The country asked you to farm, you planted corn cannons

Chapter 45: Surprise, ground spike trap

Obviously, Fang Wen and others on the side were also aware of this problem.

The expression on his face showed the joy when he felt happy for Li Yang.

Slowly it turned into contemplation, and then shock.

Li Yang's output has nothing to do with his equipment!

놛Even if all the equipment is removed, the output of those plants will not be affected at all. need to remove it.

Look at Li Yang's current equipment.

Except for the defensive inner armor arranged by the military department for Li Yang before entering the dungeon.

An ordinary white shirt and a pair of black casual pants are basically everything.

Apart from that rather handsome face, there is really nothing noteworthy about his body.

At most, I only wore two life-saving wristbands given to me by the previous president of the Blacksmiths Association.

In comparison, the group of career changers next to them were dressed so flashy.

Dress up like Li Yang and enter this copy.

Either he's a confident guy, or he's a complete lunatic.

꿛껗It’s perfect to have a staff with no fighting power, 녦真놆.

"Okay, let's pack up and get ready to move on."

Li Yang held the staff in his hand and weighed it slightly.

The people around him immediately came to their senses, responded quickly, and regrouped to continue on their way.

On Li Yang's side, he raised the shadow staff thoughtfully and pointed it at the trees on one side.

"What's wrong? Li Yang?"

Fang Wen noticed Li Yang's strange movements and walked over curiously to ask.

Li Yang nodded and said slowly:

"This piece of equipment seems to be more beneficial to me than I imagined."

Fang Wen was stunned for a moment: "What do you mean?"

Li Yang pointed to the thorns that had grown out of nowhere in the shadow of the tree in the distance, and said:

"Look over there."

"With my power, I can't throw the seeds that far."

"But with the help of the staff, I can place the plants directly there."

"The description of the staff says it can control shadows, but I didn't expect it to be used in this way..."

Fang Wen was startled, her expression a little confused.

At the same time, in the office of Yunzhou Municipal Government Building.

Mayor Zhang Mingshu also nodded slightly, held his hands and murmured:

"Did you use the characteristics of the shadow staff to extend your attack distance?"

"Although there is no novel usage, with Li Yang's ability, you can indeed do many unexpected things."

"Hey, Old Wei, didn't you say that when Li Yang leaves, you want to give him something to remember him for?"

"I think it's better to give 놛 some props and accessories that can extend the attack distance. 놛 shouldn't refuse."

Wei Congfeng, who was sitting on the other side, did not reply.

꿛껗 has already opened the software of Yunzhou official auction house and started looking for similar things for Li Yang.


"Bagya Road!"

"Where do all these magical beasts come from?"

"It's so damn good!"

When Li Yang had regained his strength and started to push deeper.

The Sakura Country team, which originally planned to launch a surprise attack, was able to deal with the group of monsters brought by Li Yang.

Looking at the report from the professional system in front of me that Huaxia has successfully defeated the second BOSS.

Ninja Sasaki, who was responsible for monitoring the movements of the Chinese team, also sent back the news that Li Yang had opened the shadow staff from the treasure chest.

As the captain, Fukuhara Yuji was so angry that he gritted his teeth: "Damn it, if those monsters hadn't caused trouble, we would have been behind those Chinese job transfers now!"

"If we were lucky enough, we should have accepted this shadow staff!"

"Bagya Road!"

The scout responsible for maintaining contact with Sasaki ran back from the front and bowed to Fukuhara Yuji:

"Fukuhara 꺶 native! Mr. Sasaki said that the Chinese side is ready to move forward!"

"Continue to attack at our pace. I think it won't be long before we can defeat the final BOSS."

"Until then..."

Although he did not continue speaking, Fukuhara Xiong was fully aware of the consequences.

If this rate continues, before the main team from Sakura Country can defeat the second BOSS, Huaxia will have completely completed the strategy and come home victorious.

We have done so much to guide this dungeon, if even the most basic victory cannot be guaranteed...

We will have no face to face our compatriots!

"No, we can't wait any longer!"

"Everyone in the team, speed up! Rush to the Chinese team immediately to create a disturbance and create opportunities for Mr. Sasaki to assassinate that special talent!"

Yuji Fukuhara gave the order, and the team members around him responded in unison: "Hi!"

Then they activated their acceleration skills together and flew towards the direction provided by Sasaki.

A group of people no longer hide their murderous intent, and have reached a state where they are completely determined to win at any cost.

Even the nearby monsters were forced back by this momentum, hiding in the nearby trees and not daring to show themselves.

The faces of every Sakura job transferee are full of extremely determined expressions. They are willing to do anything for their own Sakura country!


Within five minutes, we were stopped halfway by the plants Li Yang had arranged in advance.

The wall of nuts wrapped in pumpkin heads is densely packed, blocking every path that can be crossed.

The rest of the loopholes that could have been drilled through were all tightly filled with thorns that had never been used before.

[Thorns: Each planting consumes 100 points of sunlight, and the cooldown is 7.5 seconds]

[Plant characteristics: Thorns will attach to any surface that can be attached, cannot be destroyed by conventional attacks, will automatically grab nearby enemies, and extend spikes to cause fixed damage to enemies below level 60 (this limit will increase with the increase of professional level)...]

Some timid guys tried to cross, and after stepping on those plants that looked like clothes, they were instantly tied up by the vines that spread out from the surface and could not break free.

A large number of white spikes burst out from those vines, and each one was enough to kill them!

"Damn it! A trap!"

"This is a trap set by the plant summoner in advance!"

"No, why didn't Sasaki tell us in advance?"

"Damn it! Damn it!"

The ninja named Sasaki who was in charge of monitoring certainly couldn't tell them.

Because all these plants were secretly set up by Li Yang using the shadow staff.

After leaving a certain distance, he gave the order to let these plants start growing.

Even though Sasaki had been staring at Li Yang, he couldn't guess what Li Yang had done without knowing the principle of his ability.

Fushihara Yuji fiercely used the samurai sword in his hand to cut off a white spike that stretched out and withdrew from the attack range of the spike.

Looking at nearly half of his teammates trapped in front of him, he angrily said:

"Those who can still move freely, follow me to take a detour!"

"There is no time to waste now, we must stop the Chinese job changers from advancing further!"

"At any cost!"

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