The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 1083 Unspeakable Concealment

Nan Aotian said with an ugly expression, "In the Youhuang Mountain in the central area of ​​Jiuyou."

"Youhuang Mountain?" Lu Chen finally knew the exact location of the Bone Seizing Alliance, but he didn't know the origin of this Youhuang Mountain

"Yes, Youhuang Mountain."

"Then how to get in and out, you should know?" Lu Chen asked Nan Aotian.

Nan Aotian said solemnly, "Outside Jiuyou Center, there is Jiuyou Tiancheng, and there is a place in this city, which is a hidden place of the Bone Seizing Alliance. If you want to go to Youhuang Mountain, you have to apply there first, and after approval, People will be arranged to send those who want to go.”

"Oh? Do you often arrange people to go to that place?"

"The Bone Seizing Alliance will select some powerful people from time to time, and these people are talented and intelligent, or people with special spiritual roots." Nan Aotian explained one by one.

Lu Chen understood, "Okay, give me your hidden place in Jiuyoutian City."

It's useless for Nan Aotian to hide it now, because his body is out of control at all, but obediently told the specific location.

After taking down the location, Lu Chen looked at Nan Aotian, "That's okay, you go to Jiuyou Tiancheng and wait for me first."

"I go first?"

"Yes, I need you to cooperate with me then." Lu Chen said to Nan Aotian, and Nan Aotian had an ominous premonition.

Lu Chen didn't say much, but after leaving Nan Aotian's body directly, Nan Aotian "slipped" and left Yizimen according to Lu Chen's instructions.

Seeing that Nan Aotian left, but Lu Chen was fine, Linque wondered, "What's wrong with him?"

"Killed away." Lu Chen said casually.

"What? Hit away?" Cardinal thought it was incredible.

"Is there a problem?" Lu Chen asked the cardinal.

Cardinal shook his head, but still thought it was amazing, and Lu Chen stared at Cardinal, "Your father is the master of the sect, right?"

"Yes, but he has long stopped participating in Yizimen, so." Cardinal was deeply afraid that Lu Chen would target his father.

Lu Chen looked at the cardinal with a smile, "I don't like to leave troubles for myself."

"You're not going to attack my father, are you?" Cardinal was startled, and even felt that Chase Lu might strike at any moment.

Lu Chen said, "Don't be nervous."

"and you?"

"I will add a formation at the entrance and exit of the Yizimen, and this formation will make it impossible for people here to enter and exit." Lu Chen explained to Cardinal.

After Linque heard this, his expression changed drastically, "What?"

"Anyway, your father and the others just want to concentrate on cultivation, don't they?" Lu Chen looked at the cardinal with a smile.

Cardinal knew that Lu Chen was already very kind, so she thought about it and said to Lu Chen, "That's fine, you can arrange it."

Only then did Lu Chen clean up his mood and left the mountain, while the cardinals followed.

Now at the foot of the mountain, that Lei Hai thought Lu Chen would die on the mountain, and this Jie also thought so, but Dong Hai still firmly believed that Lu Chen was fine.

As for Yun Zhong, he was anxious and even wanted to go up the mountain to see what was going on.

At this moment, Lu Chen and Cardinal flew over from the mountain.

Seeing that Lu Chen was fine, Lei Hai found it inconceivable, but Yun Zhong stepped forward and said excitedly, "My lord, are you okay?"

"What can I do?" Lu Chen disapproved.

"But that man is said to be terrifying." When Yun Zhong thought about what Lei Hai said, he felt that the man was invincible.

Unexpectedly, Lu Chen said, "He has been scared away by me."

"What? Frightened away?" Yun Chong was startled.

Lu Chen didn't want to explain more, but looked at Lei Hai and Jie, "You stay at Yizimen."

"But that obliterator." Jie trembled when he thought of that terrifying guy.

Not only Jie, Lei Hai is also worried about this obliterator.

Lu Chen said, "Don't worry, I'll set up a security formation for you at the entrance, and within that formation, as long as you don't come out, no one can hurt you."

When the two heard it, they thought it was good, so they asked Lu Chen to prepare.

Lu Chen went to the entrance, and after making a formation, he let the two of them stay here, after all, pay attention to every move here, and then he took Yun Zhong and others and left Yizimen.

After walking out of the one-character door, the cardinal looked at Lu Chen strangely, "Why didn't you leave me inside?"

"Why stay in there?"

"Aren't you afraid of me and Yizimen's gang?" Cardinal asked strangely.

Lu Chen smiled strangely, "One word door, it has no use value."

"What do you mean?" Cardinal was puzzled.

Lu Chen was too lazy to explain, just said, "There are some things you don't need to know."

After finishing speaking, Lu Chen looked at Yun Zhong and the others, "Let's go."

Cardinal stood there in a daze for a long time before leaving.

Seeing that he could leave this foggy forest, Yun Zhong was very excited and said, "Finally, I can leave this ghostly place."

Dong Hai was curious, "Senior, didn't you say you want to destroy Yizimen?"

"Originally, but now, I have found what I want, and they have no value." Lu Chen smiled wickedly.

"Value?" Dong Hai was confused.

Lu Chen didn't explain much, but after walking out of the foggy forest, he looked at Yun Zhong and Dong Hai, "You can all go."

As soon as Yun Zhong heard this, he immediately started to run, but before he left, he reminded Lu Chen, "Master, you should be careful, the dragon envoy of the Demon Elimination Alliance has been staring at you, so she will definitely think of another way against you."

"Come with her." Lu Chen didn't take it seriously at all.

Yun Zhong couldn't help but admire, "Amazing!"

After finishing speaking, Yun Zhong slipped away, and Dong Hai hesitated for a long time before saying, "I want to follow Senior."

"Why?" Lu Chen knew that Dong Hai's identity must not be simple, but he has been reluctant to say it, and now the other party wants to "follow" him, yes, Lu Chen is very curious.

Dong Hai admired, "Senior is so powerful, I want to learn from him."

Lu Chen shook his head, "I think it's better to forget it."

"Don't you think seniors are too stupid?" Dong Hai thought that he was not talented, so Lu Chen looked down on him.

But Lu Chen said to him, "It's not that you are too stupid, but that you have your secret and your life. If you follow me, it will only waste time."

"Me." Dong Hai seemed to have something to hide.

"Do your own thing." Lu Chen said to him.

Dong Hai took a deep breath and said, "Alright then."

I saw Dong Hai leaving in a loss, but before leaving, he said to Lu Chen, "Senior, I will definitely look for you again."

"Anytime." Lu Chen did not refuse.

Then Dong Hai left, but Yan Lian didn't understand, "Why did you let him leave?"

"He and I met by chance, and he hid a lot of things." Lu Chen said to Yan Lian.

Yan Lian was puzzled, "What is hidden?"

"During this journey, he knows a lot of things, not at all what a young man should know." Chase Lu reminded.

When Yan Lian heard it, he felt miraculous and said, "It seems to be true."

"But he didn't want to say more, so I didn't ask too much." After Lu Chen finished speaking, he was about to leave.

Yan Lian didn't ask Lu Chen where he was going, but followed Lu Chen and left.

But when they hadn't left for a long time, they ran into trouble halfway.

(end of this chapter)

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