
"Interesting? Are you sure?"

Bai Zhi seemed to be a little bit unconvinced by her ears, and asked in a low voice.

So Li Yang repeated what he had just said.

After confirming that Li Yang's expression was not a joke.

It was Bai Zhi's turn to be confused.

She had never thought that Li Yang would use the word "interesting" to describe her profession.

Looking at Bai Zhi's confused expression, the farmers next to her smiled simply.

"Thank you so much, Miss Bai!"

"If it weren't for you, these lands would probably be abandoned and nothing else could be planted in a short time."

"The warmest time in the north is about to pass. If you miss it, this year's harvest will rot in the soil..."

Several farmers said beside them, with sincere gratitude in their words.

Hearing this.

Bai Zhi's cheeks were slightly red, and she waved her hands repeatedly, not knowing whether it was out of shyness or embarrassment.

And noticed that Li Yang was still looking at her.

Bai Zhi knew that he had understood everything.

After hesitating for a while, Bai Zhi couldn't help but sigh heavily:

"I'm sorry... Li Yang, I have been hiding something from you before."

"I just can't accept the reality until now, and I don't know how to face my profession..."

"I don't know if such a life profession, as an auxiliary in battle, will be accepted by you."

"I often feel that people like me are really qualified to be admitted to Tongxuan Division..."

This girl obviously hasn't figured out her own position because of her lack of experience.

She wants to fight the enemy and sacrifice her life for the country like other people in the family.

She also thinks that since she has become a fertilizer technician, she should not think about unrealistic dreams every day, and should honestly do what a life profession should do.

This mentality of wanting both makes her very twisted.

In fact.

There were a lot of people like this in Tianyun College where Li Yang had been before.

"By the way, when did you awaken your profession?"

Li Yang's question seemed to have nothing to do with what Bai Zhi had just said.

But Bai Zhi didn't think much about it, and answered subconsciously: "About half a year ago."

Li Yang asked again: "What's the level? What level are you now, how many turns?"

Bai Zhi's hand clenched slightly in front of her chest: "After all, it's thanks to you that you used my abundant plants to kill the previous elite monster."

"After gaining assist experience, I also broke through the level 60 mark and completed the fourth turn!"

Li Yang raised his hand, patted her on the shoulder, and smiled slightly: "This is amazing."

"Is it not enough to be gifted for an 18-year-old level 60 fourth turn living profession?"

Bai Zhi was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly explained: "No, these levels are not earned by myself."

She knew very well that the reason why she upgraded so quickly was nothing more than the care of her family since childhood, plus the attention of Tongxuansi.

But Li Yang curled his lips: "6, how many auxiliary professions have you seen that rely entirely on self-killing monsters to level up?"

"Professions are your specialties, not restrictions on you. Your future depends on your choice, right?"

"It seems that the life profession has to hide honestly for a lifetime. According to your idea, wouldn't I, a farmer, have to go back to Yunzhou to farm for the rest of my life?"

Li Yang's profession is a farmer.

And he is currently the only person in China who has completed the fourth job transfer within half a month after graduating from the academy.

There is really no problem for him to say this.

And let's not talk about him.

Just now, there was a Berserker senior who was devoted to scientific research.

Bai Zhi was slightly stunned, and was touched by Li Yang's words in a corner of her heart.

Li Yang also extended his hand at the right time and invited:

"So, I'm going to test some new plants I got after the job change. Do you want to come?"

After hearing this.

Bai Zhi was slightly stunned, then nodded quickly and held Li Yang's hand.


"Steady! Stable!"

"As long as these two people get used to each other over time, their combat power will definitely subvert everyone's cognition!"

In the distance.

Dong Changming, who saw this scene, immediately looked at the other Tongxuan Division officials, and his eyes showed a very happy expression.

Powerful plants that can be used for fighting, plus extraordinary plant enhancement.

These two people were admitted to Tongxuan Division at the same time. How lucky is this? !

They were still worried about what to do if Li Yang and Bai Zhi didn't get along.

Unexpectedly, it went so smoothly!

When the Bai family's banquet started in the evening, they had reason to drink a few more glasses.


After a while,

Li Yang and his party came to an open space some distance from the village.

Originally, they planned to go to the Great Wall of the North to test the power of the monsters.

After asking, they learned that the beast tide on the front line had retreated, and now all the soldiers were out to clean up the battlefield.

There was nothing they could do.

The damage of these plants could only be estimated visually.

But most of Li Yang's plants had to aim at a target.

After thinking for a while, Dong Changming stood up and set an example.

He was a level 86 shadow dancer.

The fifth talent creates a limited-time shadow clone.

The clone will inherit about 90% of the panel attributes of the original body, which is about level 77.

It is higher than the Nether Abyss beast that Li Yang had dealt with, and it is more than enough to be the target of the new plant.

And Bai Zhi also received good news.

She has now completed the fourth transformation and obtained some new powers and talents.

The new talent reduces the energy consumed by her when releasing abundance by nearly 70%.

In the future, she will no longer be sleepy for a whole day after releasing abundance.

And the newly acquired skills are also very exaggerated.

It can hybridize any plant without causing any rejection.

It can easily grow apple-flavored oranges, or potatoes growing on trees...

As for what kind of increase it brings to Li Yang...

That will only be known after trying it.

There is no time to lose.

Dong Changming released his clone and stood on a mound more than a hundred meters away.

Several people nearby also quickly set up cameras and began to record with pen and paper in their hands.

The first one was a heavyweight.

Corn cannon, start!

Li Yang threw out two corn pitcher seeds and placed them side by side.

Then, he superimposed the corn cannon on top.

In an instant, the two large corn cobs on the ground became entangled.

They began to merge together at a speed visible to the naked eye, gradually growing into other shapes.

About five seconds later, a giant corn that was four or five meters long and one person tall suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"Student Li Yang, is this the one you mentioned..."


Dong Changming was first shocked by the outrageous size of this behemoth.

Bending down slightly, looking at the distinct topaz-colored particles on it, he couldn't help but feel curious.

If this thing is replaced with the same amount of explosives...

How powerful would it be?

The person behind him had already recorded the information of the corn cannon through identification.

The surprised expression on his face had not changed since just now.

After they were almost ready.

Li Yang stretched a little and said:

"If you are ready, then, shall I start?"

After getting a positive answer, he lightly snapped his fingers -

"Snap -"

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