Lu Chen said as he walked, "The people of Xueyou Palace have already calculated that some places in Jiuyou Continent are relatively fragile, and those places will be the first to be impacted by the power of other worlds, so Xueyou Palace has secretly given those places to Surrounded."

"Could it be that the young master wants to destroy these places?"

"Yes." Lu Chen hummed.

Hua Buhui understood, "That's fine, I'll accompany you for a walk, but you also have to remember what you said, when you pass through the doomsday of Jiuyou, you have to tell me about King Lu Ling."

"Don't worry, there will be!" After Lu Chen finished speaking, he leaped away, and Hua Buhui followed. As for Hei Wangguo, he had no choice but to obediently catch up.


When Lu Chen reappeared, he returned to Nanyou City, the capital of the Nanyou Dynasty.

Because the sky above Nanyou City is a thin place, and according to Gu Jiantian's memory, there are already other hermits lurking in Nanyou City here, but Gu Jiantian doesn't know who the other party is.

Lu Chen can only try his luck to see if he can find the Hermit in advance, and then find out the boundary-breaking formation here.

The Boundary Breaking Formation is a bridge formation used to connect the two worlds. Only when the outer defense of Jiuyou Continent becomes weaker, this formation will have a certain effect, but if there is no such formation, even if the outer defense is weakened, If other worlds want to come over, they will also lose a lot.

So what Lu Chen has to do now is to find out the boundary breaking formation.

And it will take at least several months or even years for this boundary-breaking array from establishment to operation, and this also means that Chase Lu has a lot of time, otherwise when other world forces come over, even if he has the ability to reach the sky, it will be difficult for Jiu The You Continent was saved from a bloody disaster.

So as soon as Lu Chen arrived in Nanyou City, he planned to chat with the Nanyou Kingdom Lord, but who knew that Lu Chen was stopped by the guards as soon as he arrived outside the imperial city.

"Idlers are not allowed to enter here, if you don't want to die, you should leave quickly!" a guard shouted.

"I'm looking for your king." Lu Chen said directly.

"The lord is busy and I don't have time." After the other party finished speaking, they continued to "body" Lu Chen together with other guards, while Hua Buhui smiled and said, "Young master, it seems that these mortals don't take you seriously. what."

Hei Wangguo looked down on these people at all, and even said, "Just kill them, why not?"

Lu Chen glanced at Heiwangguo, who was too frightened to speak immediately. As for Huabuhui, it was not affected, and directly sprinkled pieces of flowers, and then fell on the foreheads of these people.

These people immediately froze one by one.

"Everyone, lead the way." Hua Buhui looked at them with a smile.

These guards turned around stupidly, and then led the way there as if possessed by an evil spirit, but Lu Chen didn't stop him, because this method was really good, so he quickly followed the pace.

Hua Buhui smiled and said, "How about it, am I good?"

Lu Chen didn't speak, but Hua Buhui sighed, "Why are you so cold?"

However, after entering the palace, Hua Buhui's expression changed, "No way?"

Lu Chen also found out that something was wrong, because the people here were all stupid, as if they were all bewitched, and Lu Chen looked at Hua Buhui, and Hua Buhui assured him, "I only controlled these few people. For the rest, I haven't moved."

Hei Wangguo looked at those humans for a while and said, "Are these people poisoned?"

With a leap, Lu Chen landed in front of a person, but the moment the person sensed someone approaching, his eyes turned red immediately, and a demonic aura erupted in his body. dust.

"Looking for death!" Lu Chen directly released the Demon Soul Sword.

The demon soul sword passed through the man's body in an instant, and the man let out a scream, and then fell to the ground. As for the demon soul in the body, it entered the demon soul sword.

I saw that it was a rat demon.

"Let go! Humble human being!" The rat demon screamed in pain, and Lu Chen frowned, "Tell me, what happened here?"

"Here? Of course it is ruled by our mouse demon king!" the other party said frantically.


"That's right, the people here have the figure of our Rat Clan in their bodies." The other party said proudly, and after Lu Chen glanced around, he looked at the few leading the way.

It was found that these people who led the way seemed to be controlled by Hua Buhui, but there were indeed rat monsters hidden in their bodies, but they were well hidden, and they were "weak", so it was almost difficult to detect the monster aura they emitted.

So Lu Chen released the demon soul sword, and the sword wandered around.

After a while, many rat demons were caught, but this naturally alarmed some powerful rat demons.

I saw a guard captain, bringing a group of "guards" over.

The captain looked normal on the surface, but his eyes revealed the shadow of a rat demon, and he said fiercely as soon as he opened his mouth, "Who dares to trespass on the imperial city?"

"Where did the souls of all the people here go?" Lu Chen asked the other party instead.

After the other party was stunned for a moment, he immediately revealed the true face of the rat monster, with a beard growing all over his face, hair on his hands, and a fierce look in his eyes, "Little thing, can you see through us?"

"Say, where did the soul go!"

The other party laughed immediately, "Of course the human soul was eaten by our king!"

"Eat?" the mouse demon said wildly, but Lu Chen's murderous intent flashed, and the demon soul sword flew over directly, but this mouse demon was extraordinary, only black gloves appeared on his hands, and then he quickly grabbed the sword, forcing this The Yaohun sword had no choice but to return to Lu Chen's body.

Then the mouse monster said arrogantly, "Boy, I am a member of the mouse monster family, a fifth-rank warrior! Shu Tai."

The surrounding guards also turned into mouse monsters one after another, and then danced their magic weapons, trying to make Lu Chen look good, but Hua Buhui laughed, "Young master, it seems that you have encountered a group of difficult monsters."

"It's just a bunch of little monsters, garbage!" Lu Chen didn't care at all.

When Shu Tai heard this, he immediately became angry, "How dare you call me trash?"

Lu Chen threw out the sickle directly, and the sickle immediately turned into a net to trap the Shutai.

Seeing this, the other rat demons immediately attacked the net one by one, but they couldn't untie the net, and Shu Tai cursed in the net, "Bastard, how dare you use your magic weapon to bully me?"

Lu Chen ignored him, but released the Demon Soul Sword again.

Those rat demons panicked one by one and retreated one after another, but many of them were still devoured by the demon soul sword, and Hua Buhui, who saw it, said, "Your sword is really powerful!"

Lu Chen stared at Shutai, "Dead or alive, choose one!"

"You think I'm afraid of you?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as the words fell, the Yaohun sword passed through the net and passed through his body, without giving him any chance to resist.

Shu Tai on the Yaohun Sword was furious, "You bastard, let me go!"

"Tell me, where are the human souls here?" Lu Chen knew that this was not a trivial matter, especially since Nan Yao was already considered his disciple, and as a master, he had to know whether she was dead or alive.

But Shu Tai said stubbornly, "I said it all, it was eaten by our king!"

"Really?" Lu Chen would not indulge him, and immediately used the power of the demon soul sword, and then attacked him frantically, so Shutai on the sword screamed again and again, and kept cursing, "My lord, you must I can't spare you!"

Seeing that he was not being honest, Lu Chen had to split his soul and fly into the sword, and then a ghost mark was hit on Shutai, and directly captured his memory.

Then Lu Chen closed his eyes and checked his memory one by one.

Hei Wangguo beside Hua Buhui was curious, "What are you doing, sir?"

"This kid, he plundered other people's memories, and then checked them one by one." Hua Buhui smiled and said, while Hei Wangguo gasped, "So vicious?"

Hua Buhui smiled sinisterly, "You should be glad that you are still useful, otherwise you might end up like this."

Hei Wangguo immediately trembled, "Don't, don't scare me!"

"What are you scaring you for?" Hua Buhui laughed evilly, and Hei Wangguo always felt too scary. As for Lu Chen, he opened his eyes after being in a daze for a quarter of an hour, but his eyes revealed killing intent, "These guys , I'm really tired of living!"

Hua Buhui was curious, "What did you find?"

Lu Chen didn't speak, but took a leap, going deep into the palace, until he came to a tower, and this tower was dark, and there were formations around it, which looked very complicated.

As Lu Chen was about to approach, countless guards in red robes appeared everywhere, and inside these guards, there were naturally a group of rat monsters, and they were relatively advanced rat monsters.

Not only that, but on the top of the tower, there was also a black robed guard.

The guard in black and long robes laughed, "You are so courageous, dare to come and make trouble in the palace?"

"It was you who made the trouble?" Immediately behind Lu Chen, the Demon Soul Sword appeared, but the other party was not afraid, but laughed instead.

"Boy, do you know who I am?" The black robe asked Chase Lu.

"Not interested in."

The man in the black robe said, "I, the Jiuyou Yaoling Rat Clan, one of the four masters under the Tianshu King, the Black Tianshu!"

"Yao Ling?" Lu Chen was very familiar with this place, and then the images flashed through his mind one by one, and he didn't come back to his senses until a while later, "Is it the place where a Jinpeng Yaohuang was sealed?"

Hei Tianshu immediately laughed, "You know a lot?"

Lu Chen said coldly, "You monsters, you should stay in the Yaoling!"

Hei Tianshu laughed and said, "Boy, the outside world is so fun, why do you stay in Yaoling all the time?"

"I don't care why you came out, or who you came out for, but now, it's impossible for you to leave alive!" Chase Lu said bluntly.

Hei Tianshu laughed immediately, and even said to the red-clothed guards around him, "Everyone, did you see that? This human being in the state of transformation dares to provoke us?"

"This kid probably thinks we are weak!" The mouse monster laughed.

"That's because we haven't come out for too long, and no human remembers us!"

"If it weren't for the damned barrier, we would have come out to rule here long ago."

"That's right, it's all because of the enchantment! It made us not famous!"

Lu Chen knew that the barriers mentioned by these demons were similar to the barriers of the Sanhuang Temple, but now these barriers, with the changes in the wilderness and the recovery of the aura, made those barriers weaken accordingly, just like the Nine Emperors. The entire outer barrier of You Continent is the same.

But Chase Lu would not sympathize with them, but directly shot.

However, the moment the Yaohun Sword went out, the guards mutated. (end of this chapter)

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