Since the last time Li Huiying had lunch with her, she would talk to her from time to time.

This time, Li Huiying would work with her.

Lin Wanyu didn't care, she continued to live her life as before.

Among the three children, Dabao returned to school in September 1961.

He studied rocket engines and resumed classes the earliest.

Erbao and Sanbao returned to school a year later than Dabao, starting in September 1962.

When the children returned to school, they all started to get busy.

They had been in college for six years, and the only time they had serious classes was the first year of school.

In 1964, everyone would graduate and be assigned jobs, and they needed to finish all the remaining knowledge before leaving school.

The school had cancelled the winter and summer vacations for students.

Use the vacation time to make up for the courses they had missed before.

Time passed, and it was already 1963.

Today is Sunday, and the children are on holiday.

We will all come back for dinner later.

At this moment, Lin Manyu is sitting in front of the dressing table doing skin care.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Lin Manyu's heart brightens up.

She really hasn't changed much, even though she is almost 40 years old.

But over the years, except for the change in her temperament, everything else is still the same as when she was in her twenties.

After Bai Ye finished washing up and went into the house, he saw his wife sitting in front of the dressing table and smiling happily.

He met his wife's eyes and sat next to her consciously, waiting for her to help him apply the anti-wrinkle cream.

Since last year, his wife found a fine line at the corner of his eye, she had to apply this anti-wrinkle cream to him every day.

However, this cream is really easy to use.

Lin Manyu looked at Bai Ye in front of her, obediently closed her eyes and let her help him wipe his face, with a soft light in her eyes.



"Let's go to Dongdan to buy some pork later. We don't have any meat at home."


After Lin Yuyu and Bai Ye finished breakfast and packed up, they pushed their bicycles out of the courtyard.

It's just the beginning of June now, and the people in the courtyard who don't go to work sit at their doorsteps and chat after breakfast.

The Bai family has lived in this courtyard for many years, except for Li Zeding Qiang's family.

Although they have no deep friendship with other families in the courtyard, they have interpersonal exchanges.

As soon as Lin Yuyu and Bai Ye entered the third courtyard, they saw Wang Chengren coming in.

"Brother Bai, where are you two going?"

Bai Ye smiled, "The children are back today, and we are going to the vegetable market."

When Wang Chengren heard Bai Ye talk about the children, his face was full of smiles.

"Our Guoqiang will hold a wedding in our courtyard next Sunday. Remember to come and support us then."

"We will definitely be there," Bai Ye nodded with a smile.

It was already late to buy meat. As soon as the two of them left the courtyard, Bai Ye took Lin Manyu to Dongdan Vegetable Market.

The natural disaster had just passed and the market was still in the recovery stage.

The country did not dare to grow vegetables in large quantities. Most of the land was planted with staple foods to resist hunger, and there were not many livestock and poultry.

In Dongdan Vegetable Market, Lin Manyu and Bai Ye were standing in front of the meat stall queuing to buy meat.

They did not come early today. When it was their turn, there were only three taels of pork belly, two pig trotters and two pig ears left.

Lin Manyu did not mind buying them all. The pig trotters and pig ears did not need meat tickets.

After she paid the ticket, she left the meat stall with Bai Ye.

The two of them originally just wanted an excuse to take meat out of the space.

When Lin Yuyu and Bai Ye arrived home, the children were already sitting in the yard talking.

"Mom and Dad, you're back."

Lin Yuyu looked at the three children under the awning with joy in her eyes.

The three children in their family were well raised and were already 18 years old.

The eldest son and the second son were both tall and straight. The second son was already 1.83 meters tall, two centimeters taller than his brother.

Sanbao was already 1.68 meters tall, and she was most afraid that her little girl would continue to grow taller.

Under the awning, Lin Yuyu and Bai Ye sat at the bamboo round table drinking jasmine tea.

They looked through the kitchen window and smiled at the three children who were busy cooking inside.

Lin Yuyu gently lay on the rocking chair and looked up at Bai Ye who was sitting on the round stool.

"Aye, why do you think Wang Lai Di wants to marry Wang Guoqiang?"

"It's not that Wang Guoqiang is bad, but she married too close to her parents' home. This time our courtyard will be lively."

Bai Ye looked at his wife, lying leisurely in the rocking chair.

He couldn't help but lie down in the rocking chair next to her and close his eyes.

"In the courtyard, children who have finished high schoolYou can count them on ten fingers. "

"Wang Guoqiang from Wang Chengren's family graduated from high school just like Wang Lai Di, and he himself is still working in an office in a machinery factory."

Wang Chengren works in a coking plant, and Li Guiqin works in a textile factory.

When she married, her parents-in-law were both working.

At this time, it was considered a good family.

"Yeah," Lin Yu nodded with her eyes closed.

"If not, Wang Lai Di would work in our street office after graduation."

"Li Guiqin and his wife might not agree to become relatives with Wang You's family."

When Bai Ye heard this, he opened his eyes and looked at his wife lying beside him.

"Back then, it was you who gave Li Lanying the idea to send food to the teacher in charge of Wang Lai Di's school assignment, right? "

Bai Ye didn't hear his wife talking for a long time. He was about to fall asleep when he heard a faint "hmm" from his wife's mouth.

In the kitchen, Erbao was sitting by the stove washing cabbage.

He looked at his brother and sister who were busy cooking, and warmth flashed in his eyes.

Mom and Dad said that his hands were like the hands of a surgeon and should be well protected.

Now, except for his own clothes, he washes the rest by his father.

When the three siblings are together, his brother and sister also help him protect his hands intentionally or unintentionally.

"Dong Dong Dong"

Lin Manyu was sleeping in a rocking chair when she heard a knock on the moon door.

She yawned and got up. As soon as she opened the door, she saw Li Lanyu standing at the door with the child in her arms.

"Hello, Aunt Yu."

Lin Manyu looked at the little person in Li Lanyu's arms, who was so cute.

"Hello, Jing Xiao too. "

In the kitchen, the three treasures saw their father push the door and come in to cook with them, and doubt flashed in their eyes.

Since last year, if they were at home, their parents would rarely go into the kitchen to cook.

Bai Ye looked at his little girl.

"Your aunt is coming home with your little cousin, go out and say hello."

"Sanbao, wait a moment, accompany your mother to talk to your aunt, and help look after Jing Xiao."

"It's not good for a grown man like Dad to stand around."

When Dabao and Erbao heard what their father said, they knew that they had said hello to their aunt later.

They had to come back quickly and not listen to their mother and aunt chatting outside.

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