Seeing that his attack was actually unscathed to the evil god projection, Abe Qingming was so ashamed that he almost wanted to dig a hole in the ground and bury his head in it.

As a Caster, that is, a magician, he should have a strong magic attack ability, although the construction of a magic workshop can fully reflect this ability, but in front of everyone's eyes, Abe Qingming's inner pride still does not allow him to lose his face.

However, perhaps because of the mentality of inner comparison, Abe Qingming was relieved to see that Heimdall's attack had not been able to cause damage to the evil god projection.

There is a saying that when you are unlucky, you will not feel sad to see that there are people who are unlucky than you.

Today, Abe is such a mentality.

Of course, Abe did not dare to mock Heimdall.

After all, the other party is Odin's son and patron saint, no matter how you look at it, he is Odin's most loyal dogleg, he does not need to offend the other party, otherwise there will be no good fruit to eat.

Thinking like this, Abe Qingming also shifted his target and turned to the ground, those monsters created by the blood projected by the evil gods.

The weirdness and weirdness of these octopus head people have a vitality far beyond ordinary creatures, and the weak ones are obviously weak, but with their strong self-healing ability and huge number, they stick to the Grim Reaper Guard like cowhide candy, and drag their charging steps abruptly, making this desert cavalry with a number of a thousand people as if stuck in a quagmire.

"I'll help you!"

Abe Qingming volunteered and chanted the spell again, and various magic spells of the five element attributes bombarded this group of monsters.

Not to mention, Abe Qingming only promises to deal with strong enemies, but compared to his own weak monsters, he is a heavy punch!

No, with just one face-to-face effort, a large area of octopus monsters fell under the magic attack forever, and could no longer stand up.

Abe Qingming was overjoyed in his heart.

It turns out that I am also useful!

A few joys and a few sorrows.

For Odin, it is not enough to hit the Cthulhu projection hard, the octopus tentacles must be completely eradicated.

But looking at his most powerful loyal dog Heimdall, the attack is not powerful at all, and then look at the useless Abe Qingming, and then look at Anubis, the desert god of death who has a grudge with him, Odin sighed in his heart:

"What kind of god pit teammates I am!"

Odin turned his head to look at Sirius, who had been paddling and fishing, and warned:

"Greedy wolf, you also see now, the situation is not optimistic, how long will you sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight?"

Sirius pouted secretly.

The main thing is that Odin, the king of the gods, has a dark history that is simply innumerable, and betraying allies is as simple as drinking water and eating, so that Sirius does not dare to trust Odin.

However, Sirius has also seen the strength of Odin's pig teammates, and knows that it can only save its disadvantage if it makes a move.

"I'll come too!"

Sirius whimpered, the huge body like a small moon spanned the sky, the huge wolf's head hung low, the blood basin opened wide, sharp fangs were exposed, smooth saliva slipped down the corners of the mouth, and the majestic magic power in the throat continued to condense, and finally converged to form a huge energy sphere and spewed out.


As soon as the energy sphere erupted from the wolf's mouth, it soared to the wind, expanding to a volume comparable to the size of a hundred gymnasiums at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the sphere was surrounded by flowing winds, and the piercing sound of breaking wind pierced the night sky, like a comet falling westward, with a long tail behind it.


The energy sphere bombarded the octopus tentacles.

This octopus tentacle, which was like a pillar supporting the sky, actually trembled violently, and dragged abruptly towards the rear for thousands of meters.

Everywhere they passed, a large number of high-rise buildings were directly knocked into collapse, directly shattered into large and small rubble bursting out in all directions, the asphalt road on the ground was rolled up, and the soil below cut a ravine five or six meters deep, and the longitudinal cracks of the thousand-meter-long ravines were shocking.

I have to say that the greedy Sirius can make Odin extremely jealous, and there is still something.

As soon as the connoisseur makes a move, he knows if there is one.

The heroic spirits led by Odin flashed a thick color of jealousy in the depths of their eyes.

They were already pondering in their hearts that after killing the evil god projection, it would be the turn of Sirius next.

After all, Sirius belongs to the gods of the Far East, and no matter how many of them say, they all belong to the Western god system.

As for Abe Qingming and Yang Ming?

Naturally, they subconsciously ignored the past by Odin.

After the Cthulhu projection restabilized the figure, he was immediately angry.

It shoulders the important mission of the ontology, as long as it continues to increase pollution, it is equivalent to clearly placing the coordinates of the world in front of the ontology, which allows the ontology to descend to the world smoothly.

But these heroic spirits want its mission to fail!

How does this work!

The huge octopus tentacles lifted up, like an iron whip!

In the air, a series of "popping" air explosions, shrill noises, and even the glass windows of surrounding buildings and cars were directly cracked!

The terrifying air pressure rushed to the face, the octopus tentacles had not yet arrived, Abe Qingming's strength was the weakest, and he was immediately blown crooked by the wind, and almost fell from the sky.

This scene immediately shocked Abe Qingming's complexion, and his hands quickly sealed it.


In the next moment, Abe Qingmingfei also retreated underground, ready to avoid a disaster.

Odin also did not dare to carry the all-out blow of the Cthulhu projection, after all, there was still a royal lord behind him who needed protection, and was about to leave, just when he saw Heimdall approaching, he couldn't help but order:

"Heimdall, you came at the right time, hurry up and dodge together."

Heimdall nodded and stepped forward.

Then, before Odin could react, in his surprised and puzzled gaze, Heimdall suddenly took out a golden battle axe and slashed it fiercely on the head, wanting to chop Odin's head off!

"You're crazy!"

Odin's heart jumped and he cursed.

Odin is also worthy of being the king of all gods, at this critical moment, he did not drop the chain, but with the agility of far more than ten meters, he dodged Heimdall's desperate axe, and at the same time clamped his legs around the horse's belly, and the eight-legged Pegasus who shared Odin's heart suddenly agreed, and immediately opened the distance with Heimdall to avoid the other party's dead net breaking.


Seeing that the blow did not kill Odin, Heimdall let out a terrifying laugh and a maniacal look on his face.

"You call me crazy?"

"yes, I've gone crazy a long time ago!"

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