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"Holy shit!? It’s over already!?"

"The five professional players on the opposite side were actually defeated in just 19 minutes! ?"

"This, this game is over just like that!? Isn't this too fast!?"

"What's going on in this game!? Luo Yun's Yasuo is too powerful!?"

"Why do I feel like I'm watching a king level player go to the gold league to level up and play fish?..."

All the viewers who watched the friendly match live felt as if their worldview had been impacted!

A single kill in the lane, 1v2 double!

Crazy roaming, crazy kills!

Then he led his teammates to push down the opponent's base in 19 minutes!

And the opponents were five professional players!!

You said this Yasuo was only at the gold level! ?

What a joke!!

The number one jungler in the Korean server can't do this! ?

"End, end?"

UZI looked at VN who had just bought a Ruined King and Attack Speed Boots, and even hadn't bought the Sheep Knife yet, and he was completely lost in thought....

Is this game over just like that?

"boss...Why don't you become a professional and make a name for yourself, but stay here as a small boss?"

Luo Yun:"......Get out! You are the small boss! Your whole family is the small boss!"

For Luo Yun, playing games is just a pastime.

It's okay to play occasionally, but if he is asked to play professionally, forget it.

The friendly match ended perfectly, and then the live broadcast perspective switched to the stands.

Chen Bin also came out from the backstage and introduced XYG's home stadium in front of tens of millions of viewers again.

From now on, XYG's games will be held in this stadium!

And the other parts of this stadium are still under construction!

And it is expected to be completed within two months, and then it will apply to host the S10 World Championship!

Afterwards, Chen Bin elaborated on Xiangyun Investment's plan to acquire other live broadcast platforms such as Douyu, and merge these platforms with the Huya live broadcast platform into a new live broadcast platform!

In short, Xiangyun Investment is going to take action. Integrate all the live broadcast platforms in the country, integrate them together to form the largest live broadcast platform!

Immediately, it caused a sensation on the entire network!

You know, although there were rumors on the Internet before, saying that Penguin was preparing to integrate the major live broadcast platforms and merge them into one.

But that was just a rumor after all.

If you want to do this, the funds required are too much!

Not only do you need to pay a large amount of money to the live broadcast platform.

You also need to pay a large amount of signing fees to all the anchors on each platform!

As well as the maintenance and operation costs and wages on weekdays, these are huge numbers!

Even for Penguin, it is difficult to come up with so much money at once.

After all, although Penguin is a big family, its expenses are also high!

Taking out so much money at once may cause its own capital chain to break. There is a problem!

And Chen Bin took advantage of this opportunity to directly announce it on the entire network.

What you, Penguin, have been hesitating about for so long, I, Xiangyun Investment, did directly!

Now it has left a preconceived impression in front of all the live broadcast viewers!

In this way, Penguin, who was a step slower, directly lost the initiative!

It has to be said that Chen Bin’s move was indeed fast, accurate, and ruthless!

After the friendly match was over, while so many viewers were still in the live broadcast room, he announced the news!

It directly caused a sensation on the entire network! For a while, the entire network was full of discussions about Xiangyun Investment’s preparation to acquire Douyu and other live broadcast platforms, and integrate all the live broadcast platforms together!

Suddenly, Penguin’s operations department panicked!

They wanted to apply for funds from the headquarters immediately to increase the acquisition of major live broadcast platforms. The strength of the shares of the live broadcast platform!

However, for a large group like Penguin, there are too many procedures to go through if it wants to approve a batch of funds, and a large amount of funds!

But Chen Bin is different!

Within a week after the friendly match, Chen Bin directly used 10 billion RMB funds to acquire shares of major live broadcast platforms in large quantities!

In addition to Douyu, Chen Bin did not let go of second-tier live broadcast platforms such as Zhanqi and YY! He even directly started to acquire the horn of Penguin's direct live broadcast platform-Penguin E-sports!

After all, the shares of Penguin E-sports are not all in the hands of Penguin.

Although Penguin's operations department also wanted to fight back, it was difficult for a good cook to cook without rice.

There was no money in hand, so he could only watch Chen Bin conquer the city, and he had no way to do anything!

At this time, Luo Yun, after handing the matter over to Chen Bin to handle it, was ready to take the company's old employees and some employees of Kexin Media on his private plane to Sanya to have a good rest.

During this period of time, whether it was a stock war with the U-country financial sector or the formation of a LOL team, Luo Yun was very busy.

Taking this opportunity, he naturally wanted to have a good rest.

In addition, he had promised before that he would take the company's employees to participate in team building.

However, since Chen Bin also needed a certain amount of manpower to help him acquire major live broadcast platforms,

Luo Yun brought the company's previous employees this time. As for the new employees who joined these days, Luo Yun also promised them that after the integration of this live broadcast platform was completed, the company would pay for Chen Bin to take them out for team building.

"Xiaoqian , are you done packing? Why are you taking so long?"

Downstairs of Zhao Xiaoqian's house, Luo Yun and Li Kexin were sitting in the car, drinking drinks from the car refrigerator while calling Zhao Xiaoqian upstairs.

���She had just finished shooting two short videos at the company, and then hurried home to pack her clothes.

Luo Yun and Li Kexin could only wait for her downstairs.

Luo Yun also saw how much trouble a girl had to go through before going on a long trip. She had been upstairs for more than half an hour, and she was nowhere to be seen.

"I'm coming! Why are you rushing me?"

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Xiaoqian hurried over with a big suitcase:

"I have been so busy these days. My Douyin account has gained followers so quickly that I shot several more short videos and saved them for when I go to Sanya!"

During these few days, Zhao Xiaoqian has been invited by Luo Yun to serve as a part-time host at the XYG home stadium, so her popularity has skyrocketed!

Now her number of fans is almost catching up with Luo Yun.

"Luo Yun, which flight did you book? We shouldn't miss the flight, right?"

Li Kexin also looked helpless and asked

"I'm not afraid of missing the flight."

Luo Yun smiled and shook his head:

"Our own plane is late, so let them wait."


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