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"Let's go back to the hotel and put the luggage first."

Luo Yun thought for a while and then spoke.

Although they had slept for a long time on the plane, they still had to go back to the hotel to put the luggage before going out for food, drink and fun.

The car that Chen Bin prepared for Luo Yun was an extended version of Rolls-Royce.

Luo Yun was also quite curious about this car.

Legend has it that when a high-end Rolls-Royce car is driving, the tires have been specially treated and appear to be stationary.

Luo Yun was in a playful mood and asked Liu Tian to drive the car around.

Sure enough, when this extended version of Rolls-Royce is driving, no matter how fast it runs, the wheels seem to be stationary!

Even when turning, they are still!

It looks full of technology.

Li Kexin and Zhao Xiaoqian on the side looked at Luo Yun helplessly.

Sure enough, no matter how old a man is, no matter how powerful he is, he will retain a childlike and playful heart.

And Luo Yun, who had played enough, couldn't stand the heat in the air. , and quickly pulled Li Kexin and Zhao Xiaoqian to the car to blow the air conditioner.

In the summer in Sanya, even in the evening, there are gusts of hot wind.

People are a little upset due to the heat.

But after arriving at the hotel, all of Luo Yun's upsets were swept away!

The seaside hotel under the tropical scenery, the air is filled with a faint smell of sea water, and the huge coconut trees are lush and green, which embellishes the coastline very beautifully.

White clouds are floating in the sky. From a distance, these white clouds in the sea and sky look very beautiful.

Looking at such a beautiful scenery, Luo Yun suddenly felt relaxed and happy.

The hotel that Chen Bin prepared for Luo Yun is naturally not an ordinary fast hotel.

Boston Seaview Hotel is one of the best seven-star hotels in Sanya! It is also one of the few seven-star hotels in China.

Moreover, it was built very recently, and both the facilities and equipment and the service level are the highest in the world!

"Hello, are you Mr. Luo?"

As soon as Luo Yun stepped into the hotel lobby, the waiter who had been prepared on the side saw the Rolls-Royce and hurriedly came to greet him.

It must be said that the service level of the seven-star hotel is really impeccable.

Their front desk will enter the license plate number of Luo Yun's vehicle in advance, and then send someone to meet him at the gate in advance.

Especially for big customers like Luo Yun, who booked a whole floor of rooms at one time, their service attitude is even higher.

"It's me."

Luo Yun nodded, and the waiter quickly instructed the parking attendant next to him to take the car keys from Liu Tian and drive the car to a special parking lot:

"Mr. Luo, before you travel, please call the front desk and we will drive the car to your door. If necessary, we can also provide driver service and tour guide service."

"No need, I have a driver."

Luo Yun shook his head slightly.


The waiter was a little confused.

He carefully glanced at the people around Luo Yun.

The life of rich people is different. When they go out to play, they are not only accompanied by beautiful women.

They even bring their own drivers....

Is this the happiness of rich people?

Soon, under the guidance of the waiter, Luo Yun also came to the top floor of the hotel.

The rooms outside this floor were all occupied by the employees of Xiangyun Investment and Kexin Media.

Most of them were ordinary people before, and naturally they did not have the money to come to such a high-end hotel.

In addition, most of the employees in Xiangyun Investment are boys, and most of the employees in Kexin Media are young ladies.

Everyone was still a little restrained on the plane.

After arriving in Sanya, feeling the tropical atmosphere, everyone also let go, playing and laughing with each other in twos and threes.

There were even several couples who fell in love with each other and began to exchange glances.

And at this time.

Luo Yun, Li Kexin and others also took the elevator and walked in


"Boss, you are here!"

"Mr. Li!"

Suddenly, the employees below looked at the two of them and immediately began to get a little nervous.

They put away their previous playful smiles.

"Well, everyone, have fun. We are here for vacation. You don't have to worry about me and your CEO Li."

Luo Yun smiled and took Li Kexin and Zhao Xiaoqian into the innermost VIP presidential suite.

Li Kexin and Zhao Xiaoqian, with a hint of shyness in their beautiful eyes, lowered their heads and followed Luo Yun in shyly.

Liu Tian and Liu Yubai also stayed in a room on both sides of the presidential suite.

"Hey, hey, hey, everyone, what's going on with Luo Yun? How did he suddenly become the boss of Xiangyun Investment?"

"Yes, yes! Wasn't he a security guard at Kexin Media before? What's going on now?"

"And look at Mr. Li and Zhao Xiaoqian, their relationship with Luo Yun...why is it a little unclear?..."Ahem!"

Seeing Luo Yun walking into a room with Li Kexin and Zhao Xiaoqian, the employees of Kexin Media were immediately in an uproar!

You know, these employees are all old employees of Kexin Media.

At the beginning, in their impression, Luo Yun was just a small security guard of the company.

But everything that happened later was beyond everyone's imagination!

The ordinary Luo Yun not only drove an extended version of Maybach, but also became the boss of Xiangyun Investment!

The most terrifying thing is that Xiangyun Investment has sucked hundreds of billions of M gold in the U stock market!

And now, Luo Yun not only has an ambiguous relationship with their boss Li Kexin, but also seems to have an unclear relationship with Zhao Xiaoqian!

The most terrifying thing is. Li

Kexin and Zhao Xiaoqian don't seem to reject each other's existence!

The three of them even lived in a room openly! What is going on here? These old employees of Kexin Media are completely confused.

"We are boss...I don't know much about it. Mr. Chen is in charge of the company's daily affairs, and the boss rarely contacts us directly.

Seeing the puzzled eyes of the employees of Kexin Media, the employees of Xiangyun Investment also shook their heads.

They said that they didn't know much about Luo Yun.

"Oops, let’s not discuss the bosses’ business! It’s getting late, let’s go out and play!"

"That’s right, let’s go! We finally came to Sanya, let’s go out and have fun!"

The employees returned to their previous playful state, and took the elevator to go out to have fun in groups of two or three.

At this time, Luo Yun, Li Kexin and Zhao Xiaoqian were in the presidential suite, and they were a little embarrassed.


PS: Thank you for your support~!

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