

"Going in? Impossible!" Shadow immediately rushed in, intending to search in the palace, and Lu Chen also hurried in with countless souls.

Because the shadow was looking for Chase Lu inside, he had no idea that he was being fooled. (end of this chapter)

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