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"These female fans are so violent!"

In the backstage of the competition venue, PDD looked at the comments on the live broadcast on his mobile phone and felt sick.

The two small eyes on the fat face looked at Luo Yun with envy:

"I say, brother Luo, being handsome comes with benefits!"

"Hahaha! I am helpless too!"

Luo Yun shrugged his shoulders, saying helpless, but his expression was very proud!

Suddenly, the other contestants in the backstage booed!

Soon, Zhao Xiaoqian in front also finished introducing XYG's home stadium.

The ten contestants who were ready for the friendly match in the backstage also sat down in the competition seats in front of the stage.

The ten computers were divided into two groups, 50-50, and the contestants of the two teams also sat down respectively.

"Boss, choose a more stable player and lie down, I will be the C!"

As soon as he sat in front of the computer, UZI was completely different and became serious.

His eyes were full of sharp light!

"Boss? Brother Luo, you are not really the boss of Xiangyun Investment, are you?"

PDD Duojian, he heard UZI's name for Luo Yun.

He looked over curiously.

The other two players of the red team, Xigua and Dai Xiaomei, also looked over curiously.

In their eyes, Luo Yun is definitely a mysterious person.

First of all, he is a big internet celebrity with tens of millions of fans on Douyin!

And most of his fans are young and beautiful ladies.

Secondly, Luo Yun also spent 15 million to buy a jade rough stone at an auction in the name of Kexin Media.

After the stone was opened, a piece of ice jadeite was directly opened.!

It was sold for 150 million!

Later, Luo Yun represented Xiangyun Investment and won a team quota in the LPL team quota auction!

And now, Luo Yun is actually called the boss by UZI, and UZI's team XY has been confirmed to be the team under Xiangyun Investment!

And it is obvious that this event was initiated by Luo Yun! And this newly built competition venue should also be Luo Yun's masterpiece!

So, what is the relationship between Luo Yun and Xiangyun Investment! ?

Yun Investment, which has hundreds of billions of M gold, can't really belong to Luo Yun! ?

"Okay, the game is about to start, let's play the game seriously first!"

However, Luo Yun shrugged his shoulders, looking noncommittal.

At this time, the players from both sides also entered the game!

Since it was a friendly match, it was naturally not as strict as a regular match.

After both sides banned a hero, they began to select players.

After some discussion, PDD directly VN a hero on the first floor!

"WTF!? VN? So cool!?"

"Hahahaha UZI is getting serious! He even took out his VN!"

""Oh my god! UZI's VN is here!"

All the fans who saw the VN hero were excited!

This is a hero that can make people extremely excited!

Because this hero is extremely difficult to operate, but it also has a very high upper limit and endless possibilities!

A good VN can fight five alone!

A bad VN may also die directly in a team battle!

And UZI's VN clearly treated it as if there was no support in this game and wanted to play by himself!

When UZI took out VN, Smile and Curly were naturally not to be outdone!

They took out the current version of the very strong bottom lane combination, Kalista and Thresh!

This bottom lane Shadow Island combination is very powerful. Whether it is the early laning or the mid-term team fight, it can be called a T1-level bottom lane combination!

Especially in the early stage, it is naturally the best to suppress the weaker VN in the laning phase!

"cough cough..."Dog Lord, what do you choose?"

As the assistant of Xiaogou in this friendly match, Dai Meier was also trembling.

First, she was afraid that she would be blasted by many fans if she failed Xiaogou.

Second, she was also a little afraid of the father and son combination of Smile and Curly.

"cough cough...Why don't you just pick a cat! Just hang on me and don't die...."

UZI was indeed a bit helpless.

After all, the strength on paper was indeed much worse than that of the opponent.

Especially his own support, Dai Xiaomei, who was OK in platinum games on weekdays.

When he met Wei Xiao, a master who still maintained the level of the Korean server king even after retiring for so many years.

It was indeed a bit stretched.

As for the hero Cat, in fact, if it was replaced by any normal support, UZI would not let him choose it.

After all, when facing the two heroes Kalista and Thresh, the cat can only ensure that he will not die, and the help for ADC is almost zero.

At most, it can only add blood to himself and slow down the opponent!

And the cat has a very serious hidden danger, that is, when facing Kalista and Thresh, as long as the opponent's jungler is a little ruthless and crosses the tower.

Then VN Cat has almost no ability to resist!

It can only rely on UZI's walking and operation to hard line!

But this is also a helpless way, after all, when the cat is on the line, it can hide in UZI's VN body.

If Dai Xiaomei was left alone outside, she would probably become a magnet and be killed by Curly's Thresh's crazy Q.

After Dai Xiaomei chose Cat, Xigua also chose Gragas, his best hero.

The opponent also chose Jungle Spider and Mid-lane Zed, two mid-jungle heroes with super strong confrontation ability!

"Damn! This Doib! That's too much! Why didn't he pick Galio this time? Boss, you...Be careful!"

After seeing these two heroes, UZI was immediately overwhelmed!

VN heroes, to be honest, are not afraid of Galio, a somewhat clumsy mid-lane.

Although Galio's ability to cooperate with the jungler to cross the bottom lane tower is very strong in the early stage, Spider, Thresh and Kalista are already strong enough!

Every time they come to the bottom lane, they will almost die!

One Galio is not bad!

And if DOinb chooses Galio, Luo Yun can fight better when he is laning in the middle lane.


As soon as the hero Zed showed up, Luo Yun was in trouble!

UZI had expected that the boss would be unhappy after he was killed.

Suddenly, UZI felt a pain.

"...Damn, this Kim Tae-sang, is he a bully who only picks on the weak and fears the strong? ? When he plays in a game, he picks Galio or Karma, and when he plays against me, he picks Zed!"

Luo Yun was also helpless when he saw the Zed that Doinb picked.

"Damn it, you forced me to do this!"

Lu Yun gritted his teeth and said angrily:

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