The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 1927 Advanced ghost art, one thought, one world

Guitu also said to Elder Bone, "Elder Bone, don't worry, our enchantment can rank high in the entire Ghost Cave Domain."

Other elders agreed with this view.

Elder Bone nodded in satisfaction, "I hope."

But at this moment, a voice came from outside, "It's not good, they rushed in!"

"Come in, come in?" Elder Gu stood up excitedly, and the expressions of the others changed drastically, and then there was a commotion in the hall.

Dazed, "What's going on?"

The disciples outside reported, "Yes, it was the primordial spirit who was crazily absorbing the power of the barrier, and then the barrier broke."

"Monster!" Elder Gu cursed, and had no choice but to take everyone out again, to the outside of the main hall, and the Zhang family had already arrived outside the main hall.

Lu Chen Yuanshen even floated there with a smile, "There is nowhere to run now."

Elder Gu stared at Lu Chen, "Boy, do you know what will happen to us if you mess with us?"

"Let me tell you, not to mention Xueyou Palace, even a group of ghosts and fairies today will not be able to save you." Lu Chen didn't take the other party's threats seriously at all, and turned around and teased the other party.

Elder Gu Wohuo looked at Lu Chen, "Okay! We will fight with you today!"

After finishing speaking, Elder Gu took everyone with him, ready to fight Lu Chen, but Lu Chen released Gui Jie and summoned the god of death again at the same time.

The scene immediately became lively again.

Elder Bone wanted to gather several elders to encircle and suppress Lu Chen, but in the end, only himself and Lu Chen Yuanshen were left to face each other.

"Damn it!" Elder Bone cursed.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Come on, don't run away!"

"Escape? I don't intend to!" After Elder Gu finished speaking, he took out the staff again, but the staff buzzed and flew to Lu Chen.

Elder Bone was stunned for a moment, but before he could react, he saw the appearance of "King Qi" and reported, "The soul of the weapon inside is done."

"Very good." Lu Chen smiled, put away the "King Artifact", and then said with the staff in his hand, "This thing can dispel ghosts, right?"

Elder Bone stared, "Yes, but here you are, you don't know how to use it."

"Who said it won't work?"

"I have been refining this staff for tens of thousands of years, but you just got it!" Elder Bone said contemptuously, who knew that the corners of Lu Chen's mouth curled up, and he waved the staff.

The next moment, a black light shrouded the surrounding members of the Guitian Medical Sect, and the spells cast by those people were dispelled one by one, so all defenses were turned into "false".

The Zhang family took the opportunity to attack them, causing countless ghosts to be seriously injured, and Elder Bone stared, "You, you unexpectedly."

"This staff is good." After Lu Chen smiled, he looked at the black skull crystal above, and found that there seemed to be a pair of "eyes" staring at him in the crystal.

But Lu Chen touched the crystal with one hand, and those eyes disappeared, but Lu Chen sneered in his heart, "It seems that this magic weapon is not an ordinary magic weapon."

Elder Gu turned into an afterimage and disappeared, while Chase Lu looked at the people who were still struggling, "You great elders have slipped away, what are you struggling for?"

Everyone thought Lu Chen was joking, but after looking at it, Elder Gu had indeed disappeared, so they lost all fighting spirit and surrendered one by one.

Lu Chen looked at Patriarch Zhang, "Elder Gu probably went to their holy land. As for me, I'll go there now, and help you get the painting back by the way."

The head of the Zhang family was about to thank him, but Lu Chen disappeared in an instant, and Hua Buhui also caught up and disappeared in an instant.

Zhang Jiazhu was startled, "It's so fast."

Fang Guishi even said, "Master, have you heard of Mr. Lu before?"


"After all, he is so powerful. I think you must know something after you have been in the ghost cave for so long." Fang Guishi asked expectantly.

Master Zhang coughed, "What if I say that I don't know anything?"

Fang Guishi frowned, "Really?"


The head of the Zhang family nodded and said, "There is no record of such a miraculous person in our Zhang family. I think he must have just come from the mortal world."

Fang Guishi thinks so too.

However, Chase Lu had come to a cave where bones were piled up everywhere.

Hua Buhui was a little puzzled, "Aren't ghosts or ghosts and beasts in the ghost cave realm? Why are there such things as bones?"

"It looks like a skeleton, but do you really think it is a skeleton?" Lu Chen asked Hua Buhui.

Hua Buhui doesn't understand, "Then this is?"

"In the ghost cave realm, when some people build caves or mansions, they like to decorate with some bones to show how terrible it is, but in fact, most of these bones are made of some stones or other things, and Use them to absorb ghost energy."

"Absorb ghost energy?" Hua Buhui was curious, but Lu Chen hummed, "It's the same as the ghost shore flower you saw before. They all have the same purpose, that is to make the cave have more ghost energy."

Hua Buhui suddenly realized, "The ghost in the ghost cave realm is really good at tossing."

Lu Chen smiled without saying a word, and then flew directly into the cave, followed by Hua Buhui.

After about a while, they came to a place full of "tombstones".

"There is still a tomb here?" Hua Buhui felt miraculous, but Lu Chen smiled, "Is there a problem?"

"Ghosts in the ghost cave realm, do they become after death? Why do we need graves?"

Lu Chen smiled wryly, "Ghosts will also disappear completely."

"Complete death?"

"For example, when I wiped out so many ghosts before, their souls will disappear completely, and they will never exist again. Some guys, who are more nostalgic, or want to commemorate, will erect stone monuments, and the ones in front of them are probably ghosts. It must be a stele owned by some special guys from the Medical Sect."

Hua Buhui nodded, "It's really complicated."

"In the ghost cave realm, there are also spirits and monsters, so the souls of your Qianling Mountain realm after death will also reach this ghost cave realm, but in a different area."

Hua Buhui opened his eyes wide, "Is it true?"

"You don't even know that, do you?"

"I haven't died, I don't know." Hua Buhui replied, but Lu Chen smiled helplessly, "Then you always heard of it?"

Hua Buhui shook his head.

Lu Chen had no choice but to say, "I think, your yin and yang crossing flowers must be fake."

As soon as the voice fell, there were more ghosts around, and the surrounding walls moved, forming a secret room all of a sudden, trapping Lu Chen and Hua Buhui beside the pile of graves.

Hua Buhui frowned, "Is there a formation?"

"It's strange that there is no formation." Lu Chen had expected it, and the elder bone who was hiding in the dark threatened, "Boy, anyone who trespasses into this holy place without authorization will die!"

Lu Chen looked around with a smile, "If you want to scare me with just one word, then I advise you to give up!"

"Boy, be crazy, keep going crazy, you will know how painful it is later." Elder Gu laughed there, but Lu Chen ignored it, and instead looked at the surrounding walls that were gradually compressing the space.

Hua Buhui even went to attack these walls, but the spell hit them, and it didn't have any effect at all.

"If this continues, we will be crushed."

"Don't worry, the formation will eventually have flaws." After finishing speaking, Lu Chen took out a pen and drew on the wall, while Elder Gu laughed, "Boy, do you think you use a broken pen to Can anything be changed?"

Lu Chen laughed there, "Everything can be broken."

"Then let me see how you can change after you are crushed." The other party laughed strangely, and after Lu Chen smiled evilly, he continued to draw there.

I saw that the space was getting smaller and smaller, until Hua Buhui, who was about to lose it, became anxious, "I'm about to lose it."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine soon." Chase Lu finally drew, and then these walls suddenly shone with golden light everywhere, and then "boom", these walls were completely shattered.

Behind these ruins, stood the stunned Elder Bone, and Elder Bone was frightened, and quickly moved back.

Behind Elder Gu, there is a white mist, and within this white mist, there is a person sitting cross-legged.

This person was also carved from a pile of bones, so it looked like a skeleton sitting there, but his eyes were shining with green light, and he said to Elder Bone, "Is it so scary?"

Elder Bone stammered, "Sect Master, this guy is a monster."

"It's not just broken."

"He will also make death." Elder Bone said nervously, but the suzerain said, "Then let's see if he can survive in my world."

Elder Bone was stunned for a moment, "The world?"

At this time, the white mist immediately covered the past, and Lu Chen and Hua Buhui immediately appeared in a forest. At the same time, there were countless ferocious ghosts and beasts around the forest.

Seeing this, Hua Buhui was stunned, "Aren't we in the cave just now? Why did we come to a place with so many ghosts and beasts all at once?"

Lu Chen looked at Hua Buhui, "Would you believe me if I said that we are in someone else's spiritual world?"

"Spirit world?"

"It's a world fabricated by others, and this world can change as his consciousness changes." Lu Chen looked around with a smile.

"so smart?"

"Actually, this is a profound ghost technique."

"Can it be cracked?" Hua Buhui worried, while Lu Chen explained, "He borrowed some fog and his voice, and then let us fall into a unique world."

Hua Buhui frowned, "Does that mean that if we close our eyes and ears, we won't have this feeling?"

"No, but you will be fooled by the other party, and then the other party will attack you." Lu Chen said one by one the peculiarities of this world.

Hua Buhui wondered, "Then what should I do?"

Lu Chen smiled, "The best way to break this kind of ghost technique is to fight the world with the world!"

"What does it mean to fight the world against the world?"

"I also create a spiritual world." Lu Chen laughed, and Hua Buhui asked strangely, "You also create one?"

"I'm good at this, but it takes a little time to prepare." After Lu Chen finished speaking, he remained motionless on the Yuanshen, and then a cloud of black mist dispersed from Lu Chen.

At first, Hua Buhui didn't know what happened, but after the black mist cleared, Hua Buhui saw that the world around him was all black.

Not only that, but in this dark world, she also saw ghosts and beasts outside, and suddenly killed each other.

"What's the situation?" Hua Buhui wondered. (end of this chapter)

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